18. И я тебе говорил и говорю: нехорошо (not right), что ты не ездишь на собрания и вообще устранился от земского дела (to keep out of the district business). (Л. Толстой)
19. А вот что (I tell you what): если ты хочешь их видеть, они, наверное, нынче в зоологическом саду от четырех до пяти. Кити на коньках катается. (Л. Толстой)
20. Я настолько горда, что никогда не позволю себе любить человека, который меня не любит. (Л. Толстой)
21. Все ждали, когда он [Левин] кончит, и он чувствовал это. (Л. Толстой)
22. После чая он [Левин] вышел в переднюю велеть подавать (to put in) лошадей... (Л. Толстой) 23. Он [Каренин] видел, что она вела себя неприлично (unbecomingly), и считал своим долгом сказать ей это. Но ему очень трудно было не сказать более, а сказать только это. (Л. Толстой) 24. В 1816 году, в мае месяце случилось мне проезжать через ***скую губернию... (Пушкин)
Результаты (
английский) 2:
18. And I told you, and I say: not good (not right), you do not ride on the general assembly and withdrawn from Zemsky case (to keep out of the district business). (Tolstoy)
19. And that's what (I tell you what): if you want to see them, they are probably now in the Zoological Gardens from four to five. Kitty on skates. (Tolstoy)
20. I'm so proud I never allow myself to love a man who does not love me. (Tolstoy)
21. Everyone was waiting when he [Levin] will end, and he felt it. (Tolstoy)
22. After tea he [Levin] went to the front to order the feeding (to put in) horses ... (Tolstoy) 23. He [Karenin] saw that she was behaving indecently (unbecomingly), and considered it his duty to tell her that. But it was very difficult to say the least, and say just that. (Tolstoy) 24. In 1816, in May, I happened to pass through the province *** cal ... (Pushkin)
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
18. and i told you and say: good (not right) that you don't go to meetings and even withdrawn land (to keep out of the district business). (l). fat)
19. and that's what i tell you what, if you want to see them, they must benowadays in the zoological garden of four to five. kitty ice skating. (l). fat)
20. i am so proud that i never let myself to love a man who doesn't love me. (l). fat)
21. everyone is waiting for.and when he [is] off, and he felt it. (l). fat)
22. after tea, he [is] out in the front not to (put in) horses. (l). fat) 23. he [karenin] saw that she was acting inappropriate (unbecomingly)and feel it his duty to tell her that. but it is very difficult not to say more, just say it. (l). fat) 24. in 1816, in the month of may, i happened to pass through * * * when engaging in... (pushkin)
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