Организация Объединённых Наций – структура, которой нет равных по леги перевод - Организация Объединённых Наций – структура, которой нет равных по леги английский как сказать

Организация Объединённых Наций – ст

Организация Объединённых Наций – структура, которой нет равных по легитимности, представительности и универсальности. Да, в адрес ООН раздаётся в последнее время немало критики. Якобы она демонстрирует недостаточную эффективность, а принятие принципиальных решений упирается в непреодолимые противоречия, прежде всего между членами Совета Безопасности.

Однако хочу отметить, что разногласия в ООН были всегда, на протяжении всех 70 лет существования организации. И право вето применялось всегда: им пользовались и Соединённые Штаты Америки, и Великобритания, и Франция, и Китай, и Советский Союз, а позднее Россия. Это совершенно естественно для столь многоликой и представительной организации. При основании ООН и не предполагалось, что здесь будет царить единомыслие. Суть организации, собственно, и заключается в поиске и выработке компромиссов, а её сила – в учёте разных мнений и точек зрения.

Обсуждаемые на площадке ООН решения согласовываются в виде резолюций или не согласовываются, как говорят дипломаты: проходят или не проходят. И всякие действия любых государств в обход этого порядка нелегитимны и противоречат Уставу Организации Объединённых Наций, современному международному праву.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
United Nations-the structure, which has no equal on the legitimacy, representativeness and universality. Yes, the UN is heard a lot of criticism lately. Supposedly it demonstrates a lack of effectiveness, and the adoption of policy decisions by the insurmountable contradictions, especially among members of the Security Council. However, I would like to note that the differences in the UN were always, throughout the 70 years of the organization. And the right of veto is always: they enjoyed and the United States of America and the United Kingdom, and France, and China, and the Soviet Union, and later Russia. It is natural for such a diverse and inclusive organization. At the founding of the UN and not assumed that Concord will reign here. The essence of the Organization, in fact, lies in finding and proposing compromises, and her strength is in you post different opinions and points of view.Discussed at UN site solutions are agreed upon in the form of resolutions or not agreed, as diplomats say: pass or don't pass. And all acts of any State in the crawl of this order are illegitimate and contrary to the Charter of the United Nations, contemporary international law.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

United Nations - the structure, which has no equal in legitimacy, representativeness and universality. Yes, to the UN is heard lately a lot of criticism. Allegedly, it shows a lack of efficiency, and the principal decision rests on the insurmountable contradictions, primarily between the members of the Security Council. However, I want to note that the differences in the United Nations has always been, throughout the 70 years of the organization. And the veto power is always applied: it was used, and the United States, and Britain, France and China, and the Soviet Union and later Russia. It is quite natural for such a diverse and representative organization. At the founding of the UN and not expected that there will be unanimity prevail. The essence of the organization, in fact, is to find and develop compromises, and its force - Registered in different opinions and points of view. Discussed at the UN agreed solutions in the form of resolutions or agreed, diplomats say: pass or not pass. And all the actions of any of bypassing this order are illegitimate and contrary to the Charter of the United Nations, contemporary international law.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
"the united nations is the structure which is not equal to the legitimacy, representativeness and universality. yes, the un recently criticized a lot.allegedly, it shows a lack of efficiency, and the adoption of policy decisions is the insurmountable contradictions, especially among members of the security council.

but want to notewhat differences in the un were always, throughout the 70 years of the organization. the veto has always used it and the united states of america and the united kingdom, france, and china.and the soviet union, and later russia. it's perfectly natural for such a diversified and inclusive organization. at the un, and it was assumed that there would be a coincidence. the essence of organizationin fact, finding and making compromises, and its strength is in the account of opinions and points of view.

discussed at the un resolutions or decisions are in the form of not being they say diplomats: pass or not pass. and all the acts of any state around the order нелегитимны and contrary to the charter of the united nations, the modern international law.

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