Экологическая обстановка в МосквеЧеловек тесно взаимосвязан с природой перевод - Экологическая обстановка в МосквеЧеловек тесно взаимосвязан с природой английский как сказать

Экологическая обстановка в МосквеЧе

Экологическая обстановка в Москве

Человек тесно взаимосвязан с природой. Его состояние напрямую зависит от природных происшествий и экологической обстановки в районе проживания. При отсутствии объектов живой природы человек начинает испытывать дискомфорт, несмотря на комфорт цивилизации.

Обострение экологических проблем заметно влияет на эмоциональное состояние человека и на его здоровье. Именно отсюда вытекает большинство болезней нашего времени.

В последнее десятилетие экологи и медицинские работники писали статьи и делали множество докладов на тему чрезвычайно опасной экологической обстановки в Москве. «Проживать в Москве вредно для здоровья, говорили они. Особенно для детского».

Были проведены различные исследования, результат которых показал, что с развитием новых технологий и установлением новых производственных заводов состояние загрязнения резко накрыло большую часть мегаполиса. Воздух пропитан крайне опасными для человека веществами и токсинами, которые, попадая внутрь во время дыхания, вызывают тяжёлые заболевания.

Лидирующее место в загрязнении атмосферы безусловно принадлежит автомобилю. Практически у каждого человека сейчас имеется собственное средство передвижения, а то и не одно. Результат – ежедневные многотысячные пробки, вредные выхлопы, заражение воздуха смесью крайне опасных для здоровья веществ.

Также сказывается недостаток зелёных насаждений. Они занимают не больше тридцати процентов городской территории. Этого недостаточно. Тем более плохая экологическая обстановка ежедневно оказывает на растения влияние. Нельзя забывать, что Москва – самый населённый город России, постоянное население составляет около пятнадцати миллионов человек. И это без учёта гостей столицы. Не зря экологи настоятельно рекомендуют и призывают озеленять улицы. Это станет некоторого рода защитой, очистителем воздуха.

Кроме того, подобные насаждения полезны не только в экологическом плане. Они благотворно влияют и на психологическое состояние человека, успокаивают и расслабляют, создают ощущение уюта. И в эстетическом плане город выигрывает.

Если в ближайшие несколько лет в экологическом плане ничего не изменится, проживание в Москве будет нести непосредственную угрозу здоровью и продолжительность жизни значительно сократится.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The environmental situation in MoscowPeople closely linked to nature. His condition is directly dependent on the natural and ecological environment in the area. In the absence of wildlife a person begins to experience discomfort, despite the comforts of civilization.Worsening environmental problems can have a noticeable effect on the emotional state of a person and his health. It is hence the most diseases of our time.In the last decade, environmentalists and the medical staff have done a lot of articles and wrote reports on extremely dangerous ecological situation in Moscow. "Live in Moscow is harmful to health, they said. Especially for baby.Various studies have been conducted which demonstrated that, with the development of new technologies and the establishment of new production plants pollution status dramatically has covered a large part of the metropolis. The air is saturated with extremely dangerous for human substances and toxins that getting inside during breathing, cause serious diseases. The leading place in the pollution of the atmosphere definitely belongs to the vehicle. Almost everyone now has its own vehicle, but not one. The result is a daily thousands of tube harmful exhausts, air contamination with a mixture of extremely hazardous substances.Also lack of plantations. They occupy no more than thirty percent of the urban area. This is not enough. The more bad ecological situation on a daily basis affects plants influence. We cannot forget that Russia is the most populous city in Russia, the permanent population is around fifteen million people. And this is without taking into account the guests. No wonder that environmentalists strongly recommend and call streets and gardens. It will be some kind of protection, cleaner air.In addition, similar plantings are useful not only in environmental terms. They have a beneficial influence on the psychological state of the person, calm and relaxing, create a feeling of coziness. And aesthetically the city WINS.If in the next few years in environmental terms will change nothing, accommodation in Moscow will bear a direct threat to the health and life expectancy is considerably reduced.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The ecological situation in Moscow man closely linked with nature. His condition is directly dependent on natural accidents and the environmental situation in the area of residence. In the absence of wildlife man begins to feel uncomfortable, despite the comfort of civilization. The worsening of environmental problems significantly affect a person's emotional state and his health. It follows from this most diseases of our time. In the last decade, environmentalists and health professionals have written articles and made ​​many reports on the subject is extremely dangerous ecological situation in Moscow. "Live in Moscow is harmful to health, they said. Especially for the children. " Various studies have been conducted, the results of which showed that the development of new technologies and the establishment of new industrial plant pollution condition sharply covered most of the city. The air is saturated with extremely dangerous to humans and toxins that are getting in during breathing, causes serious diseases. The leading place in the pollution of the atmosphere definitely belongs to the vehicle. Almost everyone today has its own means of transportation, and sometimes more than one. The result - thousands of daily congestion, harmful emissions, contamination of the air with a mixture of extremely hazardous substances. It is also affected by the lack of greenery. They occupy no more than thirty percent of the city area. This is not enough. Moreover, poor environmental conditions on a daily basis has the effect on plants. We must not forget that Moscow - the most populated city in Russia, a permanent population of about fifteen million people. And this is without taking into account the guests. No wonder environmentalists strongly recommend and urge vegetated street. It will be some kind of protection, the air cleaner. In addition, such spaces are useful not only in environmental terms. They have a beneficial influence on the psychological state of a person, soothe and relax, create a feeling of comfort. And aesthetically city wins. If in the next few years, in environmental terms, nothing will change, living in Moscow will bear a direct threat to the health and life expectancy will be reduced significantly.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the environmental situation in moscowpeople are closely interlinked with the nature. his condition is directly dependent on the natural occurrence and environmental conditions in the area of residence. in the absence of wildlife man begins to feel discomfort, despite the comfort of civilization.the environmental problems significantly influence the emotional state of a person and his health. it is hence the most diseases of our time.in the last decade environmentalists and medical workers wrote articles and made many reports on the subject of extremely dangerous environment in moscow. "live in moscow, it"s bad for your health, they said. especially for детского».various studies have been undertaken, the results of which showed that with the development of new technologies and the establishment of new production plants have covered most of the city"s pollution. the air is extremely dangerous for the individual substances and toxins that, once inside during breathing, cause a disease.a leading place in air pollution obviously belongs to the automobile. almost everyone now has its own means of transport and not one. the result is a daily traffic of thousands, harmful exhaust air mixture, an extremely hazardous substances.the impact of green vegetation. they occupy no more than 30% of the urban area. it is not enough. the more the bad ecological environment has influence on the plants every day. don"t forget that moscow is the some city in russia, the permanent population is around 15 million people. and it"s not accounting for guests. for environmentalists strongly recommend and encourage озеленять street. it will be some kind of protection, очистителем air.in addition, these trees are useful not only in environmental terms. they have beneficial effects and psychological, comfort and расслабляют, provide a sense of comfort. and aesthetically town wins.if in the next few years in environmental terms can not change residence in moscow, will be a direct threat to the health and life expectancy will be drastically reduced.
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