. Жена фермера приходила каждый день, чтобы убрать комнаты, (to clean) 2. Ему посоветовали не рассказывать им историю своей жизни, (to advise) 3. Девочке велели разлить в чашки чай. (to tell) 4. Слышали, как несколько минут тому назад они спорили на террасе, (to hear) 5. Фил сунул деньги в карман, не сосчитав их. (count) 6. Полагают, что он глубоко привязан к своей семье, (to believe) 7. Было известно, что он пишет книгу о нравах, (to know) 8. Через окно можно было видеть, что водитель ждет у машины, (to see) 9. Я был слишком возбужден, чтобы есть, (to be excited) 10. Сообщили, что он изменил свое решение, (to report) 11. Я знал, что он не способен принимать решения, (be capable of) 12. Он любил смеяться над теми, кто был робок, (be fond of) 13. Ему разрешили оставить у них свою фамилию и адрес, (to allow) 14. Симон и Дик остались разговаривать в гостиной, (to leave) 15. Он без труда найдет себе работу в Нью-Йорке, (no difficulty) 16. Может быть, вам интересно посмотреть, что за человек этот Роберт, (be of interest) 17. Нас оставили, чтобы мы посмотрели фильм, (to leave) 18. Его не видно целую неделю. Говорят, что он в отпуске, (to say) 19. Ему велели прийти сюда к мистеру Эбботу. (to tell) 20. Мы нашли Фокса. Он ожидал нас на террасе. (Фокса нашли ожидающим нас на террасе) (to find) 21. Он наблюдал, как люди торопились к поездам, (watch) 22. Я слышал, как он звал нас. (hear) 23. Его присутствие было неожиданным, потому что говорили, что он путешествует на востоке, (to say) 24. Я посмотрел на свою мать, которая счастливо смеялась над шутками Тома.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
. The farmer's wife would come every day to clean the room, (to clean) 2. He was told not to tell them the story of his life (to advise) 3. The girl told to pour in a cup of tea. (to tell) 4. Heard a few minutes ago they were arguing on the terrace (to hear) 5. Phil put his money in his pocket, not sosčitav them. (count) 6. It is believed that he is deeply attached to his family (to believe) 7. It was known that he is writing a book about manners, (to know) 8. Through the window you can see that the driver waits for the machine, (to see) 9. I was too excited to eat, (to be excited) 10. Reported that he changed his decision (to report) 11. I knew that he was not able to make decisions (be capable of) 12. He loved to laugh at those who was timid, (be fond of) 13. He was allowed to leave them your name and address (to allow) 14. Simon and Dick left to talk in the living room (to leave) 15. He can easily find a job in New York, (no difficulty) 16. It may be interesting to see what kind of person this Robert, (be of interest) 17. We left, so we watched a movie (to leave) 18. It is not visible for the whole week. They say that he is on vacation, (to say) 19. He was told to come here to Mister Èbbotu. (to tell) 20. We found Fox. He waited for us on the terrace. (Fox found awaiting us on the terrace) (to find) 21. He watched as people rush to trains, (watch) 22. I heard he called us. (hearing) 23. His presence was unexpected, because saying that he travels in the East, (to say) 24. I looked at his mother, who happily laughed over jokes volume.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
. The farmer's wife came every day to clean the room, (to clean) 2. He was advised not to tell them the story of his life, (to advise) 3. The girl was told to pour into tea cups. (To tell) 4. Have you heard a few minutes ago they were arguing on the terrace, (to hear) 5. Phil put his money in his pocket without counting them. (Count) 6. It is believed that he was deeply attached to his family, (to believe) 7. It was known that he was writing a book about manners, (to know) 8. you could see through the window that the driver is waiting at the car, ( to see) 9. I was too excited to eat, (to be excited) 10. Reported that he changed his mind, (to report) 11. I knew that he was not able to take decisions, (be capable of) 12 . He loved to laugh at those who were timid, (be fond of) 13. He was allowed to leave them his name and address, (to allow) 14. Simon and Dick were talking in the living room, (to leave) 15. It is not easily find a job in New York, (no difficulty) 16. Maybe you're interested to see what kind of person this Robert, (be of interest) 17. we are left, so we watched the film, (to leave) 18. His not seen for a week. It is said that he is on vacation, (to say) 19. He was told to come here to Mr. Abbott. (To tell) 20. We found Fox. He is waiting for us on the terrace. (Fox found waiting for us on the terrace) (to find) 21. He watched as people hurried to the trains, (watch) 22. I heard him calling us. (Hear) 23. His presence was unexpected, because said he travels in the East, (to say) 24. I looked at my mother, who happily laughing at the jokes Tom.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
. the farmer"s wife came every day to clean the room (to clean) 2. he was advised not to tell them the story of my life (area) 3. the girl told you in a cup of tea. (to tell) 4. heard a few minutes ago, they were arguing on the terrace (to hear) 5. phil put money in your pocket, not сосчитав. (count) 6. believe that he is deeply attached to his family (to believe) 7. it was known that he was writing a book about customs, (to know) 8. through the window you could see that the driver is waiting for a car (to see) 9. i was too excited to eat, (to be excited) 10. reported that he changed his decision (to report) 11. i knew that he was not able to make decisions (be capable of) 12. he loved to laugh at people who are shy, (be fond of) 13. he was allowed to leave their name and address (to allow) 14. simon and dick were talking in the living room, (to) 15. he easily found a job in new york city (no. 6) 16. maybe you want to see what kind of man is this, robert (be of interest) 17. we left that we have seen the film, (to) 18. you did not see him for a week. they say that he is on vacation (to say) 19. he was asked to come here to see mr. эбботу. (to tell) 20. we found the fox. he"s expecting us on the terrace. (fox found waiting for us on the terrace) (to find) 21. he watched the people hurry to trains, (a) 22. i heard he called us. (hear) 23. his presence was unexpected, because said he travels to the east (to say) 24. i looked at my mother, who happily laughed at jokes, tom.
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