1. Курить так вредно, но он никак не может бросить. 2. Сколько тебе на перевод - 1. Курить так вредно, но он никак не может бросить. 2. Сколько тебе на английский как сказать

1. Курить так вредно, но он никак н

1. Курить так вредно, но он никак не может бросить. 2. Сколько тебе надо времени, чтобы закончить перевод? 3. Говорить с ней – одно удовольствие. 4. Соблюдение диеты – необходимость, а не каприз. 5. Жениться на ней будет просто несчастьем. 6. Было невыносимо слышать, как они ссорятся каждый вечер. 7. Не помочь ему сейчас было бы неправильным. 8. Встретиться с ними у Браунов – это сюрприз. 9. Бесполезно убеждать его не разводиться с ней. 10. Трудно поверить в то, что он вернулся. 11. Хорошо было бы посоветоваться с отцом. 12. Важно иметь хороших друзей. 13. Не предупредить его об этом было бы нечестно. 14. Мне гораздо приятней дарить подарки, чем получать их. 15. Идти в кино было слишком поздно. 16. С ним приятно иметь дело. 17. Вам понадобится 20 минут, чтобы добраться до вокзала. 18. Научиться писать трудней, чем научиться читать. 19. Важно предупредить их вовремя. 20. Меня очень удивило, когда я увидел его на концерте: он терпеть не может пение. 21. Нырять с моста опасно. 22. Ей доставляло огромное удовольствие, когда ее узнавали на улице. 23. Нам понадобилось немало времени на то, чтобы убедить его, что он не прав. 24. Интересно сходить на эту выставку. 25. Побывать в Брайтоне и не видеть море было очень обидно. 26. Нам было трудно получить эти сведения. 27. Оставить дом и мужа было очень серьезным шагом. 28. Ты не должен даже думать об этом. Говорить о смерти – к несчастью. 29. С Дженис трудно связаться. Она, кажется, висит на телефоне весь вечер. 30. Познать себя – это знать свои достоинства и недостатки.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Smoking is so harmful, but he can't throw. 2. how many you need time to finish the translation? 3. Talk to her-a pleasure. 4. Dieting is a necessity rather than whim. 5. Marry her will just misfortune. 6. it was unbearable to hear as they quarrel every night. 7. don't help him now would be wrong. 8. Meet with them at Browns is a surprise. 9. Useless to persuade him not to divorce her. 10. It is hard to believe that he returned. 11. It would be good to consult with the father. 12. It is important to have good friends. 13. do not warn him about this would be dishonest. 14. I am much nicer to give gifts than receive them. 15. Go to the movies, it was too late. 16. With it nice to deal with. 17. you will need 20 minutes to reach the station. 18. Learn to write more difficult than learning to read. 19. It is important to warn them in time. 20. I was very surprised when I saw him in concert: he hates singing. 21. the Dive from the bridge is dangerous. 22. She gave enormous pleasure when it learned on the street. 23. It took us quite a while to convince him that he is wrong. 24. it was interesting to go to this exhibition. 25. Visit Brighton and not see the sea was very disappointing. 26. It was difficult to get this information. 27. Leave the House and my husband was a very serious step. 28. you should not even think about it. Talking about death is unfortunately. 29. With Janice is hard to reach. It seems to be hanging on the phone all evening. 30. Know yourself is to know its advantages and disadvantages.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Smoking is so bad, but he can not throw. 2. How much time do you want to finish the translation? 3. Talk with it - a pleasure. 4. Dieting - a necessity, not a whim. 5. Marrying her is simply misfortune. 6. It was unbearable to hear them quarrel every evening. 7. Do not help him now would be wrong. 8. Meet with them at Browns - it's a surprise. 9. It is useless to convince him not to divorce her. 10. It is difficult to believe that he's back. 11. It would be well to consult with his father. 12. It is important to have good friends. 13. Do not warn him about this would be unfair. 14. I was much more pleasant to give gifts than to receive them. 15. Going to the movies was too late. 16. With him a pleasure to deal with. 17. You will need 20 minutes to get to the train station. 18. Learn to write more difficult than learning to read. 19. It is important to warn them in time. 20. I was very surprised when I saw him in concert: he can not stand singing. 21. Diving from the bridge is dangerous. 22. It gave her great pleasure, when it recognized on the street. 23. We took a lot of time trying to convince him that he is wrong. 24. It is interesting to go to this show. 25. A stay in Brighton and do not see the sea was very disappointing. 26. It was difficult to get this information. 27. Leave the house and her husband was a very serious step. 28. You should not even think about it. Talking about death - unfortunately. 29. Janice difficult to contact. It seems to hang on the phone all night. 30. Know yourself - is to know your strengths and weaknesses.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. smoking is bad, but he can"t leave. 2. how long will it take you to finish the translation? 3. talking with her is my pleasure. 4. compliance with the diet is a necessity, not a whim. 5. to marry her would be just bad luck. 6. it was impossible to hear how they fight every night. 7. don"t help him now would be wrong. 8. meet them at the browns is a surprise. 9. useless to persuade him not to get divorced with her. 10. it is hard to believe that he came back. 11. it would discuss it with my father. 12. it is important to have good friends. 13. don"t warn him that wouldn"t be fair. 14. i"m much nicer gift giving than receiving them. 15. go to the movies, it was too late. 16. it"s a pleasure to do business with him. 17. you need 20 minutes to get to the station. 18. learn to write more difficult than to learn to read. 19. it is important to warn them in time. 20. i was very surprised when i saw him at the concert, he doesn"t like singing. 21. dive from the bridge is dangerous. 22. she was very happy when she found in the street. 23. it took us a long time to convince him that he"s not human. 24. i go to this exhibition. 25. to go to brighton and did not see the sea was very sad. 26. it was hard for us to obtain this information. 27. leave the house and her husband was a very important step. 28. you should not even think about it. talking about death, unfortunately. 29. janice is hard to reach. she seems to be on the phone all night. 30. to know yourself is to know their advantages and disadvantages.
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