The word 'hobby' means a large variety of things that people do in the перевод - The word 'hobby' means a large variety of things that people do in the английский как сказать

The word 'hobby' means a large vari

The word 'hobby' means a large variety of things that people do in their free time.We can speak about hobbies in our life when we go to school.That's the time when time of studies can be clearly distinguished from time of rest.Children go dancing,swimming,they sing,play the piano or other musical instruments.They are found of different sports and games,such as football,gymnastics,figure skating and others.This is the first time when they cjllect things-for example stickers,stamps,badges.It's good when the hobby doesn't take very mush time.If it's so,it's already a bad habit.We can say so about computer games.It's not good to become addicts.When we are teenagers,our interests become wider.Boys become fond of digital technologies and cars;girls are often fond of flowers,different clothes and animals.Now when we are college students,our hobbies are various.One of boys of the group is fond of making robots with remote control by iPhone.This is great!Another boy likes to draw cars and their owners.This is a very unusual hobby!As for me,I learn to make computer programs and I'm sure it will be helpful for me in my work.My parents say that when their family life began,many of their hobbies disappeared.So I have a great opportunity.But my mum still likes to knit,and my dad-to make furniture.These hobbies are not only interesting for them,but also useful for the whole family.Hobbies make our life very interesting.It's especially good when there are people with similar interests around you.This helps us to relax from our studies or main work and do something pleasant for ourselves and the others.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The word 'hobby' means a large variety of things that people do in their free time. <br>We can speak about hobbies in our life when we go to school.That's the time when time of studies can be clearly distinguished from time of rest.Children go dancing, swimming, they sing, play the piano or other musical instruments.They are found of different sports and games, such as football, gymnastics, figure skating and others. <br>This is the first time when they cjllect things-for example stickers, stamps, badges.It's good when the hobby does not take very mush time.If it's so, it's already a bad habit.We can say so about computer games.It's not good to become addicts.<br>When we are teenagers, our interests become wider.Boys become fond of digital technologies and cars; girls are often fond of flowers, different clothes and animals. <br>Now when we are college students, our hobbies are various.One of boys of the group is fond of making robots with remote control by iPhone.This is great! Another boy likes to draw cars and their owners.This is a very unusual hobby! As for me, I learn to make computer programs and I'm sure it will be helpful for me in my work. <br>My parents say that when their family life began, many of their hobbies disappeared.So I have a great opportunity.But my mum still likes to knit, and my dad-to make furniture.These hobbies are not only interesting for them, but also useful for the whole family.<br>Hobbies make our life very interesting.It's especially good when there are people with similar interests around you.This helps us to relax from our studies or main work and do something pleasant for ourselves and the others.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The word 'hobby' means a large variety of things that people do in their free time.<br>We can talk about hobbies in our lives when we go to school. That's the time when time of studies can be clearly distinguished from time of rest. Children go dancing, swimming, they sing, play the piano or other musical instruments. They are found of different sports and games, such as football, gymnastics, figure skating and others.<br>This is the first time when they cjllect things-for example stickers,stamps,badges. It's good when the hobby doesn't take very mush time. If it's so, it's already a bad habit. We can say so about computer games. It's not good to become addicts.<br>When we are teenagers, our interests become wider. Boys become fond of digital technologies and cars;girls are often fond of flowers, different clothes and animals.<br>Now when we are college students, our hobbies are different. One of the boys of the group is fond of making robots with remote control by iPhone.This is great! Another boy likes to draw cars and their owners. This is a very unusual hobby! As for me,I learn to make computer programs and I'm sure it will be helpful for me in my work.<br>My parents say that when their family life began,many of their hobbies disappeared. So I have a great opportunity. But my mum still likes to knit,and my dad-to-make furniture. These hobbies are not only interesting for them,but also useful for the whole family.<br>Hobbies make our life very interesting. It's especially good when there are people with similar interests around you. This helps us to relax from our studies or main work and do something pleasant for ourselves and the others.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The word'hobby'means a large variety of things that people do in their free time.<br>We can speak about hobbies in our life when we go to school.That's the time when studies can be clearly distinguished from time of rest.children go dancing, swimming, they the piano or other musical instruments.They are found of different sports and games.such as football, gymnastics.skating and others.<br>This is the first time when they cjllect things - for example stickers, stamps, badges. it's good when the hobby doesn't', t take very mush time. if it's so, it's already a bad habit. We can say so about computer games. It's not good to become addicts.<br>When we are teenagers, our interests become wider. boys become fond of digital technologies and cars girls are often fond of flowers, different clothes and animals.<br>Now when we are college students, our hobbies are of boys of the group is fond of making robots with remote control by iphone.this is great! Another boy likes to draw cars and their owners. This is a very unusual hobby! As for me, I learn to make computer programs and i'm sure it will be helpful for me in my work.<br>My parents say that when their family life began.many of their hobbies I have a great opportunity.but my mum still likes to knit, and my dad-to make furniture.these hobbies are not only interesting for them.but also useful for the whole family.<br>Hobbies make our life very interesting. it's really good when there are people with similar interests around you. This helps us to relax from our studies or main work and do something pleasant for ourselves and the others.<br>
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