1. Это единственная книга, от которой я получил удовольствие за последнее время. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты ее тоже прочитал. 2. Преподаватель попросил всех пре кратить разговоры и сказал, что пора начинать урок.
3. Когда Анну спросили, почему она вчера не пришла на занятия, она ответила, что у нее ужасно болела го лова. 4. Доктор перестал писать и спросил больного, не чувствует ли он себя лучше. 5. Я спросил своего друга, ожидал ли он, что я приду. 6. Я не возражаю, если они подождут нас здесь. 7. Я был удивлен, когда увидел, что он рассердился на тебя. 8. Я прошу вас разговари вать со мной вежливо. 9. Я читал все его романы, кроме этого. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы Петр дал мне его на не сколько дней. 10. Не перебивайте его, дайте ему закончить читать эту статью. 11. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы разговаривали друг с другом по-английски. 12. Айна сказала мне, что сегодня она не пойдет на лекцию, у нее страшно болят зубы. 13. Я удивился, когда узнал, что Петровы живут рядом с нами. 14. Правда ли, что операция продолжалась два часа? 15. По правде говоря, я не ожидал, что он снова мне об этом напомнит. 16. Что вы здесь написали? Я ничего не могу разобрать. 17. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы добавили несколько слов к тому, что я сказал.— Мне нечего добавить
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. This is the only book from which I got the pleasure lately. I would like you to read it. 2. The teacher asked everyone to talk to mark pre-and said that it is time to begin the lesson.3. When Anna asked why she didn't come to school yesterday, she replied that she was terribly hurt th gear. 4. Dr. stopped writing and asked the patient, if he doesn't feel better. 5. I asked his friend whether he was expecting that I will come. 6. I don't mind if they would await us here. 7. I was surprised when I saw that he got angry at you. 8. I beg you razgovari ed with me politely. 9. I have read all of his novels, in addition. I'd like to see Peter gave me it to not how many days. 10. do not interrupt it, let him finish reading this article. 11. I would like you to talk to each other in English. 12. Aina told me today that she will not go to a lecture, she had terrible toothache. 13. I was surprised when I learned that Petrov live next to us. 14. Is it true that the operation lasted two hours? 15. In truth, I did not expect that he will remind me about it again. 16. what you wrote here? I can't parse. 17. I would like you to have added a few words to what I said. "I have nothing to add
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. this is the only book that i enjoyed for the last time. i would like you to read it, too. 2. the teacher asked all the pre кратить calls and says it's time to start the lesson.3. when anna asked why she didn't come to school, she said she was sick of the gear. 4. the doctor stopped writing and ask the patient, if he feels better. 5. i asked my friend if he thought that i come. 6. i don't mind if they wait for us here. 7. i was surprised when i saw that he was angry with you. 8. i want you to have to me politely. 9. i read all of his novels, in addition. i wish peter gave it to me for many days. 10. don't interrupt him, let him to finish reading this article. 11. i'd like you to talk with each other in english. 12. aina told me today that she didn't go to the lecture, she has a terrible toothache. 13. i was surprised when i learned that петровы live next to us. 14. is it true that the operation lasted two hours. 15. to tell you the truth, i didn't expect that he will remind me about it again. 16. what are you writing? i can't make out. 17. i would like to add a few words to what i сказал. - i have nothing to add
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