храмы перми

храмы перми" Сегодня мы хотим показ

храмы перми"
Сегодня мы хотим показать вам экскурсию по храмам в городе Перми.
Наша экскурсия продлится 3 часа. Хотим предупредить вас, что в церковь женщины входят с головным убором, а мужчины без головного убора! Так же, при входе в церковь, храм, обязательно нужно приобрести бахилы. После первого посещения в Вознесенскую Феодосиевскую церковь, мы идёт перекусить в столовую. Дальше двигаемся по указанному маршруту в Храм Центральная пермская синагога.
Храм с которого начнется наша экскурсия, это Вознесенско-Феодосиевская церковь.
Вознесенско-Феодосиевская церковь — одна из последних церквей, построенных в Перми до революции. Первоначально она называлась церковью Вознесения Господня, или просто Вознесенской. В наши дни она более известна под названием Феодосиевской церкви.
И так, вот мы подошли к Центральной пермской синагоге.
Центральная пермская синагога находится в Перми на Екатерининской улице в Ленинском районе города.
В ноябре 1929 г. синагога была закрыта властями. Здесь некоторое время располагался организованный в 1927 г. Пермский театр рабочей молодёжи (ныне Пермский академический Театр-Театр), затем поочерёдно в её здании работали Энергосбыт, другие организации, и, наконец, Пермский научный центр УрО РАН СССР. В 1994 г. здание синагоги было возвращено верующим. Здесь же находятся Иудейское религиозное общество г. Перми и арендующая первый этаж коммерческая организация.
Вот и подошла наша маленькая экскурсия к концу.Мы очень рады, что вы провели это время с нами
Всем спасибо, до свидание!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
temples of perm " Today we want to show you a guided tour of the temples in the city of Perm.Our excursion will last 3:0. We would like to warn you that in the Church include women with head-dress, and a man without a hat! Similarly, on entering a church, Temple, you have to purchase the shoe covers. After the first visit in Voznesenskaya Church, Feodosievskuû we go grab a snack in the cafeteria. Continue moving along the specified route in Central perm Temple synagogue.The temple at which to start our tour, this Ascension Church-Feodosievskaâ Church.Feodosievskaâ-Ascension Church, the Church is one of the last churches built in the City before the revolution. Originally it was called the Church of the Ascension, or simply the Ascension. Nowadays it is better known under the name of Feodosievskoj Church.And so, here we come to the Central synagogue of the Perm.Central synagogue is in Perm, Perm in ekaterininskaya Street in the Leninsky district of the city.In November 1929, the synagogue was closed by the authorities. Here some time was organized in 1927, the Perm Theatre working youth (now perm academic Theatre-Theatre), then turn in her building were Energosbyt, other organizations, and, finally, the Perm scientific center of the Ras of the USSR. In 1994, the synagogue was returned to the believers. There are Jewish religious society of perm and leased the first floor of a commercial organization.That's our little tour came to an end. We are very happy that you spent that time with usThank you all, to date!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Temples Permian "
Today we want to show you a tour of the temples in the city of Perm.
Our tour will last for 3 hours. We would like to warn you that the church includes women with a hat and a man without a hat! Just at the entrance to the church, temple, be sure to buy a shoe. After the first visit to the Church of the Ascension Feodosievskuyu, we are talking a meal in the dining room. Then we move on the specified route in central Perm synagogue Temple.
Temple from which to start our tour, this Ascension-Feodosievskaya church.
Feodosievskaya Ascension-church - one of the last churches built in Perm before the revolution. Initially, it was called the Church of the Ascension, or just Ascension. Today it is better known under the name Feodosievskoy church.
And so, here we come to the central synagogue Perm.
Perm Central Synagogue is located in Perm Catherine Street in the Leninsky district of the city.
In November 1929 the synagogue was closed by the authorities. It was located some time organized in 1927 Perm Theater of Working Youth (now Perm Academic Theatre), and then in turn in its building work Energosbyt, other organizations, and Finally, the Perm scientific center UB RAS USSR. In 1994, the synagogue was returned to believers. Here are the Jewish Religious Society of Perm and rent the first floor of a commercial organization.
That was our little excursion to kontsu.My very happy that you spent this time with us
Thank you, bye!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Temples perm"
today, we want to show you a tour of the temple in the city Perm.
the tour will last 3 hours. Want to warn you that, in the church are women with veil, and men without headdress!The same, when you log in the church, the temple, it is a must to buy booties. After the first visit of the Вознесенскую Феодосиевскую church, we are a great place for a quick snack in the dining room.We are moving on the path to the Temple Central perm synagogue.
the temple with which will start the tour, this Nikolskaya (CROSS-ERECTION Феодосиевская church.
Nikolskaya (CROSS-ERECTION Феодосиевская church - one of the last churches, built in Perm before the revolution. Originally it was called church Ascension of the Lord, or simply Chernika.In our days it is more known as Феодосиевскои church.
and so, we have come to the central perm synagogue.
The Central synagogue is located in Perm Perm at the basements street in the Leninsky district of the city.
in November 1929, synagogue was closed by the authorities. Here for a short time is positioned organized in 1927.Perm theater working youth (now Perm Academic theater, theater), and then one at a time in its buildings were evaluative, other organizations, and, finally, Perm scientific center "Technopark" of the USSR. In 1994.The synagogue was was returned to believers. Here are previous religious society, Perm and currently leases space in the first floor commercial organization.
here is and has approached our small tour by the end of.We are very pleased to,That you have this time with us
all thank you, prior to visiting!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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