Когда я вернулся домой, дети уже спали. Мать сказала, что они спят с 9 перевод - Когда я вернулся домой, дети уже спали. Мать сказала, что они спят с 9 английский как сказать

Когда я вернулся домой, дети уже сп

Когда я вернулся домой, дети уже спали. Мать сказала, что они спят с 9 часов. 2. Позови детей обедать. Они играют во дворе с само¬го утра. 3. В прошлом году мы отдыхали в Ялте. К концу июня я сдал все экзамены и был свободен. Мои родители заказали билеты зара¬нее, и в начале июля мы отправились в Крым. 4. Он спросил, что мы сделали с тех пор, как начали работать над этой проблемой. 5. Пока мы шли со станции, он успел рассказать мне обо всем, что про¬изошло со времени моего отъезда. 6. Виктор приехал? — Да, он здесь уже два дня. Он приехал еще в пятницу. 7. Обед уже был готов; все давно проголодались, но двоих гостей еще не было. 8. Девочка плакала. Она заблудилась. 9. Автобус запаздывал, и я пожалел, что не взял такси. 10. Как только я заказал номер в гостинице, я поехал на завод. 11. Она дала мне письмо только после того, как я назвал свое имя. 12. Преподаватель сказал, что его произношение улучшилось после того, как он поработал в лингафонном кабинете. 13. Солнце еще не взошло, когда мы тронулись в путь. 14. Он не мог принять участия в экспедиции, так как он еще не совсем оправился после болезни. 15. Целый день мы осматривали город. Вечером мы верну¬лись в гостиницу, усталые, но довольные. 16. Когда я проснулся, уже стемнело. Я посмотрел на часы. Я спал три часа. 17. Преподаватель сказал, что я пропустил много занятий и мне придется много рабо¬тать. 18. Он отправил телеграмму до того, как мы ему позвонили. 19. Когда я пришел, он сидел у камина, перелистывая журнал. 20. Сту¬денты пишут контрольную работу уже почти два часа. Пока только двое из студентов сдали работы. 21. Я вернулся домой в 5 часов вечера. К этому времени моя жена уже уложила вещи и ждала меня. Мы вызвали такси по телефону, и через полчаса были в аэропорту. Не успели мы приехать, как объявили наш рейс. 22. Художники ра¬ботали с утра, так как мы хотим повесить стенную газету еще сего¬дня вечером. 23. Утро было солнечное, но с одиннадцати часов по¬года изменилась, и теперь идет дождь. 24. Она выглядит усталой. Я думаю, что она опять читает книги по ночам.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When I got home, the kids are already asleep. Mother said that they sleep with 9:00. 2. Pozovi children dine. They play in the yard with a self ¬ 20th am. 3. Last year, we had a rest in Yalta. By the end of June I passed all the exams and was free. My parents ordered tickets Zara ¬ it, and at the beginning of July we went to Crimea. 4. He asked what we've done since then began work on this issue. 5. While we were walking from the station, he managed to tell me everything about ¬ gave since my departure. 6. Victor arrived? Yes, he's here for two days. He came back in Friday. 7. Lunch was ready; all hungry for a long time, but the two have not yet been made. 8. a girl crying. She wandered about. 9. Bus was late, and I wished I had not picked up a taxi. 10. Once I ordered a room in the hotel, I went to the factory. 11. She gave me only after I called his name. 12. Teacher said that his pronunciation has improved after he worked in the language laboratory. 13. the Sun had not yet risen when we got in the way. 14. He could not take part in the expedition, because he is still not completely recovered from the disease. 15. All day, we searched the city. In the evening we will return back to the hotel, ¬ tired but satisfied. 16. When I woke up it was dark. I looked at the clock. I slept three hours. 17. The teacher said I missed many classes and I have a lot of work ¬ thief. 18. He sent a telegram before we called him. 19. When I came, he sat by the fireplace, leafing through a magazine. 20. The TSA ¬ post-write reference work for almost two hours. So far only two of the students passed the work. 21. I'm back home in 5:00 pm. By this time my wife has already put things and waited for me. We called a taxi by telephone, and half an hour later were at the airport. No sooner had we come, as our flight was announced. 22. artists of RA in the morning had ¬, because we want to hang a wall newspaper even this ¬ day evening. 23. the morning was sunny, but with eleven hours of the year has changed, and now it's raining. 24. She looks tired. I think she reads books again at night.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
