OverviewPhysically Based Shading brings with it different ways of cons перевод - OverviewPhysically Based Shading brings with it different ways of cons английский как сказать

OverviewPhysically Based Shading br


Physically Based Shading brings with it different ways of considering lighting for levels within the CRYENGINE. This document will take you through the workflow that is recommended when lighting levels using Physically Based Shading introduced in CRYENGINE 3.6.

Important Changes to Time of Day Properties

The goal of using Physically Based Shading is maintaining the integrity of materials. As such, in CRYENGINE 3.6 we dropped some lighting approaches that were not conducive to PBS.
These dropped lighting approaches are:
Constant ambient term.
Hemi-spherical ambient term.
The reasoning behind this is that these lighting approaches would flatten the material as they only contain diffuse and no specular contribution.
What this mean in application is that some settings within Time of Day are no longer used and have been removed. These values are:
Sky Color.
Sky Color Multiplier.
Ambient Ground Color.
Ambient Ground Color Multiplier.
Ambient Min Height.
Ambient Max Height.
You will note that in the following tutorial all ambient lighting is done through the use of Environment Probes as they contribute to specular and also apply directional colored ambient lighting locally to the probe.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
OverviewPhysically Based Shading brings with it different ways of considering lighting for levels within the CRYENGINE. This document will take you through the workflow that is recommended when lighting levels using Physically Based Shading re-introduced in CRYENGINE 3.6.三Important Changes to the Time of Day PropertiesThe goal of using Physically Based Shading is maintaining the integrity of materials. As such, in CRYENGINE 3.6 we dropped some lighting approaches that were not conducive to PBS.These dropped lighting approaches are:Constant ambient term.Hemi-spherical ambient term.The reasoning behind this is that these lighting approaches would flatten the material as they only contain diffuse and specular contribution no.What this mean in application is that some settings within the Time of Day are no longer used and have been removed. These values are:Sky Color.Sky Color Multiplier.Ambient Ground Color.Ambient Ground Color Multiplier.Ambient Min Height.Ambient Max Height.You will note that in the following tutorial all ambient lighting is done through the use of Environment Probes as they contribute to specular and also apply directional colored ambient lighting locally to the probe.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Overview Physically Based Shading with it Brings Different ways of considering lighting for levels Within the CryEngine. This document Will Take you through the Workflow That is Recommended When lighting levels using Physically Based Shading Introduced in CryEngine 3.6. 三Important Changes to Time of Day Properties The Goal of using Physically Based Shading is Maintaining the integrity of materials. As such, in CryEngine 3.6 we Dropped some lighting Approaches That Were not conducive to PBS. These Dropped lighting Approaches are: Constant ambient term. Hemi-spherical ambient term. The Reasoning Behind this is That These lighting Approaches Would Flatten the material as They only Contain diffuse and specular Contribution no. What this mean in Application That is some settings Within Time of Day are no longer USED and have Been removed. These values ​​are: Color Sky. Sky Color Multiplier. Ambient Ground Color. Ambient Ground Color Multiplier. Ambient Height Min. Height Max Ambient. You Will Note That in the following tutorial ambient lighting All is done through the use of Environment as Probes They Contribute to specular and also apply directional colored ambient lighting locally to the probe.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Physiсаlly based shading brings with it different ways of соnsidering lighting for levels within the Cryengine. This document will take you through the workflow that is recommended when lighting levels using Physiсаlly based shading intrоduсed in Cryengine 3.6 .

important changes to Time of Day properties more multitasking performance

The goal of using Physiсаlly based shading is implementing the integrity of materials. As such, in Cryengine 3.6 we dropped some lighting approaches that were not соnduсive to PBS.
suggest dropped lighting approaches Mware:
constant ambient term.
hemi-spherical ambient term.
The reasoning behind this is that these lighting approaches flаtten pops up the material as they only contain a diffuse and no specular соntributiоn.
what this mean in application is that some settings within time of day are no longer used and have been eve. These values are:
Sky color.
Sky color multiplier.
Ambient ground color.
Ambient ground Color multiplier.
Ambient Min height.
Ambient Max Height.
you will note that in the following tutorial all ambient lighting is done through the use of environment probes as they contribute to specular and subsection apply directional colored ambient lighting locally to the probe.
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