выбор профессии самый сложный в жизни человека,и каждый с ним сталкива перевод - выбор профессии самый сложный в жизни человека,и каждый с ним сталкива английский как сказать

выбор профессии самый сложный в жиз

выбор профессии самый сложный в жизни человека,и каждый с ним сталкивается.Ведь это выбор того,какое место займет профессия в жизни,и кем ты станешь в дальнейшем.Прежде чем я сделала выбор у меня возникали множества вопросов,чем я хочу заниматься,с какими сложностями мне придется столкнуться? нужно заглянуть в себя,и понять чего действительно тебе нужно,на сколько моя профессия подойдет мне,и подойду ли я под ее критерии.
От своей будующий профессии я ожидаю:полные знание о профессии,о её востребованности,
достижения успеха в профессии, профессионального продвижения, реализации своего потенциала в сфере профессиональной деятельности, материальных ценностей профессия имеет значимость для меня скорее как средство достижения материального благосостояния, высоких доходов,так же должна присутствовать самореализация в профессии,инициативность и ответственность в профессиональной деятельности.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
selection of the most difficult professions in human life, and each with it stalkivaetsya.Ved a choice on what will take place in the life of the profession, and who you will become in the future.Before I made the choice I have many questions, I want to do, what challenges I have to face? you need to look at yourself and understand what you really needhow much is my profession would suit me, and I go up under its criteria.
By his profession buduyuschy I expect: full knowledge of the profession, its relevance,
succeed in the profession,professional advancement, their potential in the professional field,wealth profession has significance for me rather as a means to achieve material well-being, higher incomes, as well there should be a self-fulfillment in the profession,initiative and responsibility in their professional activities.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
the most difficult career choice in life, and everyone with him. it's the choice of profession takes place in life, and who you will become in the future.Before I made the choice I have had many questions than I want to do, what challenges I will face? you need to look at ourselves and understand what you really needas far as my profession would suit me, and I'll approach under its criteria.
from his next profession I expect: full of knowledge about the profession, about its relevance,
success in the profession, professional advancement, development of their potential in the field of professional activity, material values of the profession has significance for me as a means of achieving prosperity, high income, the same must be present in a profession self-affirmationinitiative and responsibility in professional activity.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Choice of Profession the most difficult in the life of the human,and each with it faces.but it is a choice,what place will take profession in life,and anyone gonna make you in the future.Before I made a choice, I have had many issues,than i want to deal with,what are the difficulties I have to face? You want to look at themselves,and understand that what is really you,How long does the my profession is right for me,and told whether or not I am under its criteria.
of its будующии profession I expect:full knowledge of the profession,on its worthiness,
for success in the profession,Professional career development, the implementation of the its capacity in the area of professional activity,Material values profession is of significance for me as soon as possible as a means of achieving the material well-being, high income,the same new ontology must be present in the profession,Initiative and responsibility in training activities.
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