When I got home, the children were asleep. The mother said that they sleep 9 hours. 2. Call the children's lunch. They play in the yard with samo¬go morning. 3. In the last year we had a rest in Yalta. By the end of June, I passed all the exams and was free. My parents booked tickets zara¬nee, and in early July we went to the Crimea. 4. He said that we have done since they started to work on this problem. 5. As we walked from the station, he had to tell me all that pro¬izoshlo since my departure. 6. Victor arrived? - Yes, he's been here for two days. He arrived on Friday. 7. The dinner was ready; all have been hungry, but two guests did not exist. 8. The girl was crying. She lost. 9. The bus was late, and I wished I had taken a taxi. 10. As soon as I booked a hotel room, I went to the factory. 11. She gave me a letter just after I called his name. 12. The teacher said that his pronunciation improved after he worked in the language laboratory. 13. The sun had not yet risen when we set off. 14. He could not take part in the expedition, since he is not yet recovered from the disease. 15. The whole day we will explore the city. In the evening we vernu¬lis to the hotel, tired but satisfied. 16. When I awoke, it was dark. I looked at the clock. I slept for three hours. 17. The teacher said that I missed a lot of lessons and I have a lot rabo¬tat. 18. He sent a telegram to the fact, as we called him. 19. When I arrived, he was sitting by the fire, leafing through a magazine. 20. Stu¬denty written quiz for almost two hours. So far, only two of the students passed the work. 21. I came home at 5 pm. By this time my wife was already packed belongings and waited for me. We called a taxi on the phone, and after half an hour were at the airport. We had not come as our flight was announced. 22. Artists ra¬botali in the morning, because we want to hang wall paper still sego¬dnya evening. 23. The morning was sunny, but with eleven po¬goda changed, and now the rain. 24. She looks tired. I think she reads the book again at night.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
when i got home, the children were already asleep. mother said they sleep for 9 hours. 2. call the children to eat. they are playing in the yard with само¬го morning. 3. last year we were in yalta. by the end of june, i passed my exams and i was free. my parents booked зара¬нее, and in early july, we went to the crimea. 4. he asked that we have since started working on this problem. 5. as we walked to the station, he told me everything that про¬изошло since my departure. 6. victor arrived? - yeah, he's been here for two days. he arrived there on friday. 7. dinner was ready; all have starved, but two people have never been to. 8. the girl was crying. she's lost. 9. the bus late, and i regretted not taking a taxi. 10. as soon as i booked a room in the hotel, i went to the factory. 11. she gave me a letter only after i called your name. 12. the teacher said that his pronunciation has improved since he worked in лингафонном office. 13. the sun still rises when we got in the way. 14. he could not take part in the expedition as he has not fully recovered from the disease. 15. the whole day we toured the city. tonight we верну¬лись to the hotel, tired but satisfied. 16. when i woke up, it was dark. i looked at the clock. i slept for three hours. 17. the teacher said that i missed a lot of classes and i got a lot рабо¬тать. 18. he sent a telegram, before we called him. 19. when i came, he sat by the fire reading a magazine. 20. сту¬денты write verification work for almost two hours. so far, only two of the students have passed the work. 21. i went home at 5 pm. by this time, my wife has put things waiting for me. we called a taxi by phone, and in half an hour in the airport. before we arrive, as announced on our flight. 22. artists ра¬ботали since this morning, since we want to hang the defaced a children's newspaper still сего¬дня tonight. 23. the morning was sunny, but with 11 по¬года changed, and now it's raining. 24. she looks tired. i think she again reads books at night.
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