3.слухи породили много волнений, и мэр города выступил телевидению, чт перевод - 3.слухи породили много волнений, и мэр города выступил телевидению, чт английский как сказать

3.слухи породили много волнений, и

3.слухи породили много волнений, и мэр города выступил телевидению, чтобы успокоить население.
4.этот вирус угрожает человеку, так как наша иммунная система не может бороться с ним.
5.выпускники школы не всегда осознают те проблемы, которые поставит перед ними жизнь в будущем.
6.любая компания обычно делает все от нее зависящее, для того чтобы сделать известным свой бренд и увеличить доходы от бизнеса
7.эта должность предполагает регулярные командировки, но за хорошие результаты вам будут положены надбавки ( премии)
8. я решил познакомиться с окрестностями Каира самостоятельно и не присоединился к автобусной экскурсии с гидом.
9.Отпраздновав свой шестидесяти пятилетний юбилей, отец решил уйти с работы, чтобы попутешествовать по свету.
10.когда-нибудь ты поймешь всю ценность моих советов, и я надеюсь, это не будет слишком поздно.
11.лесные пожары были потушены добровольцами, которые работали круглые сутки, забывая о сне, еде и отдыхе.
12. спортсмен растянул ногу и не мог продолжать участвовать в соревновании из-за резкой (острой) боли.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
3. rumors have generated much excitement, and the Mayor made television to reassure the population.4. this virus threatens the man, because our immune system cannot fight it.5. the graduates of the school are not always aware of the challenges put before them life in the future.6. any company usually does everything in her power to make known their brand and increase revenues from business7. this position involves regular travel, but for good results you will be based on allowances (premium)8. I decided to explore the surroundings of Cairo alone and has not joined a bus guided tours.9. Celebrating his sixty fifth anniversary, the father decided to leave from work to travel around the world.10. someday you will understand the value of my boards, and I hope it won't be too late.11. forest fires were extinguished by volunteers who worked 24 hours a day, forgetting about sleep, eating and resting.12. athlete sprained his leg and could not continue to participate in the competition due to sharp (sharp) pain.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
3.sluhi have generated a lot of excitement, and the Mayor made ​​television to reassure the population.
4.etot virus threatening man, as our immune system can not fight it.
5.vypuskniki schools are not always aware of the challenges that life put in front of them in the future.
6.lyubaya company usually does everything in her power to make known their brand and increase revenues from business
7.This position involves regular trips, but for the good results you will be put premiums (premiums)
8. I decided to explore the surroundings of Cairo alone and did not join the bus tour with a guide.
9.Otprazdnovav its sixty-fifth birthday, my father decided to leave her job to travel around the world.
10. When something you realize the full value of my advice, and I hope it will not be too late.
11.lesnye fires were extinguished by volunteers who worked day and night, forgetting about sleep, food and rest.
12. Athlete sprained foot and could not continue to participate in the competition because of the sharp (acute) pain.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
3.слухи generated much excitement and the mayor gave a television to reassure the population.
4.этот virus threatens the man as our immune system can fight him.
5.alumni of the school are not always aware of the challenges put before them a life in the future.
6.любая company usually does its utmostin order to make known their brand and increase the profits of the business. 7.эта post involves regular travel, but for the good results you will be based on allowance (prize)
8.i decided to meet you around cairo alone and did not join the bus tour guide.
9.отпраздновав its six five-year anniversary, my father decided to go to workto travel the world.
10.когда something you realize the value of my advice, and i hope it's not too late.
11.лесные fires were extinguished by volunteers who had been working around the clock, in the dreamfood and rest.
12. a sprained foot and could not continue to participate in the competition because of the sharp (sharp) pain.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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