Я обрезаю ногти, потому что в прошлый раз на пропедевтике мне нужно было показывать пальпацию живота, и я впилась ногтями в кишечник, пхахаха, это был кошмар
I obrezaû nails, because the last time I had to do was show propedevtike palpation abdomen and I dug your nails into the intestine, phahaha, it was a nightmare
I cut his nails, because the last time on propaedeutics I had to show abdominal palpation, and I dug her nails into the intestine phahaha, it was a nightmare
I обрезаю nails, because the last time the пропедевтике i had show пальпацию belly dancer, and I took your fingernails in bowel, пхахаха, this was a nightmare