1.– Ты выглядишь совсем плохо. Что с тобой?- По правде говоря, я неваж перевод - 1.– Ты выглядишь совсем плохо. Что с тобой?- По правде говоря, я неваж английский как сказать

1.– Ты выглядишь совсем плохо. Что

1.– Ты выглядишь совсем плохо. Что с тобой?

- По правде говоря, я неважно себя чувствую. Пожалуй, придется идти в поликлинику показаться врачу

- Конечно, иди немедленно. Иди просто позвони в поликлинику и вызови (попроси прислать врача).

- Я думаю, что смогу сам дойти до поликлиники. Это совсем близко.

2. Доктор: На что жалуетесь?

Пациент: У меня сильно болит голова и спина тоже болит.

Доктор: Разденьтесь до пояса, я осмотрю вас. (После осмотра) Можете одеваться. У вас грипп. Вам придется полежать в постели 2-3 дня, пока не спадет температура. Вот вам больничный лист.

3. Доктор:Ну, как вы себя чувствуете сегодня? Надеюсь, лучше?

Пациент: Гораздо лучше, доктор, спасибо. Мне уже можно вставать с постели?

Доктор: Попробуйте. Встаньте с постели, но не выходите из палаты. Через час снова ложитесь. Помните, вы не должны утомляться.

4. А.: Как чувствует себя Миша?

В.: К сожалению, хуже. Он очень болен. Прошлой ночью у него опять был жар. Температура выше 39 градусов. Он был так слаб, что не мог даже говорить со мной. Уже три дня, как он в таком состоянии.

А.: Мне нужно к ушному врачу. Когда он принимает? (в какие часы)

В.: вы пришли слишком поздно. Врач принимает по утрам. Сегодня вы можете попасть на прием только к терапевту.

А.: Хорошо, в каком кабинете он принимает?
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1.-you look really bad. What is wrong with you?-To tell the truth, I feel it doesn't matter. Probably have to go to the clinic doctor-Of course, go immediately. Go just call to the clinic and call (ask to send a doctor).-I think I can reach himself. It's quite close. 2. Doctor: what complain?Patient: I have heavily headache and back ache too.Doctor: Razden′tes′ from the waist up, I've viewed you. (After inspection) can dress up. You have the flu. You will have to lie in bed for 2-3 days until the temperature drops. Here's a sick leave. 3. Doctor: well, how do you feel today? I hope better?Patient: much better, doctor, thank you. I can already get out of bed?Doctor: Try. Stand up from the bed, but not get out of the House. An hour later, lie down again. Remember, you don't need the FAG. 4. A.: Misha feels like?Q: Unfortunately, worse. He is very ill. Last night he again was the heat. Temperature above 39 degrees. He was so weak that he could not even talk to me. For three days, as he is in this State.A.: I need to ear doctor. When he takes? (what hours)Q: you came too late. The doctor takes in the morning. Today, you can get an appointment only to the therapist.A.: Well, in which Office he takes?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1.- You look really bad. What is it? - To be honest, I do not feel well. Probably have to go to the clinic to see a doctor - of course, go immediately. Go just call the clinic and calls (ask your doctor to send). - I think that he can get to the clinic. It is very close. 2. Doctor: What are complaining about? Patient: I have a bad headache and back pain, too. Doctor: Undress to the waist, I look around you. (After inspection) can dress up. You have the flu. You will have to lie in bed for 2-3 days until the temperature will drop. Here you have a medical certificate. 3. Doctor: Well, how do you feel today? Hopefully better? Patient: Much better, doctor, thank you. I can already get out of bed? Doctor: Try. Get up out of bed, but do not leave the Chamber. An hour later, again lie down. Remember, you should not get tired. 4. A .: How is Michael? V .: Unfortunately, the worse. He's very sick. Last night he had a fever again. Temperatures above 39 degrees. He was so weak he could not even talk to me. For three days, as he is in this state. A .: I need to ushnomu doctor. When it takes? (what time) Q .: You have come too late. The doctor takes the morning. Today, you can get an appointment only to the therapist. A .: Well, in which he takes office?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1.– you look really bad. what's the matter with you?

- to tell you the truth, i don't feel well. i have to go to the clinic to see a doctor

- of course, come immediately.you just call the clinic and call (ask to send the doctor).

i think i can get myself to the clinics. it's very close.

2. doctor: what's wrong?

the patient: i have a bad headache, and my back hurts too

.doctor: take off your clothes to the waist, i'll look after you. (after examining) you can get dressed. you've got the flu. you'll have to lie in bed for 2 to 3 days until the temperature falls. here you leave leaf.

3. doctor: well,how do you feel today? i hope the better?

a: much better, doctor, thank you. i can get out of bed?

the doctor: try. get out of bed, but not out of the house. an hour, back down.remember, you don't have to wear yourself out.

4. a: how's michael?

: unfortunately, worse. he's very sick. last night, he had a fever. fever above 39 degrees. he was so weak that he couldn't even speak to me.for three days he was in that state.

a: i need to ушному doctor. when he has? (any time)

, you came too late. a doctor takes in the morning. today you can go to a party only to the therapist.

a: good.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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