В школе все изучали предметы, которые им не очень удавались (be good at). Никто не может отрицать (deny), что некоторые предметы для них труднее, чем остальные Я никогда не встречал никого, кто был бы так умен, что знал все предметы одинако хорошо (equally well). Хуже всего у меня обстояли дела с химией (weakest subject). Я учил наизусть формул и задачи, но ничего не могло улучшить (improve) мои знания. “Пора (it’s time) те делать что-то с этим предметом,” - говорил мой учитель. Перед последним экзамен я постарался. Я получил “5”, но далее следовало краткое пояснение: “3” - з аккуратность, остальное за знания.
Источник: http://pismoref.ru/1540675217.html
Результаты (
английский) 2:
At school all studied subjects that they are not very checkered (be good at). No one can deny (deny), that some items are harder than others I have never met anyone who would be so clever, he knew all the same things well (equally well). Worst of all my things were chemistry (weakest subject). I memorized formulas and problem, but nothing could have been better (improve) my knowledge. "It is time (it's time) they do something with this subject," - said my teacher. Before the final exam, I tried. I got a "5", but further followed a brief explanation: "3" - s accuracy, and the rest of the knowledge.
Source: http://pismoref.ru/1540675217.html
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
at school, all the studied objects that they don"t really get (be good at). no one can deny (deny) that some of them are more difficult than others i had never met anyone who was so smart, he knew all the objects одинако (yet equally well). the worst i have things with chemistry (weakest subject). i learned by heart formulas and tasks, but nothing could improve (improve) my knowledge. "now (it"s time) to do something with this subject," said my teacher. before the final examination, i have tried. i got an "a", but also should have a brief description: "3" with it, the rest is up to the knowledge.source: http: / / pismoref.ru / 1540675217.html
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