Профессия бухгалтер
Бухгалтер - одна из важнейших профессий в наши дни, так как без бухгалтеров невозможна работа ни одной современной организации.
Описание профессии
Должностные обязанности бухгалтера бывают очень разнообразны. Например, он может производить начисление зарплаты, вести учет материальных ценностей, производить расчет себестоимости продукции или налоговых отчислений, а также осуществлять расчеты с поставщиками и субподрядчиками.
В различных отраслях экономики бухгалтерский учет имеет множество специфических особенностей. Как следствие, обычно бухгалтер специализируется на одной из функций бухгалтерского учета. Однако настоящий профессионал должен ориентироваться во всех его видах. В целом, можно сказать, что профессию бухгалтера отличает невысокий уровень общения: ее представители контактируют не столько с людьми, сколько с финансовыми документами.
Ошибочным является мнение, что бухгалтер - это человек, который "ворочает большими деньгами". В действительности он средствами не распоряжается, а лишь скрупулезно оформляет в документах любые движения материальных ценностей, решения о которых принимает не он сам, а руководство организации.
Работа бухгалтерии строго контролируется с одной стороны работодателем, с другой указами и постановлениями Минфина и Министерством по налогам и сборам, которые, увы, часто противоречат друг другу. Поэтому нужно разбираться в перипетиях законодательства и уметь общаться к госорганами, например, налоговыми. Нужно держать в голове всю финансовую картину предприятия, чтобы знать, как какая-либо сделка отразится на балансе, отчетности и премии директора.
Личные качества
Из психологических качеств бухгалтеру необходима аккуратность, ответственность, сосредоточенность, терпеливость и усидчивость, любовь к монотонной работе. Хорошего бухгалтера отличает скрупулезная внимательностью, способностью к самопроверке и самоконтролю (ведь любая его ошибка чревата убытками и другими серьезными неприятностями).
Бухгалтер должен вызывать доверие у работодателей, так как он имеет доступ ко всем аспектам финансовой деятельности фирмы. Никто не захочет брать на эту работу человека, производящего впечатлениененадежного. Неплохо также иметь хорошую память и, что самое главное, нужно уметь молчать (так как нередко бухгалтеру приходится хранить коммерческую тайну).
Образование (Что надо знать?)
Статистику, финансы, кредит, анализ хозяйственной деятельности, основы управления, технологию конкретной отрасли народного хозяйства, ее экономику, организацию и планирование, методику составления отчетности. Профессия подразумевает высшее или среднее специальное экономическое образование (реально люди без высшего образования, скорее всего, смогут трудоустроиться лишь помощником бухгалтера).
Место работы и карьера
Профессия бухгалтера относится к числу массовых, она востребована в самых различных организациях. Эти специалисты могут работать в бухгалтерии любого учреждения, в крупных фирмах и банках, на предприятиях в отделах экономического планирования и анализа. Мелкие организации зачастую не содержат бухгалтера в постоянном штате сотрудников, а временно приглашают его извне, так как это обходится им дешевле. Существует довольно много фирм, специализирующихся на оказании бухгалтерских услуг другим организациям.
На кадровом рынке профессия бухгалтер входит в число самых востребованных, и "счетовод", решивший поменять работу, никогда не останется у разбитого корыта. Тем не менее, в наши дни, с учетом все возрастающих требований со стороны работодателей, соискателям, не приложившим усилий к усовершенствованию своих профессиональных знаний и умений, а также не утруждающим себя соблюдением правил делового этикета, оказывается весьма непросто найти место в жизни.
Трудоустройство молодых специалистов также часто вызывает затруднения. Во-первых, работодатели практически всегда требуют наличие опыта работы, во-вторых, в связи с престижностью экономического образования наметилось "перепроизводство" бухгалтеров. В случае успешного трудоустройства эти специалисты могут рассчитывать на уровень доходов несколько выше средней зарплаты в промышленности.
Работа бухгалтера не ограничивается миром активов, пассивов, проводок и балансов. Настоящий профессионал обязан ориентироваться во всем, что имеет отношение к деятельности организации, в которой он трудится, интересоваться экономикой, политикой, отслеживать изменения в законодательстве и постоянно повышать свою квалификацию.
