Девальвация рубля сделала российские товары опасными для соседних стра перевод - Девальвация рубля сделала российские товары опасными для соседних стра английский как сказать

Девальвация рубля сделала российски

Девальвация рубля сделала российские товары опасными для соседних стран. Как стало известно "Ъ", Казахстан всерьез обсуждает запрет или ограничения на поставки из РФ ставших слишком дешевыми нефтепродуктов, автомобилей, металла, курятины, муки, соков и кондитерских изделий: их казахские производители теперь не могут конкурировать по ценам с российскими. Для компаний РФ поставки в Казахстан не слишком большой бизнес, но подобные решения прямо угрожают экономической интеграции двух стран.

Сегодня должны состояться консультации по решению проблем во взаимной торговле между Казахстаном и Россией, сообщили источники "Ъ" в Минсельхозе, Евразийской экономической комиссии и на рынке пищевой продукции. По их словам, Астана настаивает на введении запрета или ограничений на поставку ряда продукции из России в связи с угрозой внутреннему рынку Казахстана из-за девальвации рубля (по отношению к тенге — на 47%). Речь идет о нефтепродуктах, автомобилях и аккумуляторах для них, строительной арматуре, кабельно-проводниковой продукции, стеклотаре, мясе и яйцах курицы, макаронных и кондитерских изделиях, муке и соках. Источник "Ъ" в Минсельхозе говорит, что переговоры идут уже неделю и "достаточных обоснований для введения ограничений не представлено". Статистика Таможенного союза не подтверждает резкий рост импорта российской продукции в Казахстан, уверяет чиновник. Но, признает он, статистика не учитывает мелкооптовых партий и объемов, ввозимых физлицами.

"Основные дополнительные импортные объемы из России проходят по режиму ненаблюдаемой торговли, поэтому это неконтролируемо и учету не поддается",— подтверждает казахский чиновник.

По словам собеседника "Ъ" в Минсельхозе, сейчас эксперты двух стран уточняют объемы и ценовые параметры импорта.

Национальная палата предпринимателей Республики Казахстан (НППРК) предлагает правительству страны установить полный запрет на импорт российского куриного мяса, так как средняя ввозная цена на эту продукцию снизилась с 760 тенге до 380 тенге за 1 кг. При этом только себестоимость казахской курятины составляет 400 тенге. По словам главы исполкома Национальной мясной ассоциации Сергея Юшина, в 2014 году из России в Казахстан поставлено более 40 тыс. тонн мяса курицы. Он признает, что российская курятина "высококонкурентна" при оптовой цене в РФ на уровне 105-108 руб. за 1 кг.

