Мне бы очень хотелось поехать на юг в начале июня, когда все утопает в цветах, и побродить по горам.Мы решили,что в Санкт-Петербурге остановимся в гостинице и проведем там около недели.Мы быстро устроились, и оказалось, что до вечера у нас ещё много времени.Когда мы наконец устроились, мы так устали, что никто из нас не захотел никуда идти. Вряд ли эти обрезки бумаги на что-нибудь годятся. Никогда бы не подумала,что из этих остатков материала можно сшить платье. Моя комната такого же размера,что и ваша, но она почему-то выглядит меньше. Я прочла только половину статьи,но мне кажется, что она имеет мало отношения к интересующему вас предмету. Поезд придет только через полчаса, давайте побродим по городу.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I'd love to go to the South at the beginning of June, when everything is immersed in the colors and wander through the mountains we have decided that we will stop in St. Petersburg and will spend about a week there. We quickly settled, and it turned out that until the evening we have a lot of time when we finally got settled, we were so tired that none of us wanted to go anywhere. It is unlikely that these scraps of paper to something good. Never would have thought of these residual material, you can sew a dress. My room is the same size as your, but she somehow looks less. I read only half of the article, but it seems to me that it has little relationship to your subject. The train will come only after half an hour, let's pobrodim the city.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I would really like to go to the south in early June, when everything is buried in flowers, and wander through the goram.My decided that in St. Petersburg, stay in a hotel and spend about nedeli.My quickly settled, and it turned out that in the evening we still have a lot vremeni.Kogda we finally settled down, we were so tired, that none of us wanted to go anywhere. It is unlikely that these scraps of paper for something suitable. I never thought that you can make a dress out of the remnants of the material. My room is the same size as yours, but for some reason it looks smaller. I read only half of the article, but I think it has little to do with the subject matter of interest to you. The train will come only after half an hour, let's wander around the city.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i"d really like to go to the south at the beginning of june, when it is in bloom, and around горам.мы decided that in st. petersburg, stop in the hotel and spend some недели.мы quickly settled, and it turns out that night, we got a lot of времени.когда we finally settled, we were so tired that we don"t want to nowhere to go. hardly the cutting the paper to something good. i never would have thought of these residual material can make a dress. my room is the same size as your, but somehow it looks smaller. i read only half of the article, but i think that she has little relationship to the object of interest to you. the train will only come half an hour later, come on, come with me to the city.
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