Много лет назад жил в Нидерландах, на окраине Гааги, ничем не примечательный (unremarkable) человек по имени Ганс. Он был сапожником по профессии и к тому же очень хорошим. Голландцы, как известно, очень любят цветы, они в особенности славятся своими тюльпанами. И Ганс не был исключением. В течение многих лет он выращивал различные виды тюльпанов, пока в один прекрасный день не увидел в своем саду необыкновенный тюльпан. Он был черный. Никто раньше не выращивал черные тюльпаны, и Ганс очень гордился своим удивительным цветком. Новости, как вы знаете, распространяются очень быстро. И новость об уникальном цветке стала известна во всей стране. Многие хотели купить луковицу черного тюльпана, но сапожник-садовник и слушать об этом не хотел, хотя и очень нуждался в деньгах.
Однажды приехали к Гансу люди, которые предложи¬ли ему столько денег, сколько он не заработал за всю свою жизнь, хотя он всегда был очень искусным мас¬тером и трудолюбивым человеком. Ганс думал несколь¬ко дней и сказал, что продаст луковицу. И неудиви¬тельно! Ведь в то время, а именно в 1670 году, на эти деньги можно было купить несколько домов. Только после того, как он получил деньги и пересчитал их, он отдал этим людям свое сокровище. Не успели незна¬комцы получить луковицу, как они бросили ее на зем¬лю и стали топтать, пока от нее ничего не осталось. «Что вы делаете? Вы что, с ума сошли? — закричал потрясенный Ганс. — Я всю жизнь трудился, чтобы вырастить это чудо, а вы его УНИЧТОЖИЛИ!» «Глупец, — ответили ему, — мы были готовы заплатить тебе в два раза больше. Дело в том, что мы тоже вырастили чер¬ный тюльпан, но мы не хотим никаких конкурентов в этой стране!» Когда Ганс услышал, что он упустил шанс получить в два раза больше денег, чем те, что ему дали, он сошел с ума. Ну, а черные тюльпаны перестали со временем быть редкостью. Наиболее известные их сор¬та называются: «Королева ночи», «Черная красавица», «Черная магия», «Черный герой».
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Many years ago lived in the Netherlands, on the outskirts of the Hague, unremarkable (unremarkable) a man named Hans. He was a shoemaker by profession and very good. The Dutch are known to be very fond of flowers, they are especially famous for its tulips. And Hans was no exception. For many years he planted various kinds of tulips, until one day in his garden has not seen unusual Tulip. He was black. No one before has had black tulips, and Hans was very proud of their amazing flower. News, as you know, spread very quickly. And news about the unique flower became known throughout the country. Many like to buy black Tulip bulb, but Shoemaker-gardener and listen about it didn't like, although very needed the money.One day came to Hans people who offer to him as much money as he has earned throughout his life, although he was always very skilful MAS ¬ energy and hard-working man. Hans thought several times of days and said it will sell the flesh. And neudivi ¬ significantly! At that time, namely in the year 1670, with this money you can buy several homes. Only after he had received the money and counted them, he gave them his treasure. No sooner had small ¬ komcy get the flesh, as they threw her on the ground of Liu and have trample until there was nothing left of it. "What are you doing? Are you crazy? by Hans screamed. "I worked my whole life to grow this miracle, and you DESTROYED!" "The fool," he replied, "we were ready to pay you twice as much. The fact of the matter is that we too have grown through ¬-Tulip, but we do not want any competition in this country! "When Hans heard that he missed the chance to get two times more money than those that he gave, he went crazy. Well, black tulips have, over time, be rare. The best known of sor-Ta are: "Queen of the night", "black beauty", "black magic", "Black hero".
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Many years ago, lived in the Netherlands, on the outskirts of The Hague, unremarkable (unremarkable) a man named Hans. He was a shoemaker by trade and also very good. The Dutch are known to be very fond of flowers, they are especially famous for its tulips. And Hans was no exception. For many years he cultivated various kinds of tulips, until one day he saw in his garden unusual tulip. He was black. Nobody had ever cultivated black tulips, and Hans was very proud of his amazing flower. News, as you know, spread very quickly. And news about the unique flower has become known throughout the country. Many wanted to buy a black tulip bulb, but a shoemaker and gardener not hear of it like, though very needed money.
Once arrived to Hans people who predlozhi¬li him as much money as he has not earned in his life, although he was always very skillful and hardworking person mas¬terom. Hans thought neskol¬ko days and said it would sell the bulb. And neudivi¬telno! After all, at that time, namely in 1670, with that money you could buy several houses. Only after he got the money and counted them, he gave these people the treasure. Do not have time to get nezna¬komtsy bulb, as they threw it on zem¬lyu and began to trample until more of her remains. What you do? What are you, crazy? - Hans shouted shocked. - All my life I worked hard to grow this miracle, and you destroy it! "" Fool, - he said - we were willing to pay you twice as much. The fact is that we too have grown cher¬ny tulip, but we do not want any competition in this country! "When Hans heard that he missed a chance to get twice as much money than those that they gave him, he was crazy . Well, black tulips eventually ceased to be a rarity. The most famous of sor¬ta called "Queen of the Night," "Black Beauty", "Black Magic", "Black Hero".
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Many years ago lived in the Netherlands, on the outskirts of the Hague, is not remarkable (unremаrkаble) people on behalf of Hans. It was the composer's profession and to the same very good. Dutch people, as is well known, very love flowers,They are particularly renowned for their industries. And Hans was no exception. For many years he supplement their meager income various types of tulip, until one day I saw in his garden phenomenal cinch.He was black. No sooner did not supplement their meager income black tulips, and Hans very been proud to their amazing flower. News, as you know, spread very quickly.And news about the unique enjoy has become known throughout the country. Many would like to buy broth black gene pool, but cobbler-gardener and listen to about this is not like, although a very needed the money.
Once came to Dr Wang Longde people who had eaten¬whether it so much money, how much he does not work for all his life, although he has always been a very skillful mas¬successfully and hardworking person. Hans thought several¬go days and he said,That would sell broth. And неудиви¬ida! Indeed, at that time, and it was in 1670, at the money could buy several houses. Only after the fact, as he had received money and Michmash them, he gave the people their treasure.Do not wait too long to get minor¬комцы broth, as they threw her on the optimal management of Liu and become beforetime, as long as it does not have. "What are you doing? Are you that crazy fade away? - cried shocked Hans. - I have all the life he lived,To sell this is a miracle, and you destroyed!" "heir, - replied to him, - we were ready to pay you more than twice as much. The fact is that we had raised Tcheul patent offices cinch, but we do not want to see any competitors in this country!" When Hans when he heard that, he missed the chance to get two times more money than those that he was given, he was crazy. Well, black tulips have ceased with time to be rare. The most well-known their cds¬ta are called:"Queen nights", "black beauty", "black magic", "Black heroes" .
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