Однако, подчеркивает Сергей Юшин, Казахстан, входящий в Таможенный союз, мог бы сократить объем поставок из третьих стран (квота в 2014 году составила 110 тыс. тонн). В то же время, уточняет замначальника экономического прогнозирования Газпромбанка Дарья Снитко, в Казахстан идет не более 1% общего объема производства российской курятины. По сути, поясняет эксперт, ограничения затронут лишь несколько конкретных компаний. Импорт яиц, цена которых только с начала года упала на 20%, Казахстан хочет ограничить квотой в 500 млн шт. Цена на муку первого сорта казахских производителей достигает 95 тенге за 1 кг, тогда как 1 кг российской стоит 65 тенге. В связи с этим НППРК считает необходимым установить квоту либо полностью закрыть российский импорт. Также ограничить квотой планируется ввоз российской соковой продукции, цены на которую ниже казахской в среднем на 25-30%.
Общий импорт нефтепродуктов в Казахстане в 2014 году составил 1,7 млн тонн, в том числе 1,1 млн тонн из России. Сейчас, говорят участники рынка, поставки нефтепродуктов начали расти: пошлинами и акцизами они не облагаются, а из-за девальвации рубля стоимость российской продукции примерно на 30% меньше, чем казахской. Увеличивают отгрузки Уфимский НПЗ "Башнефти", Орский НПЗ "Русснефти" и "Газпром нефтехим Салават", уточняет один из собеседников "Ъ". "Мы объясняем, что поставляют компании, а не Россия, повлиять напрямую мы на них не можем",— поясняет он. Собеседники "Ъ" говорят, что Казахстан хочет ввести ограничения на импорт российских нефтепродуктов на полгода. "Но насколько это реально — вопрос, восполнить дефицит собственными мощностями Казахстан вряд ли сможет",— отмечает собеседник "Ъ".
О возможности ограничения поставок в Казахстан автомобилей (85 тыс. легковых машин 2014 году) в среду уже упоминал замминистра по инвестициям и развитию страны Альберт Рау. "Казахские автодилеры серьезно обеспокоены ситуацией, сложившейся в декабре, когда на фоне падения курса рубля в Казахстан хлынул поток дешевых автомобилей из России",— говорит один из источников "Ъ" на авторынке. В конце 2014 года российские дилеры констатировали масштабные закупки автомобилей в целом из стран СНГ. Резко возросший импорт угрожает в частности сборочным проектам в Казахстане — на мощностях "Азия Авто" в Усть-Каменогорске выпускаются Skoda, Chevrolet, KIA и Lada 4x4. А на СарыаркаАвтоПром производят SsangYong и Iveco, а также внедорожник Toyota Fortuner. Сейчас, утверждают источники "Ъ", речь идет об ограничении в первую очередь серых продаж, а не официальных поставок заводов, которые могут влиять на конечные цены. Но механизм пока не понятен. По данным собеседников "Ъ", Астана рассматривала различные варианты от лицензирования поставщиков машин и внесения особых отметок в техдокументацию автомобилей, о том, что они пришли от официального поставщика, до введения прямой квоты на поставки, в том числе официальные.

