Большое влияние на продолжительность жизни населения оказывает уровень перевод - Большое влияние на продолжительность жизни населения оказывает уровень английский как сказать

Большое влияние на продолжительност

Большое влияние на продолжительность жизни населения оказывает уровень, качество и доступность медицинской помощи. В РФ существует дефицит квалифицированных медицинских кадров. Также есть существенные сложности с техническим оснащением медицинских учреждений, с содержанием находящихся в их ведении зданий, сооружений и оборудования. Особенно характерно это для отдаленных районов и сельских местностей. Низкая заработная плата и отсутствие перспектив делает работу в сельских районах страны непривлекательной для специалистов, в результате возникает ситуация: чем дальше населенный пункт от высокоразвитых социально-экономических центров, тем меньше возможность получения качественной медицинской помощи. В крупных городах наблюдается другая проблема: врачи из-за низкой заработной платы переходят на работу из государственных и муниципальных (бесплатных) в частные медицинские организации, результатом этого является рост сектора платной медицины, недоступной для большей части населения страны.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A great influence on the life expectancy of the population provides the level, quality and accessibility of health care. In Russia there is a shortage of qualified medical personnel. There is also a significant difficulty with technical equipment of medical institutions, with the content under their control in buildings, structures and equipment. This is particularly true for rural and remote areas. Low wages and the lack of prospects for doing work in the rural areas of the country, unattractive to professionals as a result of the situation: the farther location from highly developed social and economic centers, the less opportunity to obtain quality health care. In large cities, there is another problem: doctors due to low salaries are in the work of State and municipal (free) in a private medical organization, the result is the growth of paid medicine, inaccessible to the majority of the population of the country.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Great influence on the life expectancy of the population has the level, quality and accessibility of health care. In Russia, there is a shortage of qualified medical personnel. Also, there are significant difficulties with the technical equipment of medical institutions, with the content they are in charge of buildings and equipment. It is especially characteristic for remote areas and rural areas. Low wages and lack of prospects for doing work in the rural areas of the country unattractive to professionals as a result of a situation: the further settlement of the highly social and economic centers, the less opportunity to receive quality health care. In large cities, there is another problem: the doctors because of the low wages go to work out of state and municipal (free) in the private health care organizations, the result is the growth of the private healthcare sector is not available for most of the country's population.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
A great influence on the life expectancy of the population provides the level, quality and access to medical care. In the Russian Federation there is a scarcity of skilled medical personnel.There are also significant difficulties with technical equipment medical institutions, with the content in their administered by buildings, facilities and equipment.This is especially true for remote areas and rural localities. Low wages and the lack of prospects for doing work in the rural areas of the country unattractive for professionals,The result is a situation: the farther locality from highly developed socio-economic centers, the less the possibility of obtaining high-quality medical assistance.In the major cities there is another problem: doctors because of the low salaries are migrating to the work of the state and municipal (free) in private health care organizations,The result is a growth in sector a paid medical, unavailable for most of the population of the country.
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