Содержание школьного образования - это основа образовательной системы, и в условиях переходного периода в развитии общества оно является основным объектом реформирования и обновления. Содержание образования и его реализация воплощают те ценности и цели, которые общество ставит перед новым поколением. Успешная реализация реформы в области содержания образования является сложной и труднодостижимой задачей. Она требует тщательного планирования, хорошо разработанной стратегии, приверженности цели тех, кто ее реализует, внимания к ресурсам, обеспечения переподготовки и разработки соответствующей процедуры оценки. Реформу содержания образования затрудняет еще и то, что она проводится в обществе, где преподаватели и инфраструктура не обеспечены соответствующими ресурсами.
Прежняя советская образовательная система отличалась жесткими учебными планами, составляемыми централизованно. Эти планы основывались на том, что учащиеся приобретали факто-логические познания в узко специализированных предметах. Акцент делался на науку и инженерное дело. Педагогическим инициативам школы или учителя места почти не отводилось. Существовал общий учебный план, для всех школ, который составлялся под руководством государства. Учебники производились государством монопольно и были бесплатными. Не было никакой структурированной системы оценки образовательных стандартов в национальном масштабе. Образовательные потребности определялись централизованным планированием распределения рабочей силы.
Сейчас российское общество перестраивается, переоценивает свои ценности и цели, и эти перемены влекут за собой демократизацию и в образовательной сфере. Гуманизация, индивидуализация, новые концепции гражданского образования нашли свое место в образовательном процессе. Во многом это происходит благодаря многообразию типов общеобразовательных заведений (равно как и в ФРГ) и вариативности образовательных программ, что напрямую связано с развитием сети негосударственных общеобразовательных учреждений в региональных системах России.
Несмотря на все это, сегодняшняя система образования в России - федеральная, централизованная.
В настоящее время российская система образования очень схожа с немецкой, но все же она представлена в более упрощенном виде:
1) Дошкольное образование, которое, как и в Германии, дает детям элементарные знания, но, все же, не приравнивается к первой ступени школьного образования. Дети начинают посещать детский сад с 1/1,5 года (ясли) и находятся там до 6 лет (также добровольно по желанию родителей).
2) Начальное образование (начальная школа) начинается с полных 6 лет и длится в течение 4 лет (по результатам последних реформ в сфере образования). В отличие от Германии начальное образование дети могут получать уже в гимназиях или лицеях, так как в России данные типы учебных заведений представлены комплексно - с 1 по 11 классы.
3) Неполное среднее образование в лицеях, гимназиях, общеобразовательных школах длится в течение 5 лет. Окончание 9 классов каждого из этих типов учебных заведений дает право на получение аттестата об общем среднем образовании.
4) Полное среднее образование или производственно- техническое образование с правом поступления в техникум, колледж и другие профессиональные учреждения. По завершении обучения 10 и 11 классов школы, гимназии, лицея выпускники получают аттестат о полном среднем образовании и имеют полное право на поступление в ВУЗ. Это право распространяется также на окончившего любое профессиональное учреждение, что в Германии является неприемлемым.
5) Высшее образование с получением диплома специалиста, степени бакалавра, магистра или мастера с правом повышения квалификации в университете или НИИ, по окончании которого получают степень кандидата наук, а позже - доктора наук.
Дошкольное образование в России
В российском образовании издавна существует расширенная система обеспечения дошкольного образования. В настоящий переходный период ей по-прежнему уделяется большое внимание, и она продолжает играть огромную роль в вопросах защиты детства и раннего воспитания и образования. Система отвечает запросам детей от трех до семи лет. Ясли могут посещаться детьми от 1 до 3 лет, в редких случаях - от 2 месяцев до года. Большинство детских садов финансируется государством, муниципалитетами или ведомствами.
В последнее время появилось много частных или получастных детских садов, но они еще составляют менее 8% от общего числа. Даже в муниципальных детских садах существует тенденция к оплате родителями от 10 до 15 процентов услуг. Система посещения детских садов достаточно гибка, и родители могут выбрать тот вид посещения их ребенком, который их устраивает - полный рабочий день, неполный рабочий день, неполная рабочая неделя и т.п. Отношения между родителями и персоналом носят откровенный и доверительный характер. Это позволяет воспитателям многое узнавать о личности и индивидуальных запросах ребенка.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The content of school education is the Foundation of the educational system, and during the transition period in the development of society, it is the main subject of reform and renewal. The content of education and its realization embody those values and goals that society confronts a new generation. The successful implementation of reforms in the area of educational content is complex and elusive. It requires careful planning, good strategy, commitment to the objectives of those who implements it, attention to resources, provide training and develop an appropriate evaluation procedure. The reform of educational content and more difficult that it takes place in a society where teachers and infrastructure are not provided with adequate resources.The old Soviet education system was distinguished by rigid curricula compiled centrally. These plans are based on what students acquired facto-logical cognition in highly specialized subjects. Focus on Science and engineering. Pedagogical initiatives of the school or a teacher places almost did not contain. There was a common curriculum for all schools, which was under the authority of the State. Tutorials were made exclusively by the State and were free of charge. There was no structured system of evaluation of educational standards nationwide. Educational needs were determined centrally planned allocation of labour.Now the Russian society is being rebuilt, overestimates its values and goals, and these changes entail democratization and in education. Humanization, individualization, new concepts of civic education have found their way into the educational process. Much of this is due to the diversity of types of secondary schools (as in Germany) and variance of educational programs that are directly linked to the development of a network of non-State educational institutions in regional systems of Russia.Despite all this, today's educational system in Russia-federal, centralized.Currently, the Russian education system is very similar to German, but all the same it is presented in a more simplified form:1) pre-school education, which is, as in Germany, gives kids a basic