1. Так как он хорошо знал английский язык, он перевел статью без слова перевод - 1. Так как он хорошо знал английский язык, он перевел статью без слова английский как сказать

1. Так как он хорошо знал английски

1. Так как он хорошо знал английский язык, он перевел статью без словаря. 2. Прожив в этом городе всю свою жизнь, он знал его очень хорошо. 3. Потеряв адрес своего старого друга, я не смог навестить его, когда был в командировке в его городе. 4. Так как товары были упакованы в прочные мешки, они прибыли в хорошем состоянии. 5. Не понимая этого правила, она попросила преподавателя объяснить ей его еще раз. 6. Поскольку она была умной и доброй, все любили и уважали ее. 7. Проработав весь день на солнце, я чувствовал себя уставшим.1. Он вышел, стараясь не беспокоить нас. 2. Она стояла и думала, что ответить. 3. Она спокойно лежала, думая о предстоящей поездке в горы. 4. Он молчал, ожидая, когда все выйдут из комнаты. 5. Том вошел в комнату, неся кофе для Мэри. 6. Она сидела у окна и смотрела на улицу. 7. Они дошли до двери и стояли там разговаривая. 8. Он шел медленно, время от времени останавливался и смотрел на здания.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Because he knew English well, he translated the article without a dictionary. 2. Having lived in this city all his life, he knew him very well. 3. Having lost the address of his old friend, I have not been able to visit him when he was on a business trip in the city. 4. Because the goods were packed in sturdy bags, they arrived in good condition. 5. not understanding the rules, she asked the teacher to explain it again. 6. Because she was smart and good, all loved and respected her. 7. After working all day in the Sun, I felt tired. 1. He came out, trying not to disturb us. 2. She stood and thought to answer. 3. She was thinking about the upcoming trip to the mountains. 4. He was silent, waiting, when all go out of the room. 5. Tom walked into the room, carrying a coffee for Mary. 6. She sat by the window and looked out. 7. They reached the door and stood there talking. 8. He walked slowly, occasionally stopped and looked at the building.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Because he knew English, he translated an article without a dictionary. 2. Having lived in this city all his life, he knew it very well. 3. Having lost the address of an old friend, I could not see him when he was on a business trip in his city. 4. Since the products were packed in sturdy bags, they arrived in good condition. 5. Not understanding this rule, she asked the teacher to explain it to her again. 6. Because she was smart and kind, all loved and respected her. 7. After working all day in the sun, I felt ustavshim.1. He went out, being careful not to disturb us. 2. It was thought that answer. 3. She lay quietly, thinking about the upcoming trip to the mountains. 4. He was silent, waiting all come out of the room. 5. Tom entered the room, carrying coffee for Mary. 6. She was sitting by the window and looked out. 7. They came to the door and stood there talking. 8. He walked slowly, stopping from time to time and looked at the building.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. As it is well-known English language, he has translated article without dictionary. 2. After having lived in the city all his life, he knew him very well. 3. Losing address of your old friend, I was not able to visit him,When he was on a business trip to the city. 4. Because the items were packed in sturdy bags, they have arrived in good condition. 5. Not knowing the rules, she asked teacher to explain it to him again. 6.Because she was smart and good, all loved and respected it. 7. After the whole day in the sun, I felt уставшим.1. He went out, taking care not disturb us. 2. She stood and thought that to answer. 3. She quietly resting,Thinking about the forthcoming trip to the mountains. 4. He refused him, waiting, when all will come out of the room. 5. That is logged into the room, bringing coffee for Mary. 6. She sat at the window and glared at the street. 7. They went as far as to the door and stood there talking. 8.He was walking slowly, from time to time stopped and looked at the building.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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