Карьерный рост возможен как по административной линии (например, стать главным бухгалтером на крупном предприятии или заведующим отделением в банке), так и посредством перехода к другим, более престижным и высокооплачиваемым экономическим специальностям (так, опыт работы бухгалтером помогает стать аудитором или финансовым аналитиком). Доскональное знание правил финансового учета помогает при управлении собственным бизнесом.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The profession of accountantAccountant-one of the most important professions nowadays, because without work no nevozmozhna accountants in modern organizations.Description of professionAccountant's duties are very diverse. For example, it can produce payroll, keep records of material values, calculate product costs or tax deductions, as well as to carry out settlements with suppliers and subcontractors.In various sectors of the economy accounting has many specific features. As a result, usually an accountant specializes in one of the functions of accounting. However, the professional should be guided in all its forms. In General, we can say that the accounting profession is distinguished by a low level of communication: its representatives come into contact not only with people, how many financial instruments.Mistaken is the view that an accountant is a person who "voročaet big money." In reality it means do not dispose of, but only minutely draws in documents any movement of wealth, which is not himself, and the leadership of the organization.Job accounting is strictly controlled by the employer on the one hand, with the other decrees and ordinances of the Ministry of finance and the Ministry of taxes and duties, which, alas, often contradict each other. So you need to understand the nuances of the legislation and be able to communicate to the public authorities, such as tax. You need to keep in mind the entire financial picture to know how any deal would affect the balance, accountability and awards Director.Personal qualitiesFrom the psychological qualities required the accountant orderly, responsibility, concentration, patience and perseverance, love of monotonous work. A good accountant is distinguished by meticulous care, ability to self-test and self-control (because any mistake is fraught with loss and other serious troubles).Accountant should be trusted by employers because it has access to all aspects of the financial activities of the company. No one wants to take on this work, conducting human vpečatlenienenadežnogo. Nice to also have a good memory, and, most importantly, you should be able to be silent (because often the accountant has to keep a trade secret).Education (what you need to know?)Statistics, finance, credit, business analysis, management framework, specific technology branches of the national economy, its economy, organization and planning, reporting methodology. Profession implies a higher or specialized secondary education (really people without higher education is more likely to be able to be employed only as an assistant accountant).Place of work and careerThe profession of the accountant was among the mass, she is in demand in a variety of organizations. These professionals can work in the Accounting Department of any institution, large firms and banks, enterprises in departments economic planning and analysis. Small organizations often do not contain the accountant in constant staff and invite him temporarily from the outside, because it costs them less. There are many companies specializing in providing accounting services to other organizations.On the personnel market, the profession of accountant ranks among the most sought-after, and "mobile Economist", decided to change the work, never will remain disappointed. However, in our days, taking into account the ever-increasing demands on the part of employers, job seekers, not for their efforts to improve their professional knowledge and skills, as well as not utruždaûŝim themselves the rules of business etiquette, it turns out it is very difficult to find a place in life.Employment of young specialists also often causes difficulties. Firstly, the employers almost always require experience, secondly, with regard to the prestige of economic education, there has been a "overproduction" accountants. In case of successful employment of these professionals can rely on the income level is slightly higher than the average salary in the industry.Accountant's work is not limited to the world of assets, liabilities, transactions and balances. A true professional is obliged to be guided in all that relates to the activities of the Organization in which he labors, interested in economy, politics, track changes in legislation and constantly improve their qualifications.Career growth is possible both administratively (i.e., become chief accountant in a large enterprise or head of the Department in the Bank), and through the transition to other, more prestigious and highly paid economic specialities (so, work experience as an accountant helps to become auditor or financial analyst). Thorough knowledge of the rules of financial accounting helps when managing your own business.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Occupation Accountant Accountant - one of the most important professions in our days, because without accountants can not work any modern organization. Job description Job responsibilities accountant can be very diverse. For example, it can produce payroll and keep a record of material values, calculate the cost of production, or tax deductions, as well as to make payments to suppliers and subcontractors. In various sectors of the economy accounting has many specific features. As a consequence, usually an accountant specializing in one of the functions of accounting. However, this professional should be guided in all its forms. In general, we can say that the accounting profession distinguished by a low level of communication: its representatives are in contact not only with people, but with financial documents. It is wrong, that the accountant - a man who "turn their big money." In reality, it means not to be disposed of, but only meticulously prepares the documents, any movement of material assets, which are decided not himself, but the leadership of the organization. Job accounting is strictly controlled on the one hand by the employer, on the other decrees and regulations of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Taxes and Levies, which, alas, often contradict each other. Therefore it is necessary to understand the vicissitudes of the legislation and be able to communicate to the government agencies, such as tax. We must keep in mind the whole financial picture of the enterprise to know how any deal will be reflected on the balance sheet reporting and Director Award. Personal qualities of the psychological qualities of the accountant necessary accuracy, responsibility, concentration, patience and perseverance, love of monotonous work. A good accountant distinguishes meticulous care, the ability to self-examination and self-control (because any error it is fraught with loss and other serious troubles). The accountant should inspire confidence among employers, as it has access to all aspects of the financial activities of the company. No one wants to take on this job the person conducting vpechatlenienenadezhnogo. Not bad also have a good memory and, most importantly, we must be able to remain silent (because quite often the accountant necessary to preserve the business secrets). Education (What should I know?), Statistics, finance, credit, business analysis, management framework, technology specific sectors of the economy , its economy, organization and planning, reporting methodology. Occupation means higher or secondary special education in economics (real people without higher education are likely to be able to find a job only assistant accountant). Workplace and Career Job Accounting is among the mass, it is demanded in various organizations. These professionals can work in the accounting department of any institution, in large firms and banks, enterprises in the departments of economic planning and analysis. Small organizations often do not contain accountant permanent staff and temporary inviting from the outside, because it costs them less. There are many firms that specialize in providing accounting services to other organizations. On the recruitment market accounting profession is among the most popular and "accountant", decided to change the work will never be left with nothing. However, these days, given the ever-increasing demand on the part of employers, job seekers, do not make an effort to improve their professional knowledge and skills, and do not bother to compliance with the rules of business etiquette, it is very difficult to find a place in life. Employment of young Professionals also often causes difficulties. First, employers almost always require work experience, and secondly, due to the prestige of economic education there has been a "glut" of accountants. In the case of successful employment of these professionals can rely on the income level slightly above the average wage in the industry. Job Accounting is not limited to the world of assets, liabilities, transactions and balances. A true professional is obliged to be guided in all that relates to the activities of the organization in which he works, interested in economics, politics, track changes in legislation and continuously improve their skills. Career development is possible both for administrative purposes (eg, to become the chief accountant at a large enterprise or head of the department at the bank), and through the transition to other, more prestigious and highly paid economic specialties (such experience helps to become an accountant auditor or financial analyst). A thorough knowledge of the rules of financial accounting helps in managing your own business.
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