knowledge, but does not equate to the first stage of school education. Children start kindergarten with 1/1.5 years (nursery) are up to 6 years (also voluntarily at the request of their parents).2) primary education (elementary school) begins with a full 6 years and lasts for 4 years (according to the results of recent reforms in education). Unlike Germany primary education children can receive already in gymnasiums or lyceums, because in Russia these types of educational institutions presented complex with 1 in 11 classes.3) lower secondary education in lyceums, gymnasiums, schools of general education lasts for 5 years. The ending 9 classes each of these types of educational institutions qualify for a certificate of secondary education.4) upper secondary education or technical education with the right to admission to the College, College and other professional institutions. On completion of 10 and 11 grade school, gymnasium, Lyceum graduates receive a certificate of complete secondary education and have the full right to admission to the University. This right also applies to immigrants from any professional establishment, that is unacceptable.5) higher education obtaining diploma, Bachelor's, master's or master with the right skills in a university or RESEARCH INSTITUTE, after which they receive a Ph.d., and later a doctorate.Pre-school education in RussiaIn the Russian education system to provide extended there is pre-school education. In the present transitional period it still pays a lot of attention, and it continues to play a huge role in protecting childhood and early education. The system meets the needs of children from three to seven years. The crib can be visited by children from 1 to 3 years, in rare cases, from 2 months to a year. Most kindergartens is financed by the State, municipalities or departments.There are lots of private or semi-private kindergartens, but they still represent less than 8% of the total. Even in municipal kindergartens, there was a tendency to pay parents of 10 to 15 per cent. The system of visiting kindergartens is flexible enough, and parents can choose the type of visit their child that their suits-full-time, part-time, part-time working week etc. relationship between parents and staff are frank and confidential nature. This allows educators to learn a lot about the person and the individual child's requests.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The content of school education - is the foundation of the educational system, and the transition period in the development of society, it is the main object of reform and renewal. The content of education and its implementation embody the values and goals that society confronts a new generation. Successful implementation of the reform of education content is complex and elusive. It requires careful planning, a well-developed strategy, commitment to those who implement, attention to resources, training and development to ensure the appropriate assessment procedures. The reform of educational content and more difficult that it takes place in a society where faculty and infrastructure are not provided with adequate resources. The former Soviet educational system characterized by rigid curricula that make up centrally. These plans were based on the fact that students acquire facto-logical knowledge in highly specialized subjects. Emphasis was placed on science and engineering. Pedagogical initiatives or school teacher was given almost no space. There was a common curriculum for all schools that make up the state-led. Textbooks produced exclusively by the state and were free. There was no structured system of evaluation of educational standards nationwide. Educational needs were determined centrally planned distribution of labor. Now the Russian society is rebuilt, re-evaluates its values and goals, and these changes entail and democratization in education. Humanization, individualization, new concepts of citizenship education have found their place in the educational process. This is largely due to the diversity of types of educational institutions (as well as in Germany) and variability of educational programs that are directly related to the development of a network of non-governmental educational institutions in regional systems of Russia. Despite all this, the current education system in Russia - federal, centralized. Currently, the Russian education system is very similar to the German, but still it is presented in a simplified form: 1) Pre-school education, which, as in Germany, gives the children a basic knowledge, but, nevertheless, does not equate to the first stage of schooling . Children begin to attend kindergarten from 1 / 1.5 years (nursery), and there are up to 6 years (voluntarily by their parents). 2) Primary education (primary school) begins with a full 6 years and lasts for 4 years (by the results of the recent reforms in the education sector). Unlike Germany primary education children can get in the high schools or high schools, as in Russia, these types of schools are presented comprehensively - from 1 to 11 classes. 3) Incomplete secondary education in high schools and grammar schools, secondary schools lasts for 5 years. End of 9 classes of each of these types of schools qualify for a certificate of general secondary education. 4) Full production and secondary education or technical education with the right to admission to the college, the college and other professional institutions. Upon completion of training of 10 and 11 years of schooling, gymnasium, lyceum graduates receive a certificate of secondary education and have the full right to enter the university. This right also applies to graduate any professional institution in Germany is unacceptable. 5) Higher Education to obtain a graduate degree, a bachelor's degree, master's or master with the right training at a university or research institute, after which he obtained a PhD and later - Doctor of Science. Pre-school education in Russia in the Russian education system has long been extended to ensure there is a pre-school education. At this period of transition it still pays great attention, and it continues to play a huge role in the protection and early childhood care and education. The system meets the needs of children from three to seven years. Cribs can be visited by children from 1 to 3 years, in rare cases - from 2 months to a year. Most kindergartens funded by the state, municipalities or agencies. In recent years, there are many private or semi-private kindergartens, but they still account for less than 8% of the total. Even in municipal kindergartens tend Accept parents from 10 to 15 percent of services. System visit kindergartens is flexible and parents can choose the type of visits to their child that suits them - full-time, part-time, part-time, etc. Relationships between parents and staff are candid and confidential. This allows teachers to learn a lot about the personality of the child and individual queries.
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