Результаты (
английский) 3:
radiation accident in bay чажма. everyone has heard about the chernobyl accident, but few who heard about the accident at the nuclear power plant accident чажма nuclear submarine in the pacific fleet, causing loss of life and радиоактивнон contamination of the environment.the accident. august 10, 1985 in the apple - 431 project 675, the incumbent пиpса no. 2 factory судоремонтного navy bay чaжма (settlement shkotovo - 22), the pump active zones of reactors. the work was carried out with violations of the requirements of the nuclear safety and technology: used non lifting device. the reactor of the starboard side was перезаряжен normal.with the erosion of (expanding) the reactor was самопроизвольная uncontrollable chain reaction of uranium fission reactor port at the time of passing торпедноrо boat, which exceeded the доnустимую speed port.as a result of thermal reactor explosion occurred, killing eight officers and sailors. in the center of the radiation, according to scientists at 90000 x-rays per hour, resulting in instant death were there. the submarine started a fire, which was accompanied by a strong emission of radioactive dust and a couple. according to the зксnерта alexei митюнина, the active part of the reactor in the end was discarded outside of loki. очевиды, которыс all put it out fire, talked about the big clubs буpoго flames and smoke, which went from технолоrического oтверстия hull boats.тушением were unprepared employees of enterprises and workers судоремонтного crews nearby boats. there was no clothing or equipment. the fire took about two and a half hours. the emergency fleet team arrived at the scene of an emergency within three hours after the blast. as a result of isolated acts of the parties held in liquidators contaminated territory until 2 a.m. in ожиданияя new sets of clothing to replace зараженному.at the site of the accident was set mode information blockade, the factory has been closed off for treatment plant increased. the evening of the same day was off the link the village with the outside world. with no warning, and public outreach activities has been carried out, due to the population received a dose of radiation облученения.
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