Я очень люблю свою младшую сестру. С ее появлением в нашей семье моя ж перевод - Я очень люблю свою младшую сестру. С ее появлением в нашей семье моя ж английский как сказать

Я очень люблю свою младшую сестру.

Я очень люблю свою младшую сестру. С ее появлением в нашей семье моя жизнь очень изменилась, я начала любить детей.

Полина всегда была очень активной и энергичной. Будучи совсем маленькой, она крутилась как юла. Мы были убеждены — в ней работает небольшой вечный двигатель.

Сейчас моей сестренке восемь лет и почти все свободное время мы проводим вместе: делаем уроки, ходим на каток и в кафе.

Несмотря на схожесть наших характеров, внешне Поля — полная моя противоположность. Все говорят, что она очень похожа на нашего отца. У нее кучерявые чёрные волосы, очень светлая кожа, небольшой рот. А еще моя сестра — счастливая обладательница красивых зелёных глаз, которые необычно контрастируют с ее темными волосами.

Поля — очень целеустремленный и трудолюбивый человек. Меня всегда восхищала ее усидчивость: она не встанет из-за письменного стола до тех пор, пока не закончит делать уроки! Мне бы этому научиться!

Есть у моей сестренки и увлечения. Это, конечно, игра на фортепиано. В этом она по-настоящему преуспела. Еще одним увлечением является танцевальный кружок, который Аня посещает с пяти лет и уже успела показать себя там с самой лучшей стороны. Невозможно все это успеть, скажете вы. А я абсолютно уверена в том, что целеустремленность и умение добиваться поставленных перед собой целей помогут Ане стать успешным и счастливым человеком!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I love my little sister. With its appearance in our family my life really changed, I'm beginning to love children.Pauline has always been a very active and vibrant. As a young girl, she was spinning around like a top. We were convinced it has a small perpetual motion machine.Now my little sister eight years and almost all the free time we spend together: making the lessons go to the rink and in the Café.Despite the similarity of our characters, outwardly field is full my opposite. All say that it is very similar to our father. She has curly black hair, very light skin, a small mouth. And my sister is a lucky winner of the beautiful green eyes that unusual contrast with her dark hair.The field is very goal-oriented and hard-working people. I always admired her perseverance: it snaps over the desk until there finishes do lessons! I would learn it!There are my little sisters and hobbies. This, of course, playing the piano. In this it really succeeded. Another passion is dance circle that Anya is visited with five years and has already managed to show himself up there with the best hand. You can't have it all, you say. And I'm absolutely confident that the dedication and ability to achieve the objectives will help Anya become successful and happy man!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

I love my little sister. With its appearance in our family, my life has changed a lot, I started to love children. Pauline was always very active and energetic. As a small child, she spun like a top. We were convinced - it has a small perpetual motion machine. Now my sister eight years and almost all the free time we spend together, do homework, go to the rink and a cafe. Despite the similarity of our characters, the external field - my complete opposite. Everyone says that it is very similar to our father. She has curly black hair, very light skin, small mouth. And my sister - happy owner of a beautiful green eyes, which is unusual contrast with her ​​dark hair. Fields - very determined and hardworking person. I always admired her perseverance: it snaps from his desk until until finish homework! I would have to learn it! There are my sisters and hobbies. This, of course, playing the piano. This is truly succeeded. Another hobby is dancing circle which Anya visits to five years and has managed to show themselves there with the best hand. It is impossible to catch it all, you might say. And I am absolutely convinced that commitment and ability to achieve the goals set before him to help Anya become a successful and happy person!

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

I love sister. With its emergence in our family my life has changed, i began the love children.lord Patricia has always been a very active and energetic. As a very small, as well as application : it Saddam Hussein himself.We have been convinced - it is running a small eternal engine.Lord is now my stepfather did not come back eight years and nearly all of the available time we have together: doing the lessons, we're on the roller and the cafe.

In spite of the similarities between our curiosity, seemingly fields - complete my opposite. All told, that it is very similar to our father. It кучерявые black hair, very light skin, and a small mouth.And yet my sister is happy with beautiful green eyes, which unusually in contrast with her dark hair.

fields is a very motivated and hard-working people. I have always appreciated her усидчивость:It is seated in the translation table, until finish to make the lessons! I would like to take this to be able to!Lord is my сестренки and hobbies. This is, of course, the game at the piano. In this it on the present has succeeded.Another hobby is dancing circle, which Anh visits with five years and has already had been able to show themselves in the best side. It is not possible all the time, you tell you. And I am absolutely confident that,That dedication and the ability to pursue its objectives will help Ana to become a successful and happy man!
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