Казахстан не впервые пытается ограничить импорт из России. В ноябре Астана вводила запрет на поставки российской водки, пива и пивных напитков, мотивируя это их несоответствием новым требованиям по маркировке импортных товаров. Но действие ограничений продлилось всего несколько дней: после консу
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ruble devaluation made Russian goods dangerous for neighbouring countries. As it became known to Kommersant, Kazakhstan is seriously discussing a ban or restrictions on deliveries from Russia have become too cheap oil products, automobiles, metal, chicken, flour, juice and pastry: the Kazakh manufacturers can no longer compete on price with the Russian. For Russian companies in Kazakhstan is big business, but such solutions directly threaten the economic integration of the two countries.Today consultations should take place to address the problems in mutual trade between Kazakhstan and Russia, "Kommersant" informed sources in the Ministry of agriculture, the Eurasian Economic Commission and on the market of food products. According to them, Astana insists on imposing bans or restrictions on shipments of some products from Russia in response to the threat of internal market of Kazakhstan because of the devaluation of the ruble (relative to tenge is on 47%) of petroleum products, vehicles and batteries for them, building fittings, cables and wires, glass bottles, meat and eggs, chicken, pasta and confectionery products, flour and juice. "b" Source in the Ministry saidthe talks come a week already and "sufficient justification for the imposition of restrictions not provided". Statistics of the Customs Union does not confirm the sharp increase in the import of Russian products in Kazakhstan, said the official. But, he admitted, the statistics do not take into account wholesale shipments and quantities imported by individuals."The major additional import volumes from Russia are held under the regime of the non-observed trade, so it's uncontrollable, and cannot be," the Kazakh official confirms.As said by the interlocutor of Kommersant in the Ministry, experts from the two countries say the volumes and prices of imports.The National Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NPPRK) suggested that the Government impose a total ban on the import of Russian chicken meat as the average import price for these products has dropped from 760 tenge up to 380 tenge per 1 kg. The only cost of chicken is 400 tenge. According to the head of the Executive Committee of the National meat Association Sergei Yushin, in 2014 year of Russia in Kazakhstan supplied more than 40 thousand. tons of chicken meat. He acknowledges that the Russian chicken "vysokokonkurentna" when the wholesale price in Russia at 105-108 USD for 1 kg.However, underlines Sergei Yushin, Kazakhstan, a member of the Customs Union, could reduce the amount of imports from third countries (quota in 2014 year was 110 thousand tons). At the same time, said the Deputy Head of the economic forecasting Gazprombank Daria Snitko in Kazakhstan is not more than 1% of the total Russian chicken. In fact, the expert explained, the restrictions affect only a handful of specific companies. Import of eggs, of which only since the beginning of the year, fell by 20%, Kazakhstan wants to limit the quota to 500 million units. The price of flour of first class manufacturers reaches 95 Kazakh tenge per 1 kg, while 1 kg of the Russian stands 65 tenge. NPPRK therefore considers it necessary to set a quota or completely close the Russian import. Also limit the quota to import Russian juice products, the prices of which below the Kazakh on average 25-30%.Total imports of petroleum products in Kazakhstan in 2014, amounting to 1.7 million tons, including 1.1 million tons from Russia. Now, say market participants, supplies of petroleum products began to grow: duties and excises, they are, but because of the devaluation of the ruble value of Russian products is approximately 30% less than the Kazakh. Increase the shipment of the Ufa oil refinery "Bashneft", the Orsk OIL REFINERY "Rusneft" and "salavatnefteorgsintez", said one of the interlocutors "BJ". "We explain that supply the company, not Russia, to influence directly, we are not able to," he explains. Kommersant's interlocutors said that Kazakhstan wants to impose restrictions on imports of Russian oil for half a year. "But as far as this really is a question fill the shortage of own power Kazakhstan is unlikely to be able to," he said to Kommersant.The possibility of limiting supplies to Kazakhstan car (85 thousand passenger cars by 2014) on Wednesday mentioned Deputy Minister for investment and development of the country, Albert Rau. "Kazakh car dealers are seriously concerned about the situation in December, when amid the fall of the ruble in Kazakhstan influx of cheap cars from Russia",-said one of the sources of "b" on the market. At the end of 2014, the Russian dealers noted large-scale purchases of cars in the whole of the CIS countries. Sharply increased imports threaten such Assembly projects in Kazakhstan, at the facilities of Asia avto Ust-Kamenogorsk are issued Skoda, Chevrolet, KIA and Lada 4 x 4. The SaryarkaAvtoProm produce SsangYong and Iveco, and SUV Toyota Fortuner. Now, according to Kommersant sources, we are talking about limiting sales of grey in the first place, not the official supply plants, which can affect the final price. But the mechanism is not yet understood. According to interlocutors "Ъ", Astana has considered various options for licensing of suppliers of machines and make special marks in tehdokumentaciû car that they came from an official provider, prior to the introduction of direct quotas for deliveries, including official.Not for the first Kazakhstan tries to limit imports from Russia. Astana in November enacted a ban on the supply of Russian vodka, beer and beer beverages, citing their lack of new requirements for the marking of imported goods. But the restrictions lasted only a few days after consultations
