I don't know how to explain to u about family. We never don't living t перевод - I don't know how to explain to u about family. We never don't living t английский как сказать

I don't know how to explain to u ab

I don't know how to explain to u about family. We never don't living together into family. When u get 16 year. We have to leave from family, or to do something separate. У нас принято уходить из семьи и жить отдельно. Создавать семью. Учиться в колледже в университете. У нас не принято жить вместе с семьёй. Я незнаю как точно тебе это сказать, объяснить. Пойми, жизнь разная. В моей семье все живут раздельно, у каждого личная жизнь. Мой отец всегда пил алкоголь. И был алкоголиком. В наших странах все очень много и очень сильно пьют алкоголь. Многие в 25-30 уже алкоголики. Отец отказался от сына. Много лет Я жил у бабушки. В наших странах, многих учит жить улица, нас воспитывает улица. Мать с отцом всегда сорились. Мать сильно била детей. Я незнаю брата. Мы жили отдельно. Но Я второй сын у матери, есть старший брат от другого мужчины. Но он всегда жил у бабушки, дедушкой. Со временем я понял. Что я не нужен ни отцу и не матери. В 7 лет я начал жить самостоятельно. Очень сложная семья как и у многих людей. Богатые в америку не поедут. Поедут только Глупые студенты, или из бедной семьи в надежде заработать на счастливую пристарелую жизнь или такие как я одинокий волк. У нас принято жить самостоятельно, быть самостоятельным с юных лет.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I don't know how to explain to u about family. We don't never living together into the family. When u get 16 year. We have to leave from family, or to do something separate. We have taken away from the family and live separately. Create a family. Go to College at the University. We have not accepted to live with his family. I do not know how exactly you say, explain. Understand, life is different. In my family all live separately, each life style. My father always drank alcohol. And was an alcoholic. In our countries, all very much and very much drink alcohol. Many in the 25-30 are alcoholics. The father abandoned the child. For many years I lived with my grandmother. In our countries, many live Street teaches us brings up the street. Mother and father are always sorilis′. Mother severely beat the children. I do not know my brother. We lived separately. But I was the second son of a mother who has an older brother by another man. But he always lived at Grandma's, Grandpa. Over time, I realized. I don't need no father and no mother. In the 7 years I started to live alone. A very complicated family like many people. The rich in America will not leave. Will only Stupid students, or from a poor family, hoping to cash in on a happy pristareluû life or such as I'm a lone wolf. We have decided to live alone, be independent from a young age.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I do not know how to explain to u about family. We never do not living together into family. When u get 16 year. We have to leave from family, or to do something separate. We decided to leave the family and live separately. Create a family. Go to college at the University. We have not decided to live with his family. I Do not know exactly how to tell you this, explain. Look, life is different. In my family all live separately, each personal life. My father always drank alcohol. And he was an alcoholic. In our countries, all very much and very much drink alcohol. Many alcoholics have a 25-30. Father abandoned son. For many years I lived with my grandmother. In our countries, many street teaches us to live, we are raising the street. My mother and father always sorilis. Mother severely beat children. I Do not Know brother. We lived separately. But I am the second son of his mother, an older brother of another man. But he has always lived with his grandmother, grandfather. Eventually, I realized. I do not need no father and no mother. In 7 years I started to live independently. Very complicated family like many people. Rich in America will not go. Silly students will travel only or from a poor family in the hope of earning a happy life for elderly or people like me a lone wolf. We decided to live independently, to be independent from a young age.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I don't know how to explаin to u about family. We never don't living together into family. When u get 16 year. We have to leave from family, or to do something separate. We have taken away from the family and live separately. To establish a family. Study in a college in the university.We have not decided to live together with his family. I незнаю how exactly do you say this, to explain. Vomited, life differently. In my family all live separately, each personal life. My father has always was drinking alcohol. And was often dysfunctional.In our countries, all very much and very drunk alcohol. Many in 25-30 are already alcoholics. The father refused to son. Many years I stayed with grandmother. In our countries, and many have taught us to live street, we nurture the street.The mother with the father always сорились. The mother is very GAVI provides children. I незнаю brother. We lived separately. But I am the second son of the mother, there is a brother from the other men. But it has always stayed with grandmother, grandfather. With time i realized.That i don't need a father and mother is not. In 7 years, I began to live on their own. It is very complex and the family as well as for many people. The rich in America will not be traveling. Travel only stupid students,Or from a poor family in the hope to earn a happier пристарелую life or such as i lone wolf. We have decided to live independently, be self-contained with young years.
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