Имя моего языка – русский язык.
Это официальный язык Российской Федерации, Белоруссии, Казахстана, Кыргызстана.
К началу перестройки русским языком владели около 350 миллионов человек, большая часть из которых проживали на территории Советского Союза. К 2005 году в России на нем говорили 140 миллионов человек, а всего в мир - около 278 миллионов. Русский язык является родным для 130 миллионов граждан Российской Федерации, для 26,4 миллионов жителей республик СНГ и Балтии и для почти 7,4 миллионов жителей стран дальнего зарубежья (прежде всего Германии и других стран Европы, США и Израиля), то есть в общей сложности для 163,8 миллионов человек.
Люди понимают его России, Республики: СНГ, Балтии, Германии, США, Израиль.
Свыше 114 миллионов человек владеют русским как вторым языком (преимущественно в странах СНГ и Балтии) или знают его как иностранный (в странах дальнего зарубежья).
Истоки моего языка происхождение русского языка уходит в глубокую древность. В первом тысячелетия до нашей эры из группы родственных диалектов индоевропейской семьи языков прото - языка выделяется (на поздней стадии - примерно 1-7 века – называют славянскими).
Русский язык сформировался на основе древнерусского и церковно-славянского языков. Влияние на современное состояние русского языка оказали прежде всего финно-угорские языки, а также греческий (в основном, через церковно-славянский) , польский, немецкий, французский, английский, а также восточные языки - татарский, турецкий и тому подобные.
Английские слова на русском языке – рельс , тоннель, экспресс, трамвай, трактор, клуб, комбайн, теннис, спорт, рекорд, старт, финиш, лидер, бифштекс, пудинг, пикник, веранда, сквер.
Легкие вещи для английский языка кто говорит на моем языке являются следующие: спутник, бабушка, мама, папа.
Сложные вещи на английском, кто говорит на моем языке являются следующие: балалайка, перестройка.
Люди должны изучать русский язык, поскольку имеются литературные шедевры, написанные на русском языке, что все люди должны читать в оригинале (например, "Преступление и наказание" Достоевского)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The name of my tongue-Russian language.It is the official language of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.By the beginning of the restructuring of the Russian owned about 350 million people, most of whom lived on the territory of the Soviet Union. The 2005 year in Russia on it said 140 million people, while the world-approximately 278 million. Russian is the native language for 130 million citizens of the Russian Federation, to 26.4 million inhabitants of the CIS and the Baltic States and to almost 7.4 million residents of foreign countries (primarily Germany and other European countries, the United States and Israel), i.e. a total of 163.8 million.People understand his Russia: CIS and Baltic countries, Germany, the United States, Israel.More than 114 million people speak Russian as a second language (mainly in the CIS and Baltic countries), or know him as a foreign language (in foreign countries).The origins of my language origin of the Russian language goes into deep antiquity. In the first millennium BC from a group of related dialects of Indo-European family of languages of proto-language stands out (at a late stage-approximately 1-7 century-known as Slavic).Russian language was formed on the basis of ancient Russian and Church Slavonic languages. Impact on the current status of the Russian language had first of all Finno-Ugric languages as well as Greek (mainly through Church Slavonic), Polish, German, French, English, as well as oriental languages are Tatar, Turkish and similar.English words in English-Rails, tunnel, Airport Express bus, tram, tractor, harvester, Club, tennis, sports, record, start, finish, leader, steak, pudding, a picnic, a veranda, a square.Easy things for English language who speak my language are as follows: a companion, Grandma, mom, dad.Complex things in English, who speaks my language are as follows: balalaika, restructuring.People need to learn the Russian language, as there are literary masterpieces written in English that all people should read the original (for example, "crime and punishment" by Dostoyevsky)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The name of my tongue -. Russian language
. It is the official language of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
the beginning of the restructuring of the Russian language owned by about 350 million people, most of whom lived in the Soviet Union. By 2005 in Russia it said 140 million people, but only in the world - about 278 million. Russian language is native for 130 million citizens of the Russian Federation, for the 26.4 million inhabitants of the republics of the CIS and Baltic countries, and for almost 7.4 million residents of foreign countries (primarily Germany and other European countries, the USA and Israel), ie a total . difficulty for the 163,800,000 people
people understand it Russia, Republic:. CIS and Baltic countries, Germany, the USA, Israel
More than 114 million people speak Russian as a second language (mainly in the CIS and Baltic countries) or know him as a foreign language (in the countries far abroad).
The origins of my language Russian language origin goes back to antiquity. In the first millennium BC, the group of related dialects Proto Indo-European family of languages - the language is released (at a later stage - about 1-7 century - called Slavic).
Russian language was formed on the basis of Old Russian and Church Slavonic languages. The impact on the current state of the Russian language had above all of the Finno-Ugric languages and Greek (mostly through the church-Slavic), Polish, German, French, English and Asian languages - Tatar, Turkish, and the like.
The English word to Russian language -. rail tunnel, express tram, tractor, club, combine, tennis, sports, record, start, finish, leader steak pudding, picnic, porch, square
things easy for English speakers who speak are in my language the following:. moon, grandmother, mom, dad
complicated things in English, who speaks my language are the following:. balalaika, alteration
people need to learn the Russian language, as there are literary masterpieces written in Russian, that all people should read in the original (eg, "Crime and punishment," Dostoevsky)
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