Раньше в Шотландии цвета килта имели большое значение - откуда человек перевод - Раньше в Шотландии цвета килта имели большое значение - откуда человек английский как сказать

Раньше в Шотландии цвета килта имел

Раньше в Шотландии цвета килта имели большое значение - откуда человек родом, так как ткачи имели ограниченный для данной местности выбор растений, из которых можно было получить краску. Также чем выше был статус человека в обществе, тем больше цветов могло сочетаться в килте. Шестицветный килт был исключительной привилегией короля.

Стрелки на брюках появились во второй половине XIX века, когда большие партии товара отправляли чаще всего морским транспортом. После распаковки штаны имели плохо поддающиеся разглаживанию стрелки-складки, которые и вошли в моду.

Создатели телесериала «Звёздный путь» в своё время столкнулись с тем, что для поддержания зрительского интереса нужно постоянно показывать риск и гибель персонажей. Но так как убивать главных героев слишком накладно, решили жертвовать второстепенными, которые постоянно сменялись. Вскоре зрители заметили тенденцию — герои в жёлтых и голубых рубашках всегда преодолевали испытания, а персонажи в красных рубашках неизменно умирали. Впоследствии смерть «краснорубашечников» стала правилом для многих других фильмов и сериалов, в числе которых и «Остаться в живых».
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Earlier in Scotland kilt colors had a great value-where people come from, as the weavers had a limited choice of plants of the area from which you can get paint. Also higher was the status of the individual in society, the more colors could be combined in a kilt. Šesticvetnyj kilt was the exclusive privilege of the King.The arrows on the pants appeared in the second half of the 19th century, when large quantities of goods shipped by sea more often. After unpacking the pants were bad beyond straightening arrow-folds, which came into vogue.The creators of Star Trek at one time faced the fact that to maintain viewers ' interest should always show the risk and loss of characters. But since the killing of the main characters is too expensive, we decided to sacrifice the minor, which constantly changed. Soon the audience noticed the trend — heroes in yellow and blue shirts always overcame the trials, and the characters in red shirts have invariably died. Subsequently, the death of the "red shirts" became the rule for many other movies and tv series, including "stay alive."
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Earlier in the Scottish kilt colors were very important - where people come from, as the weavers had limited choice for the area of plants, from which it was possible to obtain the paint. Also, the higher the status of the individual in society, the more colors could be combined in a kilt. Six-kilt was the exclusive privilege of the king. The hands on his trousers appeared in the second half of the XIX century, when large quantities of goods sent mostly by sea. After unzipping his pants had poorly amenable to smooth out the arrow-fold, which came into vogue. The creators of the television series "Star Trek" at the time faced with the fact that to maintain spectator interest must constantly show the risk and loss of character. But how to kill the protagonists are too expensive, they decided to sacrifice the secondary, which are constantly replaced. Soon, viewers noticed a trend - the characters in the yellow-and-blue shirts have always overcome challenges, and the characters in red shirts invariably died. Subsequently, the death of the "Red Shirts" has become the rule for many other films and TV series, including and "Lost."

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
before scotland color килта was important where people come from, as the weavers were limited to the areas the choice of plants, of which we could obtain a paint.also, the higher was the status of the individual in society, the more colors could be combined in a kilt. шестицветный kilt was the exclusive preserve of the king.

creases in pants appeared in the second half of the nineteenth century.when large quantities of goods sent most of maritime transport. after extracting the pants were not measurable разглаживанию the folds, which came into fashion.

the star trek in his time, faced with the fact that for maintaining audience interest need constantly to show the risk and loss of the characters. but as to the main characters are too expensive.decided to sacrifice the connotation, which is continuously changed. soon the audience noticed a trend - heroes in the yellow and blue shirts always endured the test, and the characters in the red shirts had died.subsequently, the death of the shirts became the rule for many other films and series, including "and" stay ".
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