В силу большого количества неблагоприятных социальных и биологических  перевод - В силу большого количества неблагоприятных социальных и биологических  английский как сказать

В силу большого количества неблагоп

В силу большого количества неблагоприятных социальных и биологических оснований, отмечается прирост численности детей, которые имеют различные отклонения в развитии, среди которых весьма распространёнными являются речевые нарушения. Среди дошкольников с речевыми нарушениями, многочисленную группу составляют дети с ОНР. Исследования многих авторов дают возможность понять, что у детей с общим недоразвитием речи возникают трудности в формировании предпосылок к развитию графо - моторных навыков.
У многих дошкольников с общим недоразвитием речи можно отметить низкий уровень готовности к овладению письмом. Выявление особенностей развития графо-моторных навыков у детей с ОНР подтверждают необходимость определения основных путей развитию предпосылок данного навыка. Ребенку для того, чтобы научиться писать необходимо, овладеть элементарными графическими действиями. Я полагаю, что ИЗО деятельность является эффективном способом для формирования предпосылок к развитию графо-моторных навыков, однако в настоящее время недостаточно раскрытой остается данная методика.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Because of the large number of adverse social and biological reasons, there has been a growth in the number of children who have a variety of developmental problems, among which the very common are speech violations. Among pre-school children with speech disorders, numerous group consists of children from the ONR. Studies of many authors give to understand that children with General underdevelopment of speech difficulties in forming the preconditions for development of grapho-motor skills. Many preschoolers with General underdevelopment can be speech noted the low level of readiness to mastering the letter. Identify features of the development of the grapho-motor skills in children with ONR confirm the need to identify the main ways to develop the preconditions for this skill. The child to learn to write, it is necessary to master elementary graphic operations. I believe that EVERY activity is an effective way to generate prerequisites to the development of grapho-motor skills, but are currently not sufficiently disclosed remains this technique.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Due to a large number of adverse social and biological reasons, there is increase in the number of children who have a variety of developmental disorders, including very common are voice disorders. Among preschool children with speech disorders, a large group are children with ONR. Studies of many authors make it possible to understand that children with the general underdevelopment of speech, there are difficulties in the formation of the prerequisites for the development of graph - motor skills.
Many preschool children with the general underdevelopment of speech can be noted a low level of readiness for mastering writing. Identifying features of graph-motor skills in children with ONR confirm the need to identify the main ways to develop this skill prerequisites. The child is to learn to write is necessary to master the basic graphics operations. I believe that ISO activities is an effective way for the formation of the prerequisites for the development of graph-motor skills, but is currently insufficient disclosure is the technique.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
because of the large number of adverse social and biological reasons is the growth of the children who have various structural abnormalities, among which the most common are speech disorders. among preschool children with speech disorders, the largest group consisted of children with онр. the study of many authors provide an opportunity to understand that children with speech difficulties arose in the common недоразвитием prerequisites to the development of графо - motor skills.many preschool children with general speech недоразвитием included lack of willingness to join the letter. the features of the development of графо - motor skills in children with онр confirm the need to determine the main ways for the development of the skill. the child to learn how to write should master the elementary graphical actions. i believe that hard work is the effective way to create the preconditions for the development графо - motor skills, but not currently open is this methodology.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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