1. Чтобы отремонтировать крышу гаража, нам нужен ящик черепицы. 2. Сер перевод - 1. Чтобы отремонтировать крышу гаража, нам нужен ящик черепицы. 2. Сер английский как сказать

1. Чтобы отремонтировать крышу гара

1. Чтобы отремонтировать крышу гаража, нам нужен ящик черепицы. 2. Сердце женщины непредсказуемо. 3. Вы найдете большой супермаркет в самом конце улицы. 4. Глаза человека - зеркало души. 5. На рояле стояла фигурка солдата. 6. Фи­гура топ модели должна быть идеальной. 7. Каждый человек - архитектор своего счастья. 8. Я всегда ношу с собой портрет сына. 9. Tы идешь в магазин? Купи, пожалуйста, баночку меда. 10. Он сделал большой глоток виски и поперхнулся. 11. Чтобы испечь этот торт, мне нужна банка сгущенного молока. 12. Мудрость человека в большой степени зависит от его опыта. 13. У него было чувство юмора, которое всегда, помогало ему в трудные минуты. 14.Положи кусочек сахара в чай, но не больше. 15.Мне нужна кругленькая сумма денег, чтобы начать собственное дело. 16. Сирена полицейской машины заставила меня вздрогнуть. 17. Я не забуду вас до конца моих дней. 18. Давай выйдем на улицу. Хочется глотнуть свежего воздуха. 19.Они вычистили дом от чердака до подвала. 20.Похоже она знает имена практически всех людей со вчерашней вечеринки.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. To repair the roof of the garage, we need a box of tiles. 2. Women's heart is unpredictable. 3. you will find a large supermarket at the end of the street. 4. Human eyes are the mirror of the soul. 5. The piano stood a soldier figurine. 6. Figure top models must be perfect. 7. Every man is the architect of his own happiness. 8. I always carry a portrait of the son. 9. you go to the store? Please buy a jar of honey. 10. He made a big gulp of whiskey and choked. 11. To bake this cake, I need condensed milk bank. 12. Human Wisdom depends in large measure on his experience. 13. He had a sense of humor that always helped him in difficult moments. 14. Put a lump of sugar in tea, but not anymore. 15. I need a tidy sum of money to start their own businesses. 16. Siren police car made me flinch. 17. I will not forget you till the end of my days. 18. Come on come out into the street. I want to breathe fresh air. 19. They cleaned House from attic to basement. 20. it seems like she knows the names of almost all people from yesterday's Party.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. In order to repair the roof of the garage, we need shingles box. 2. A woman's heart is unpredictable. 3. You will find a large supermarket at the end of the street. 4. Human Eyes - mirror of the soul. 5. On the piano stood a soldier figure. Figure 6. The top model must be perfect. 7. Everyone - the architect of his own happiness. 8. I always carry a portrait of his son. 9. You are the go to the store? Buy, please jar of honey. 10. He took a sip of whiskey and coughed. 11. To bake this cake, I need a can of condensed milk. 12. Human wisdom largely depends on the experience. 13. He had a sense of humor that always helped him in difficult moments. 14.Polozhi lump of sugar in the tea, but no more. 15.Mne need a tidy sum of money to start their own business. 16. The siren of a police car made me wince. 17. I will not forget you until the end of my days. 18. Let's go outside. I want some fresh air. 19.Oni cleaned the house from attic to basement. 20.Pohozhe she knows the names of almost all the people from yesterday's party.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. to fix the roof of the garage, we need a tile. 2. a woman"s heart is unpredictable. 3. you"ll find a supermarket at the end of the street. 4. human eyes are the window to the soul. 5. the piano stood a statue of a soldier. 6. фи­гура top model must be perfect. 7. every man is the architect of his own happiness. 8. i always carry a portrait of his son. 9. you go to the store? buy, please, a cup of honey. 10. he took a sip of whiskey and was choked up. 11. to bake the cake, i need a can of condensed milk. 12. the wisdom of the man in a large extent, depends on experience. 13. he had a sense of humor that always helped him in times of trouble. 14.положи sugar in tea, but not anymore. chubby 15.мне need money to start their own business. 16. the police car siren made me tremble. 17. i won"t forget you until the end of my days. 18. let"s go outside. want to get some fresh air. 19.они cleaned the house from the attic to the basement. 20.похоже she knows the names of almost all people from last night"s party.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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