Вмешивалось ли когда-либо правительство в политику рыночных цен посред перевод - Вмешивалось ли когда-либо правительство в политику рыночных цен посред английский как сказать

Вмешивалось ли когда-либо правитель

Вмешивалось ли когда-либо правительство в политику рыночных цен посредством ценового контроля и карточек для того, чтобы быть уверенным, что цены на важнейшие потребительские товары не поднимутся слишком высоко?

С тех пор, как этот товар стал свободно доступен, спрос на него резко упал. Его полезность изменилась. А я никогда прежде не задумывался, что полезность товара напрямую связана с тем его количеством, которое имеется в наличии для нужд потребителя.

– В последнее время появилось большое разнообразие косметических товаров. Ты когда-либо пыталась оценить качество этой продукции, сравнивая цены?

– Да, конечно. Но, кроме того, я никогда не покупала товар, не изучив информации, данной фирмой-производителем и специалистами в этой области.

– Алиса, ты уже составила список основных продуктов питания, которые нам необходимы на неделю?

– Нет еще. Я обдумываю его уже 30 минут, но еще не приняла окончательного решения. Я только что слышала рекламу нового сливочного масла и хочу его попробовать.

– Я никогда не верила рекламе. Но эта звучит убедительно. Давай рискнем!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ever interfered with the Government policy of market prices through price controls and the cards to make sure that prices for major consumer goods do not rise too high?Since this product became freely available, demand fell sharply. Its usefulness has changed. And I never thought that the usefulness of the goods is directly linked to the amount that is available for the needs of the consumer.-There are a large variety of cosmetic products. Have you ever attempted to rate the quality of this products, comparing prices?-Yes, of course. But, in addition, I have never bought a product, not having studied the information given by the manufacturer and experts in this field.-Alice, you've already made a list of basic foods, which we need for a week?-Not yet. I'm already 30 minutes but had not yet taken a final decision. I just heard an advertisement for the new butter and want to give it a try."I never believed in advertising. But this sounds convincing. Let's dare to!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
It intervenes if ever the government policy of market prices through price controls and cards in order to make sure that prices for major consumer goods do not rise too High?

C since this product became freely available, the demand for it plummeted. Its utility has changed. I had never thought that the usefulness of the goods is directly related to the amount that is available for the needs of the customer.

- In recent years, a large variety of cosmetic products. Have you ever tried to assess the quality of the products, comparing prices?

- Yes, of course. But apart from that, I have never bought goods, having studied the information given by the manufacturer and specialist in the field.

- Alice, you've already made a list of basic foodstuffs, which we need for the week?

- Not yet. I am considering it for 30 minutes, but has not yet made a final decision. I just heard of a new advertising butter and want to try it.

- I never believed advertising. But this sounds convincing. Let's dare!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
if ever the government intervene in the politics of market prices through price controls and cards in order to be sure that the prices of major consumer goods won't rise too high?since the product became freely available, demand plummeted. its value has changed. i never thought that the value of goods is directly related to the amount available for the needs of the consumer.- recently appeared a variety of cosmetic products. have you ever tried to assess the quality of the products, comparing prices?- yes, of course. but, in addition, i never bought the goods, not by examining the information, the company is the manufacturer, and experts in the field.- alice, have you made a list of the main food items that we need for a week?- no, not yet. i'm considering him for 30 minutes, but had not yet taken a final decision. i just heard a new butter and want to try it.- i never believe advertising. but this sounds convincing. let's take a chance!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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