Пришло время отменить смертную казнь. С каждым годом это становится вс перевод - Пришло время отменить смертную казнь. С каждым годом это становится вс английский как сказать

Пришло время отменить смертную казн

Пришло время отменить смертную казнь. С каждым годом это становится все более очевидным. Опыт всех стран показывает, что смертная казнь приводит к ожесточению в обществе. В ряде стран смертные приговоры применяются в основном к представителям неимущих слоев населения либо расовых или этнических меньшинств.
В некоторых странах смертная казнь считается мерой, без которой невозможно остановить распространение наркотиков, ликвидировать политический терроризм, экономическую коррупцию или искоренить супружескую неверность. Однако нет никаких доказательств, что ее применение способно снижать уровень преступности или политического насилия. Смертную казнь часто используют как средство политических репрессий, а смертные приговоры выносятся и приводятся в исполнение произвольно.
Оправдывая смертную казнь, чаще всего говорят, что она необходима, по крайней мере временно, для блага общества.
Однако имеет ли государство право лишать человека жизни?
Смертная казнь — это предумышленное и хладнокровное убийство человека государством. Само существование этой меры наказания является попранием основных прав человека: международное право запрещает жестокие, негуманные или унижающие человека наказания.
Многовековой опыт применения высшей меры наказания и научные исследования о взаимосвязи смертной казни и уровня преступности не дали убедительных доказательств, что смертная казнь способна эффективно защитить общество от преступности или способствовать правосудию. Ни одна система уголовной юстиции не доказала свою способность последовательно и справедливо решать, кто должен жить и кто — умереть. Некоторым удается избежать смертной казни с помощью квалифицированных защитников; другим — потому что их судят мягкосердечные судьи или присяжные; третьим помогают их политические связи или положение в обществе. Однако существует определенный процент судебных ошибок, последствия которых особенно трагичны при приведении смертного приговора в исполнение.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The time has come to abolish the death penalty. Every year it becomes more evident. Experience of all countries shows that the death penalty leads to bitterness in the society. In a number of countries the death penalty is applied mainly to the representatives of the poor or racial or ethnic minorities. In some countries, the death penalty is considered the measure, without which it is impossible to stop the spread of drugs, eradicate political terrorism, economic corruption or eliminate infidelity. However, there is no evidence that it can reduce crime or political violence. The death penalty is often used as a means of political repression and the death penalty and are enforced arbitrarily. Justifying the death penalty most often say that it is necessary, at least temporarily, for the benefit of society. However, whether the State has the right to deprive a person of life?The death penalty is premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the State. The very existence of this punishment is a violation of fundamental human rights: international law prohibits cruel, inhumane or degrading punishment human. Centuries of experience in the application of capital punishment and the research on the relationship between the death penalty and crime rates have not produced convincing evidence that the death penalty can effectively protect society from crime or to promote justice. None of the criminal justice system has not proved its ability to consistently and fairly decide who should live and who is to die. Some avoided the death penalty by using skilled defenders; the other is because they are judged by a judge or jury mjagkoserdechnye; third help their political ties or position in society. However, there is a certain percentage of judicial error, whose consequences are especially tragic when enforcement of the death sentence.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
It is time to abolish the death penalty. With each passing year it becomes more and more obvious. The experience of all countries shows that the death penalty leads to bitterness in society. In some countries, the death penalty applies mainly to the representatives of the poor or racial or ethnic minorities.
In some countries, the death penalty is considered a measure without which it is impossible to stop the spread of drugs, eliminate political terrorism, economic corruption or adultery eradicate. However, there is no evidence that its use is able to reduce the level of crime or political violence. The death penalty is often used as a tool of political repression, and death sentences are passed and enforced arbitrarily.
In justifying the death penalty more often say that it is necessary, at least temporarily, to the public good.
However, whether the state the right to deprive a person of life?
Death penalty - this is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a person by the state. The very existence of this punishment is a violation of basic human rights: international law prohibits cruel, inhuman or degrading human punishment.
The centuries-old experience of the application of the death penalty and research on the relationship of the death penalty and crime rates have not given convincing evidence that the death penalty is able to effectively protect the public from crime or to promote justice. None of the criminal justice system has not demonstrated its ability to consistently and fairly decide who should live and who - to die. Some manage to escape the death penalty by qualified defenders; others - because they are judged softhearted judge or a jury; third to help their political connections or position in society. However, there is a certain percentage of miscarriages of justice, the consequences of which are particularly tragic when carrying out the death sentence.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
it's time to abolish the death penalty. every year it becomes more evident. the experience of all countries shows that the death penalty tends to harden in the society. in some countries, the death penalty applies mainly to the poor or to racial or ethnic minorities.in some countries, the death penalty is considered to be a measure, without which it is impossible to stop the spread of drugs, to eliminate political terrorism, economic corruption and eradicate the adultery. however, there is no evidence that its use could reduce the level of crime and political violence. the death penalty was often used as a means of political repression, and the death sentences imposed and are enforced arbitrarily.for the death penalty, most say it is necessary, at least temporarily, for the good of society.however, whether the state has the right to deprive the life of a man?the death penalty is a premeditated, cold-blooded murder of rights by the state. the existence of this penalty is a denial of fundamental human rights: international law prohibits cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment.long experience in the application of capital punishment and the research on the relationship between the death penalty and crime levels gave convincing evidence that the death penalty can effectively protect society from crime or to promote justice. no system of criminal justice has proven to consistently and correctly to decide who will live and who will die. some are able to avoid the death penalty by qualified counsel; the other is because the judge мягкосердечные judge or jury; the third is the political context or position in society. however, there is a certain percentage of mistakes, the consequences of which particularly tragic in the execution is.
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