TAMPA BAY, FL — As the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention перевод - TAMPA BAY, FL — As the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention английский как сказать

TAMPA BAY, FL — As the U.S. Centers

TAMPA BAY, FL — As the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's director issued a potential blow to south Florida tourism Wednesday, Gov. Rick Scott aired his grievances about the federal government’s lack of action to help fight the Zika virus. Congress adjourned for its summer break in mid-July without approving a $1.1 billion funding package that would have helped combat the virus’ spread.

Four people in Miami-Dade and Broward counties became the first in the nation to test positive for locally acquired Zika virus late last week. Shortly thereafter, another 11 locally acquired cases were confirmed, bringing the state’s total to 15. In all 15 cases, the exposure has been blamed on mosquitoes in the Miami area.

As of Wednesday, the state also had 336 confirmed travel-related cases of Zika virus, meaning patients were exposed to the illness while traveling outside of the country. Fifty-five pregnant women in the state have also tested positive for the virus, bringing the state's total of cases to 406.

The CDC on Monday issued a travel advisory for pregnant women and those wishing to become pregnant who are considering a trip to the 1-square-mile area of Miami affected by the virus. That advisory, CDC Director Tom Frieden told The Washington Post, could last up to a year.

"When dengue hit Florida a few years ago, it took over a year to control that outbreak," Frieden explained to the post.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
TAMPA BAY, FL-As the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's director issued a potential blow to south Florida tourism Wednesday, gov. Rick Scott aired his grievances about the lack of u.s. federal action to help fight the Zika virus. Congress adjourned for its summer break in mid-July without approving a $ 1.1 billion funding package that would have helped combat the virus ' spread.Four people in Miami-Dade and Broward counties became the first in the nation to test positive for locally acquired Zika virus late last week. Shortly thereafter, another 11 locally acquired cases were confirmed, bringing the State's total to 15. In all 15 cases, the exposure has been blamed on mosquitoes in the Miami area. As of Wednesday, the state also had 336 confirmed travel-related cases of Zika virus, meaning patients were exposed to the illness while traveling outside of the country. Fifty-five pregnant women in the state have also tested positive for the virus, bringing the State total of cases to 406.The CDC on Monday issued a travel advisory for pregnant women and those wishing to become pregnant who are considering a trip to the 1-square-mile area of Miami affected by the virus. That advisory, CDC Director Tom Frieden told The Washington Post, could last up to a year."When dengue hit Florida a few years ago, it took over a year to control that outbreak," Frieden explained to the post.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
TAMPA BAY, FL - As the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's director issued a potential blow to south Florida tourism Wednesday, Gov. Rick Scott aired his grievances about the federal government's lack of action to help fight the Zika virus. Congress is adjourned the for its 'summer break statement in the mid-July without approving a $ 1.1 Billion Funding package That Would have Helped combat the virus' spread.

The Four people in the Miami-Dade and the Broward the COUNTIES Became the first in the the nation to test positive for Locally Acquired Zika virus late last week. Shortly thereafter, another 11 locally acquired cases were confirmed, bringing the state's total to 15. In all 15 cases, the exposure has Been Blamed on the mosquitoes in the the Miami area.

Of As of on Wednesday, the state Also HAD 336 confirmed travel-related cases of Zika virus, meaning patients were exposed to the illness while traveling outside of the country. Fifty-a five pregnant women 'in the state have Also tested positive for the virus, Bringing the state's total of cases to 406.

of The the CDC on on Monday, issued a travel to an advisory for pregnant women' and Those Wishing to Become pregnant the who are considering the a of trip to the 1 -square-mile area of Miami affected by the virus. An advisory That, the CDC Director of Tom Frieden of The Washington You Told the Post, Could for last year's up closeup to a.

"For When Dengue Florida You hit a FEW years ago The, IT took over a year's to control an outbreak of That," Frieden Explained to the the post.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
tampa bay, fl - as the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention"s director issued a potential blow to south florida tourism wednesday, Gov. rick scott, author grievances about the federal government"s lack of action to help fight the Zika virus. congress adjourned for its summer break in mid july, approving a $1.1 billion funding package that would have helped combat the virus" spread.four people in miami dade and broward governments became the first in the nation to test positive for the virus were acquired Zika worked most last week. Shortly thereafter, another 11 worked most acquired cases were confirmed, bringing the state"s total to 15. in all 15 cases, the exposure has been blamed on mosquitoes in the miami area.as of wednesday, the state also had 336 could travel - related cases of Zika virus, meaning patients were exposed to the illness while traveling outside of the country. fifty five pregnant women in the state have also tested positive for the virus, bringing the state"s total of cases to 406.the cdc on monday issued a travel advisory for pregnant women and those wishing to become pregnant and are considering a trip to the 1 - square - mile area of miami affected by the virus. that advisory, cdc director tom Frieden told the washington post that could last up to a year."when dengue hit florida a few years ago, it took over a year to control that outbreak," Frieden explained to the post.
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