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Devaluation of the ruble made ​​Russian goods threatening neighboring countries. As the "Y", Kazakhstan seriously discussing a ban or restrictions on the delivery of the Russian Federation have become too cheap petroleum, automobiles, metal, chicken, flour, juice and pastry: they Kazakh producers can no longer compete on price with the Russian. For Russian companies supply in Kazakhstan is not too big business, but such decisions directly threaten the economic integration of the two countries. Today, consultations should be held to address the problems in mutual trade between Russia and Kazakhstan, the sources said "b" in the Ministry of Agriculture, the Eurasian Economic Commission and the market food products. According to them, Astana insists on a ban or restrictions on the supply of a number of products from Russia in connection with the threat of Kazakhstan's domestic market due to the devaluation of the ruble (relative to tenge - 47%). We are talking about petroleum products, motor vehicles and batteries for them, building fittings, cable and wire products, glass, chicken meat and eggs, pasta and confectionery products, flour and juices. Source: "b" in the Ministry of Agriculture said that the negotiations are going for a week and "sufficient justification for the imposition of restrictions is not represented." Statistics of the Customs Union does not confirm a sharp rise in imports of Russian products in Kazakhstan, says the official. But, he admits, the statistics do not take into account the small wholesale lots and volumes imported by individuals. "The main additional import volumes from Russia are on the trade regime is not observable, so it is out of control and accounting can not be" - confirms the Kazakh official said. According to the source "b" in Ministry of Agriculture, now the experts of the two countries specify the volume and price parameters import. National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan (NPPRK) suggests that the Government of the country to establish a total ban on imports of Russian chicken meat as the average import price of these products decreased from 760 to 380 tenge KZT 1 kg. In this case, only the cost of the Kazakh chicken is 400 tenge. According to the head of the executive committee of the National Meat Association Sergey Yushin, 2014 from Russia to Kazakhstan supplied more than 40 thousand. Tonnes of chicken meat. He admits that the Russian chicken "highly competitive" with the wholesale price in the Russian Federation at the level of 105-108 rubles. per 1 kg. However, emphasizes Sergey Yushin, Kazakhstan, in a customs union, could reduce supplies from third countries (quota in 2014 amounted to 110 thousand. tons). At the same time, said the deputy head of the Economic Forecasting Gazprombank Daria Snitko in Kazakhstan is not more than 1% of the total production of the Russian chicken. In fact, says the expert, restrictions will affect only a few specific companies. Import of eggs, the price of which only the beginning of the year fell by 20%, Kazakhstan wants to limit the quota of 500 million pieces. The price of first grade flour Kazakh producers is 95 tenge per 1 kg, while 1 kg of Russian costs 65 tenge. In this regard NPPRK considers it necessary to establish a quota or completely close the Russian imports. Also limit the import quota planned Russian juice products whose prices are below the Kazakh an average of 25-30%. Total imports of petroleum products in Kazakhstan in 2014 amounted to 1.7 million tons, including 1.1 million tons from Russia. Now, market participants say, the supply of petroleum products began to grow, and excise duties are not imposed, but because of the devaluation of the ruble Russian production cost about 30% less than the Kazakh. Increase shipments Ufa refinery "Bashneft", Orsk refinery "Russneft" and "Gazprom neftekhim Salavat", said one of the interlocutors "b". "We explain that supply the company, not Russia, directly affect them, we can not" - he explains. The two sides "Kommersant" said that Kazakhstan wants to impose restrictions on the import of Russian oil for six months. "But as far as practicable - the question to fill the shortage own capacities Kazakhstan is unlikely to", - said the source "b". The possibility of limiting the supply of cars in Kazakhstan (85 thous. cars in 2014) on Wednesday mentioned the Deputy Minister for Investment and Development Albert Rau country. "Kazakh dealers seriously concerned about the situation in December, when the background of the devaluation of the ruble in Kazakhstan flood of cheap cars from Russia," - said one of the sources of "Y" in the auto market. At the end of 2014 Russian dealers noted the large-scale purchases of cars in the whole of the CIS. Sharply increased imports threatens in particular assembly projects in Kazakhstan - at the facilities of "Asia Auto" in Ust-Kamenogorsk available Skoda, Chevrolet, KIA and Lada 4x4. And SaryarkaAvtoProm produce SsangYong and Iveco, as well as SUV Toyota Fortuner. Now, according to sources, "b", we are talking about limiting the first gray of sales, rather than the official supply plants, which can affect the final price. But the mechanism is not yet clear. According to the source "b" of Astana is considering various options from the licensing of vehicles and to make special marks in the technical documentation of cars that they came from the official distributor, before the introduction of quotas for direct delivery, including official. Kazakhstan is not the first time trying to limit imports from Russia. In November Astana imposed a ban on the supply of Russian vodka, beer and beer drinks, citing their inconsistency new requirements for labeling of imported goods. But the restrictions lasted only a few days: after Konsu

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Rouble devaluation has made Russian goods dangerous to neighboring countries. It has become known as the Â", Kazakhstan seriously discussing a ban or restrictions on the delivery of the Russian Federation who are too cheap petroleum products,Vehicles, metal, chicken, flour, fruit juices and confectionery products: their Kazakh producers now could not compete on price with the Russian. For Russian companies in Kazakhstan is not too large business,But such solutions directly threatens the economic integration of the two countries.lord today should be held consultations on the solution of problems in mutual trade between Russia and Kazakhstan,
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