Я на половину араб.Мой папа из маленькой страны Иордания на Ближнем во перевод - Я на половину араб.Мой папа из маленькой страны Иордания на Ближнем во английский как сказать

Я на половину араб.Мой папа из мале

Я на половину араб.Мой папа из маленькой страны Иордания на Ближнем востоке. Впервые я посетила эту страну, когда мне был 1 год. Моя семья решила уехать жить туда, но мы все же вернулись. Я ничего не помню с той поездки.
Второй раз мне было уже 5 или 6 лет. Я помню как все вокруг меня казалось очень странным, таким непривычным. Но тогда я впервые поехала с семьей в Акабу. Акаба - это город на берегу Красного моря. Я помню лодки с прозрачным дном. Тогда все это казалось необычным. Под водой был другой мир. Много странных рыб, которых я только по телевизору видела. На дне лежали затонувшие корабли и военная техника. Она осталась там после войн и стала домом для рыб и туристической достопримечательностью. Вид из гостиницы был прекрасен. Море в Акабе больше похоже на залив. Поэтому с высоты можно увидеть другой берег. Я видела Израиль и Египет со своего окна в гостинице. Даже египетские пирамиды были видны из окна.
В третий раз я поехала в Иорданию, когда мне было 14. Моя мама хотела переехать туда снова, но я здесь. Эта поездка запомнилась мне больше всего. Я целый год жила в Иордании. Я ходила в их школу, ела в их кафе, ходила по их магазинам. Я понемногу чувствовала себя местным жителем.
В ту поездку я посетила место под названием Петра. Это одно из чудес света, многие туристы приезжают в Иорданию для того что бы увидеть Петру. Это город который сделан из песка, высечен в горах. Говорят, что раньше там был замок, внутри этих пещер. Это место - это очень красивый пещерный город. Это чудо.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I'm half Arab. my dad Jordan from a small country in the Middle East. I first visited when I was 1 year. My family decided to go live there, but we still came back. I don't remember anything from that trip.The second time I was 5 or 6 years. I remember how everything around me seemed very strange, so strange. But then the first time I went with family to Aqaba. Aqaba is a town on the shores of the Red Sea. I remember a boat with a transparent bottom. Then it all seemed unusual. Under water was another world. A lot of strange fish, which I only saw on television. At the bottom lay sunken ships and military equipment. She remained there after the war and became a home to fish and tourist attraction. View from the hotel was fine. Sea in Aqaba looks more like a Bay. Therefore, from a height, you can see the other side. I saw Israel and Egypt from his window in the hotel. Even the Egyptian pyramids were visible from the window. The third time I went to Jordan when I was 14. My mom wanted to move there again, but I'm here. This trip I remember most. I lived for a year in Jordan. I went to their school, ate at their Cafe, they went shopping. I gradually felt local resident. During that trip, I visited a place called Peter. This is one of the wonders of the world, many tourists come to Jordan to see Peter. It is a city that is made of sand, carved in the mountains. It is said that before there was a castle, inside these caves. This place is very beautiful cave city. It is a miracle.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I half arab.Moy dad Jordan from a small country in the Middle East. I first visited the country when I was 1 year old. My family decided to go to live there, but we still came back. I do not remember anything about that trip.
The second time I was already 5 or 6 years. I remember how everything around me seemed very strange, so unusual. But the first time I went with my family to Aqaba. Aqaba - is a city on the Red Sea. I remember a boat with a transparent bottom. Then it all seemed unusual. Under the water was a different world. Many strange fish, which I have only seen on TV. At the bottom lay sunken ships and military equipment. She remained there after the war and became a home for fish and tourist attraction. View from the hotel was fine. Sea in Aqaba more like a bay. Therefore, from a height, you can see the other side. I saw Israel and Egypt from his window at a hotel. Even the Egyptian pyramids were visible from the window.
The third time I went to Jordan, when I was 14. My mom wanted to move there again, but I'm here. This trip I remember the most. I spent a year living in Jordan. I went to their school, ate in their cafe, they went shopping. I gradually felt the local people.
In that trip I visited a place called Peter. This is one of the wonders of the world, many tourists come to Jordan in order to view Peter. It is a city that is made of sand, carved into the mountains. It is said that before there was a castle, inside these caves. This place - it is a very beautiful cave city. It's a miracle.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i"m half араб.мой dad from a small country in the middle east. the first time i visited when i was 1 year. my family decided to go to live there, but we are back. i don"t remember anything from that trip.the second time i was 5 or 6 years. i remember everything around me seemed very strange, so unfamiliar. but the first time i went with my family in aqaba. aqaba is a town on the shore of the red sea. i remember a boat with a glass bottom. then it was unusual. under the sea was another world. a lot of strange fish, which i just saw on tv. at the bottom were sunken ships and military equipment. she stayed after the war and became a home for fish and tourist attraction. the view from the hotel was wonderful. the sea looks more like the gulf of aqaba. therefore, from the height to see the other side. i saw israel and egypt from her window in the hotel. even the egyptian pyramids were visible from the window.the third time i went to jordan when i was 14. my mom wanted to move there again, but i"m here. this trip remembered me most. i spent a year living in jordan. i went to their school, they eat in the cafe, i went on a shopping spree. i gradually felt a local resident.in the trip, i visited a place called peter. this is one of the wonders of the world, many tourists arrive in jordan to see peter. this is the city which is made of sand, carved in the mountains. they say that before there was a castle, inside the caves. this place is a beautiful mountain city. it"s a miracle.
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