Перевод песни у вас вышел отличный! Рок мне нравиться но только некоторые песни. Насчет ужина, у нас украинская кухня. Мама у меня очень вкусно готовит, когда мама дома я наслаждаюсь, когда она уезжает в деревню - у меня диета.
Translation of songs you have came out great! I like rock but only some of the songs.For dinner, we have the Ukrainian cuisine. My mom is very tasty when mom cooks at home I enjoy when she leaves the village-I have a diet.
Translation of the song you came out great! I like rock but only some of the songs. As for dinner, we Ukrainian cuisine. My mother is very tasty to cook when I am enjoying at home mom when she goes to the village - my diet.