В наше время так много интересных и нужных профессий! Все больше высших учебных заведений: институтов, университетов, академий готовят высококвалифицированных специалистов в различных областях знаний. Конечно, каждый должен выбирать профессию, которая соответствует его стремлениям, увлечениям, способностям. Я хочу стать учителем начальных классов. Как чудесно 1 сентября вести за руку в первый класс малышей, которые доверчиво смотрят на тебя пытливыми широко раскрытыми глазами! Как немного они знают в свой первый учебный день, и насколько увеличивается их багаж знаний к концу 1, 2, 3, 4 класса! Первые прочитанные звуки, слоги, слова, предложения и, наконец, тексты! Ребенок не совсем правильно держит ручку в руках, и вот первая отлично написанная палочка, буква, слово, диктант и сочинение! Первые правильно сосчитанные палочки, пример, задача, уравнение!
Учитель открывает ребенку огромный и необъятный окружающий мир. Сколько нового узнает ребенок о природе — растениях и животных, людях, предметах и понятиях! Для того чтобы соответствовать учительскому званию, нужно очень много знать — и не на школьном уровне, а на уровне педагогического, колледжа, а еще лучше — института. Для того чтобы преподавать в школе, нужно отлично знать многие предметы. Серьезно и глубоко будущими педагогами изучаются русский язык и литература, детская литература, математика, основы природоведения, анатомия и физиология человека, история и география. Поэтому я стараюсь хорошо учиться в школе и уже готовлюсь к поступлению в педагогический институт.
Учителя не может быть без любви к детям, ласки и терпения. Только человек, искренне любящий детей, сможет работать в школе. Ведь дети очень разные — послушные и не очень, внимательные и рассеянные, с легким характером или сложные, трудные. Но несмотря на это, учитель их любит одинаково, детей со сложным характером, может быть, даже больше, потому что в работе с ними нужно приложить гораздо больше усилий и поэтому ценнее результат. Учитель должен быть хорошим психологом — без индивидуального подхода к детям не обойтись, и терпеливо и настойчиво не один, а несколько раз, если нужно, объяснять детям новую тему. Поэтому необходимо внимательно изучать педагогику и психологию — это важные предметы в институтах, готовящих учителей начальных классов.
Очень важна и нелегка работа с родителями, ведь для папы и мамы их ребенок — самый лучший, самый умный, чудесный и замечательный. Это так и есть, но нужно помочь детям стать еще лучше, а родителям тактично подсказать, как это сделать, помочь дельным советом найти выход из трудной ситуации.
Конечно, труд учителя — нелегкий. И во время уроков, и на переменах учитель — с детьми, он не может позволить себе отдохнуть, ведь на нем лежит огромнейшая ответственность за детей. Нужно быть готовым к тому, что работа учителя не заканчивается со звонком с последнего урока. Каждый день надо проверить минимум шестьдесят тетрадей — партию по русскому языку и партию по математике, ведь эти предметы в младших классах — каждый день. Нужно написать буквы, цифры и палочки, исправить ошибки, выслушать стихотворение или правило. При подготовке к урокам написать много конспектов, потратив не один час.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Nowadays, so many interesting and relevant professions! More higher education institutions: universities, academies, institutions prepare highly qualified specialists in different fields of knowledge. Of course, everyone must choose a profession that corresponds to its aspirations, interests, and abilities. I want to become a primary school teacher. How wonderful 1 September to hand in the first class of kids who look up to you trustfully inquisitive wide-eyed! As a little they know in their first day of training, and it increases their knowledge toward the end of the 1, 2, 3, 4 class! The first read of sounds, syllables, words, sentences and texts! Child not quite correctly holds the handle in hand, and here is the first fine written by wand, letter, Word, Dictation and writing! The first properly regarded sticks, example, the equation!The teacher opens the child to a vast and immense world. How many new learns a child about nature — plants and animals, humans, objects and concepts! In order to comply with the učitel′skomu rank, needs very much to know — and not at the school level and at the level of teaching, College, or even better-Institute. In order to teach at a school, you need an excellent knowledge of many subjects. Seriously and deeply future teachers taught Russian language and literature, children's literature, mathematics, foundations of natural science, human anatomy and Physiology, history and geography. So I try to study hard in school and prepare for entry to teacher training college.Teachers can not be without the love of children, care and patience. Only a man who genuinely loves children, will be able to work in the school. Because children are very different — and not very obedient, attentive and scattered, with easy, difficult or complex nature. But despite this, the teacher likes them equally, children with complex, maybe even more, because in them you need to put a lot more effort and therefore more valuable result. The teacher should be a good psychologist — without individual approach to children is indispensable, and patiently and persistently not once but several times, if necessary, to explain to children the new theme. Therefore, you should carefully study the pedagogy and psychology are important items in the institutions preparing teachers of primary classes.Very important and it is not easy working with parents, mothers and fathers for their child is the best, most intelligent, beautiful and wonderful. This is the case, but we need to help kids become better parents and tactfully suggest how to do this, help focused advice to find a way out of a difficult situation.Of course, the teacher is hard work. And during lessons and at recess teacher — with children, he could not afford to relax, because it has the greatest responsibility for the children. You need to be alert to the fact that the work teachers do not end with a call to the last lesson. Every day you should check at least sixty-notebooks-party on Russian language and math, because these subjects in junior — every day. You need to write letters, numbers, and the sticks, correct mistakes, listen to a poem or a rule. In preparing to write a lot of note-taking lessons, having spent more than one hour.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Nowadays so many interesting and relevant professions! More and more higher education institutions: institutions, universities, academies prepare highly qualified specialists in various fields of knowledge. Of course, one has to choose a profession that corresponds to his aspirations, passions, abilities. I want to become a primary school teacher. How wonderful September 1 lead by the hand in the first grade kids who trustingly inquisitive look at you with wide eyes! How little they know in their first day of school, and how increasing their knowledge base by the end of 1, 2, 3, 4 class! Read the first sounds, syllables, words, sentences, and finally, the texts! The child is not quite right holding a pen in his hand, and this is the first well-written stick, letter, word, dictation and writing! The first count correctly sticks example, the task of the equation!
Teacher opens the child huge and vast world around us. How many new child learns about nature - plants and animals, people, objects and concepts! In order to meet the teacher's title, you need to know a lot - and not at the school level and at the level of teaching, college, and even better - Institute. In order to teach at the school, you know very well, many things. Seriously and deeply future teachers studied Russian language and literature, children's literature, mathematics, basics of natural history, anatomy and physiology, history and geography. So I try to do well in school and is already preparing to enter the Pedagogical Institute.
Teachers can not be without the love of children, kindness and patience. Only a man who truly loves children, be able to work at the school. After all, children are very different - and not very obedient, attentive and scattered, with a slight character or complex, difficult. But despite this, the teacher loves them equally, children with a complex character, maybe even more, because in working with them need much more effort and therefore more valuable result. The teacher must be a good psychologist - no individual approach to children can not do, and patiently and persistently not once, but several times, if necessary, to explain to children the new theme. Therefore it is necessary to scrutinize the pedagogy and psychology - are important items in the institutions that train primary school teachers.
It is very important and hard work with the parents, because mom and dad for their child - the best, most intelligent, lovely and wonderful. This is true, but you need to help children to become even better, and parents tactfully suggest how to do this, practical advice to help find a way out of a difficult situation.
Of course, the teacher's work - hard. And during lessons, and at recess teacher - with the children, he can not afford to relax, because it is a huge responsibility for the children. Need to be prepared for the fact that the work of the teacher does not end with a call from the last lesson. Every day should be checked at least sixty notebooks - the party of the Russian language and the party in mathematics, because these subjects in the junior classes - every day. Need to write letters, numbers and sticks, to correct errors, to listen to a poem or a rule. In preparation for the lesson written many abstracts, having spent more than one hour.
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