Дети с угнетенными чувствами - это, как правило, дети с угнетенным интеллектом, обедненной мыслью. Там, где нет свободного проявления чувств, немыслим коллективный духовный порыв, коллективное переживание идеи.
Children with depressed feelings-it's usually children with the downtrodden of intellect, lean thinking. Where there is no free feelings, unthinkable collective spiritual impulse, the collective experience of ideas.
Children with depressed feelings - it's usually children with depressed intelligence, lean thinking. Where there is no free expression of feelings is inconceivable collective spiritual impulse, the idea of collective experience.
children with oppressed feelings are usually children with depressed consciousness, a starved me. there are no free expression of feelings, the indispensable collective spiritual impulse, the collective experience of ideas. "