Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. I just want to get the hell out of this black hole of Calcutta.2. Spring has been playing Box and Cox with winter for months past.3. Perhaps in a society that needs to cling to some remnants of faith, the preachers dwindlingand political leaders in goal, the union man must be Simon Pure.4. If we wish to be reminded why Ireland continues to hold John Bull in such loathing, weshould listen.5. Our Austin is a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde, and Dorina is afraid of him.6. And there were three young couples in camp, also a Darby and John.7. Apparently he did not even trouble to acknowledge a very gracious epistle from Richard giving him the Hobson's choice of going to the Egypt expedition as second-in-command or returning to Mysore.8. You can't stay an Uncle Tom when your people are fighting for their rights.9. It looks like we have got another John Doe in this case.10. But I refuse to condemn others for the mote in their eye when there is a beam in my own.11. В чужом-то глазу и соломинка бревном глядится.12. They condemned her unanimously, and each and every crowded forward to cast the firststone, lest it might be thought that there was even one among them not without sin.13. Я не знаю, все бросают в меня каменьями. Пусть! Я бы все-таки не променяла сво-его несчастия на их счастие, нет!14. Ah, Robbie, you asked them for bread, and they have given you a stone.15. Ваша помощь для меня - что камень вместо хлеба.16. The teacher searched his heart trying to decide if he had been unfair in failing Tom.17. Лишь стало по-спокойнее и лучше, какой-то скорбный, мучительный голос звал ме-ня заглянуть в свое сердце, и я не узнал себя.18. But to worship the molten calf for eighteen shillings a week? Oh, pitiful, pitiful!20. Слабые люди ноне пошли, нет поборников, нет подвижников! Забыв Бога, златомутельцу поклоняются.
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