Я не знаю как можно ходить в платье в такую жару, как в Африке, нельзя ходить в купальнике, да? Там это считается совсем неприлично, да?=) В России в курортных городах около моря все ходят в купальниках по улицам, это нормально=) Но я не живу в таком городе, поэтому в купальнике только на местном городском пляже. Почему они будут думать что я дочь из королевской семьи? Если ты приедешь в мой дом, то все будут кормить тебя каждый час, пока ты не умрёшь от переедания, хаха, знаешь, бабушка до сих пор думает, что надо помогать голодающим африканским детям=) Видимо она думает, что все люди там голодающие=)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I don't know how you can walk in the dress in this heat, as in Africa, you can't walk around in a bathing suit, Yes? There it is considered very improper, right? =) in Russia in the seaside resort towns of all walk in bathing suits on the streets, It's OK =) But I do not live in a city, so only in a bathing suit at the local City Beach. Why would they think that I am the daughter of the Royal family? If you come to my house, then all will feed you every hour until you die from eating too much, haha, you know grandma still thinks that we should help the starving African children =) Apparently she thinks all men out there starving =)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I do not know how to walk in a dress in the heat, as in Africa, it is impossible to walk in a bathing suit, huh? There is considered to be quite improper, =) In Russia, the resort towns near the sea all wear bathing suits on the streets, it's okay =) But I do not live in a city, so only in a bathing suit at the local town beach. Why would they think I am a daughter of the royal family? If you come to my house, then all will feed you every hour until you die from eating too much, haha, you know, my grandmother still thinks that it is necessary to help the starving African children =) Apparently she thinks that all the people there starving = )
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
I don't know how you can walk in a dress in the heat, as well as in Africa, you cannot walk in men, yes? It is considered to be very rawness, yes? =) in the Russian Federation in resort cities close to the sea all walk in bikinis in the streets,It is a normally=) But I do not live in such a city, so the men only on local urban beach. Why can't they will think that I am a daughter of the royal family? If you are permanent url in my house,Then all will feed thee every hour, as long as you do not die from multidisciplinary approaches, хаха, you know, grandmother still thinks that we must help to hungry African children=) It seems she thinks that all people there are starving=)
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