) 6. Степан Аркадьевич спорил со слугой Алексея Александровича и наста перевод - ) 6. Степан Аркадьевич спорил со слугой Алексея Александровича и наста английский как сказать

) 6. Степан Аркадьевич спорил со сл

) 6. Степан Аркадьевич спорил со слугой Алексея Александровича и настаивал на том, чтоб о нем было доложено (to announce somebody). (Л. Толстой) 7. Каждый человек, Лиза, должен заботиться о том, чтобы привести все свои идеи в порядок, в систему... (А. Толстой) 8. Тогда Марья Дмитриевна вздохнула и, с своей стороны, предложила Гедеоновскому пройтись с ней по саду. (Тургенев)
Exercise 10. Translate into English, using the emotional should.
(A) Based on an episode from Oliver Twist by Ch. Dickens.
1. «Как странно, что Оливер не вернулся, — сказал мистер Браунлоу.—Мне грустно думать, что мальчик обманул меня». 2. «Совершенно естественно, что Оливер убежал от вас; он, должно быть, вернулся к своим старым друзьям, — ответил мистер Гримвиг. — Зачем ему возвращаться к вам, ведь у него ваши деньги и книги?» 3. «Стыдно вам так плохо думать о ребенке, ведь вы его совсем не знаете, — возразил мистер Браунлоу. — Не может быть (it is impossible), чтобы он украл мои деньги и книги, я этому не верю». 4. «Как бы вам это ни было неприятно, вам придется поверить, — продолжал мистер Гримвиг. — Мне очень жаль, что вы так обманулись в ребенке», (to be disappointed in somebody)
(B) 1. «А вы его любите?» — «Он хороший человек; отчего же мне его не любить?» (Тургенев) 2. Не понимаю, зачем тебе нужно мучить меня? (Л. Толстой) 3. «Я нахожу только странным, что женщины ищут новых обязанностей, — сказал Сергей Иванович, — тогда как мы, к несчастью, видим, что мужчины обыкновенно избегают их». (Л. Толстой) 4. Нет, почему же тебе не приехать?.. Жена ждет тебя. Пожалуйста приезжай. (Л. Толстой) 5. Она и всегда рада ему была, но теперь особенно рада была, что он видит ее во всей ее славе. (Л. Толстой) 6. Почему же не попробовать своего счастья?., (to try one's luck). (Пушкин)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
) 6. Stepan Arkadyevich argued with the servant of Alexei Alexandrovich and insisted that it was reported (to announce somebody). (L. Tolstoy) 7. Everyone, Lisa, must take care to bring all their ideas in order in a system ... (A. Tolstoy) 8. Marya Dmitrievna then sighed and, with his hand, invited the Gedeonovskomu to walk with her in the garden. (Turgenev)Exercise 10. Translate into English, using the emotional should.(A) Based on an episode from Oliver Twist by ch. Dickens.1. "how strange that Oliver has not returned," said Mr Braunlou. — it makes me sad to think that the boy is deceived me. " 2. "it is only natural that Oliver ran away from you; He must have returned to their old friends, "said Mr Grimvig. — Why would he come back to you, after all it is your money and books? " 3. "shame on you so bad to think about the child, because you really don't know," said Mr Braunlou. -Can not be (it is impossible), so he stole my money and books, I don't believe. " 4. "How would you it may be unpleasant, you have to believe," continued Mr. Grimvig. -I'm sorry that you are so disappointed in the child, "(to be disappointed in" somebody ")(B) 1. "And you love him?" — "he is a good man; Why do I not love it? " (Turgenev) 2. I do not understand why you have to torment me? (L. Tolstoy) 3. "I find it odd that only women are looking for new responsibilities," said Sergey Ivanovich — while we unfortunately see that men normally avoid them. " (L. Tolstoy) 4. No, why do you not come?.. The wife is waiting for you. Please come. (L. Tolstoy) 5. She is always happy and it was, but now that he was pleased to see her in all her glory. (L. Tolstoy) 6. Why not try your luck?., (to try one's luck). (Pushkin (town))
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
) 6. Stepan Abramovich was arguing with his servant Alexei Alexandrovich and insisted that about him was reported (to announce somebody). (Leo Tolstoy) 7. Everyone, Lisa must take care to bring all their ideas in order, in ... (Tolstoy) 8. Then Marya Dmitrievna sighed and, for his part, offered to walk Gedeonovsky with her ​​in the garden. (Turgenev)
Exercise 10. Translate into English, using the Emotional Should.
(A) Based on an Episode from Oliver Twist by Ch. Dickens.
1. "How strange that Oliver did not return, - said Mr. Braunlou., I am sad to think that the boy lied to me." 2. "It is natural that Oliver ran away from you; it must be returned to their old friends - said Mr. Grimvig. - Why would he come back to you, because he has your money and books? "3." It's a shame you so bad to think about the baby, because you do not know him, - said Mr. Brownlow. - It can not be (it is impossible), so he stole my money and books, I do not believe it. " 4. "How would you it may be unpleasant, you have to believe, - said Mr. Grimvig. - I am very sorry that you are so disappointed in the child ", (to be disappointed in somebody)
(B) 1. "Do you love him?" - "He is a good man; why should I not love him? "(Turgenev) 2. I do not understand why you have to torture me? (Leo Tolstoy) 3. "I'm just strange that women are looking for new responsibilities, - said Sergey Ivanovitch, - whereas we, unfortunately, we see that men generally avoid them." (Leo Tolstoy) 4. No, why do not you come? .. My wife is waiting for you. Please come. (Leo Tolstoy) 5. She is always happy he was, but now especially was glad that he could see her in all her glory. (Leo Tolstoy) 6. Why do not you try your luck?., (To try one's luck). (Pushkin)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
) 6. Stepan Arkadievich argued with servant Alexey Aleksandrovich and insisted on the fact that it was reported (to usual Ternheim). (L. Thick) 7. Every person, Lisa, should take care of that, to ensure that all their ideas in order,In the system ... (AS WELL. Thick 8. The Marja orthopedist. brother and, in its part, invited Гедеоновскому stroll through the garden with it. (Dmitry Savin)
Please Note 10. Translate into English, using the will widen elaborations.
(A) based on an Itunes u , from Oliver Twist by Ch view. Diсkens.
1."How strange that Oliver is not returned, - said Mr. Браунлоу. -i am sad to think that the boy was deceived me". 2. "It is quite natural that Oliver escaped from you; he must be returned to their old friends,- Answered by mister Гримвиг. - Why him to return to you, but it your money and book?" 3. "You know you so poorly to think about the child, but you do not know, - rejected mister Браунлоу. - May Not Be (it is impossible).So he stole my money and books, i don't believe it". 4. "How would you this is neither was unpleasantly, you will need to believe, - continued to mister Гримвиг. - I am very sorry that you should not be disappointed in child", (to be disаppоinted in Ternheim)
(B) 1."And you his love?" - "He was a good man; why do I not love?" (listening) 2. Don't understand, why do you haunt me? (L. Thick) 3. "I find only odd, that women are looking for new responsibilities,- He said, Deputy General Director of Svyazinvest, whereas we, unfortunately, we see that men traditionally avoid them". (L. Thick) 4. There is no, why did you not come?.. His wife is waiting for you. Please come tomorrow. (L. Thick) 5.It was and is always pleased him to have it, but it is now especially pleased to have been, that he saw her in all her glory. (L. Thick) 6. Why not try their happiness? ., (to try one's have been screened). (Pushkin)
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