Он всегда говорит очень тихо.На днях я случайно встретила Нину.Если вы перевод - Он всегда говорит очень тихо.На днях я случайно встретила Нину.Если вы английский как сказать

Он всегда говорит очень тихо.На дня

Он всегда говорит очень тихо.

На днях я случайно встретила Нину.

Если вы так ответите, он придет в ярость.

По правде говоря, я так и не поняла, почему она обиделась.

Она читает с утра до ночи.

Мы всегда заставали его за работой.

Приходите ко мне завтра. - Об этом и речи быть не может, я очень занята.

Он даже не потрудился встретить нас на вокзале.

Мы уже можем читать Диккенса в оригинале.

Мой брат очень хорошо играет на скрипке.

Вы по ошибке принесли не тот журнал.

Я полагаю, ты сказал мне чистую (bare) правду.

Она смотрела налево и направо и говорила тихим голосом.

Она вела хозяйство своего овдовевшего брата.

Они любили путешествовать морем и пешком.

Рада (просто удовольствие) видеть тебя.

Он любил играть на флейте (flute).

Он был постоянно в долгах.

Ему позволили повидаться с нею на несколько минут.

Услышав это, он впал в страшную ярость.

Я наткнулся на эту книгу совершенно случайно.

Он был в растерянности, он не мог соврать.

Я могу привести ряд примеров.

Во время обеда он по ошибке назвал меня Мэри.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
He always speaks very softly.The other day I accidentally met Nina.If you respond, it will come out in a rage.Frankly, I never understood why she was mad.She reads from morning till night.We always zastavali him for his work.Come to me tomorrow. -About it and is out of the question, I am very busy.He didn't even bother to meet us at the station.We can already read Dickens.My brother plays the violin very well.You mistakenly brought the wrong magazine.I think you told me clean (bare) truth.She looked left and right and spoke in a low voice.She led her widowed brother's farm.They loved to travel by sea or on foot.Rada (just fun) see you.He liked to play the flute (flute).He was constantly in debt.He was allowed to see her for a few minutes.Upon hearing this, he fell into a terrible rage.I stumbled upon this book quite by accident.He was at a loss, he could not lie.I can cite some examples.During lunch he mistakenly called me Mary.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
He always speaks very quietly.

The other day I ran into Nina.

If you like this answer, he would be furious.

To be honest, I did not understand why she was offended.

She reads from morning till night.

We have always found him at work .

Come and see me tomorrow. - This question can not be, I'm very busy.

He did not even bother to meet us at the train station.

We can already read Dickens in the original.

My brother is very good at playing the violin.

You mistakenly brought the wrong magazine.

I believe you He told me to clean (a bare) the truth.

She looked left and right, and said in a low voice.

She ran the household of his widowed brother.

They loved to travel the sea and on foot.

Rada (a pleasure) to see you.

He loved to play the flute (flute).

He was constantly in debt.

he was allowed to see her for a few minutes.

Upon hearing this, he fell into a terrible rage.

I came across this book by accident.

he was at a loss, he can not lie.

I can give you some examples.

During lunch he mistakenly called me Mary.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
he always speaks very quietly.the other day, i accidentally met nina.if you do, he will be furious.to tell you the truth, i don't know why she's upset.she's reading from morning till night.we always see him at work.come and see me tomorrow. - it's out of the question, i am very busy.he didn't even bother to meet us at the station.we can already read dickens in the original.my brother is very good at the violin.you mistakenly brought not the magazine.i think you told me to clean (is) the truth.she looked left and right, and said softly.she kept house for his surviving brother.they loved to travel by sea and on foot.happy (just a pleasure to see you.he liked to play the flute (flute).he was always in debt.he was allowed to see her for a few minutes.having heard this, he fell into a rage.i found this book by accident.he was lost, he couldn't lie.i can cite a number of examples.during the dinner, he mistakenly call me mary.
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