Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, the famous Russian diplomat, had a bri перевод - Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, the famous Russian diplomat, had a bri английский как сказать

Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, the

Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, the famous Russian diplomat, had a brilliant career. He graduated from university and there is an opinion that he didn't get his PhD because of the war with Napoleon in 1812. Like majority of young Russian aristocrats, Griboedov joined the army to defend his motherland from the enemy. After the war in 1816 G riboedov moved to the capital of Russia, St. Petersburg. There he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Mairs. He was making an outstanding career in the Ministry when once he fought in a duel and was ordered to leave St. Petersburg. Griboedov was offered a job as a diplomat in Persia (now Iran) or the USA He chose Persia and spent there three years. After that he worked under General Yermolov in Georgia. In January 1826 Griboedov was arrested on suspicion of his belonging to Decernbrists but after a few months he was set free and went again to the caucasus. In 1828 Griboedov was sem to St. Petersburg with the text of the RussianPersian peace treaty. That year he got married and went to the capital of Persia - Tehran. He was a truly successful diplomat and stood for peace between the two countries. His contemporaries wrote that he was more important than the whole army. But on 30 January 1829 nationalistic groups of radical Muslims attacked the Russian Embassy in Tehran. The building was ruined and all the people were killed. Griboedov was buried in his favourite Tiflis in St. David's Monastery.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, the famous Russian diplomat , had a brilliant career. He graduated from university and there is an opinion that he did not get his PhD because of the war with Napoleon in 1812. Like majority of young Russian aristocrats, Griboedov joined the army to defend his motherland from the enemy. <br><br>After the war in 1816 G riboedov moved to the capital of Russia , St. Petersburg. There he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Mairs. He was making an outstanding career in the Ministry when once he fought in a duel and was ordered to leave St. Petersburg. <br><br>Griboedov was offered a job as a diplomat in Persia (now Iran) or the USA He chose Persia and spent there three years. After that he worked under General Yermolov in Georgia.<br><br>In January 1826 Griboedov was arrested on suspicion of his belonging to Decernbrists but after a few months he was set free and went again to the caucasus. <br><br>In 1828 Griboedov was sem to St. Petersburg with the text of the RussianPersian peace treaty. That year he got married and went to the capital of Persia - Tehran. He was a truly successful diplomat and stood for peace between the two countries. His contemporaries wrote that he was more important than the whole army. <br><br>But on 30 January 1829 nationalistic groups of radical Muslims attacked the Russian Embassy in Tehran. The building was ruined and all the people were killed. <br><br>Griboedov was buried in his favourite Tiflis in St. David's Monastery.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, the famous Russian diplomat, had a brilliant career. He graduated from university and there is an opinion that he didn't get his PhD because of the war with Napoleon in 1812. Like the majority of young Russian aristocrats, Griboedov joined the army to defend his motherland from the enemy. <br><br>After the war in 1816, G riboedov moved to the capital of Russia, St. Petersburg. There he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Mairs. He was making an outstanding career in the Ministry when once he fought in a duel and was ordered to leave St. Petersburg. <br><br>Griboedov was offered a job as a diplomat in Persia (now Iran) or the USA He chose Persia and spent there three years. After that he worked under General Yermolov in Georgia. <br><br>In January 1826 Griboedov was arrested on suspicion of his belonging to decernbrists but after a few months he was set free and went again to the caucasus. <br><br>In 1828 Griboedov was sem to St. Petersburg with the text of the RussianPersian peace treaty. That year he got married and went to the capital of Persia - Tehran. He was a truly successful diplomat and stood for peace between the two countries. His contemporaries wrote that he was more important than the whole army. <br><br>But on 30 January 1829 nationalistic groups of radical Muslims attacked the Russian Embassy in Tehran. The building was ruined and all the people were killed. <br><br>Griboedov was buried in his favorite Tiflis in St. David's Monastery.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov,the famous Russian diplomat,had a brilliant career. He graduated from college and had an opinion that he died "not to let his PhD because of the war with Napoleon 1812.". Like young Russian teenagers fighting, griboedov joined in to defend his mother from enemy.<br>After the war in 1816 G riboedov moved to the capital of Russia,St.Petersburg. There he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Mairs. He has held an external position in the Ministry of foreign affairs, held a position in a duel and was ordered to leave St. Petersburg.<br>Griboedov was offered a job as a diplomati in Persia)(now Iran)or the USA He chose Persia and spent there three years. Later, he worked under general yermolov in Georgia.<br>In January 1826 Griboedov was arrested on suspicion of his belonging to Decernbrists but after a few months he was set free and went again to the caucasus.<br>In 1828 Griboedov was sem to St.Petersburg with the text of the Russian Peace treaty. This year, he had married and went to the capital of persona Tehran. He is a successful diplomacy and history of peace between two countries. His contemporary writes that he was more important than the whole army<br>However, on January 30, 1829, the Russian Embassy in Tehran was attacked by radical Muslims national groups. The building was destroyed and everyone was killed.<br>Griboedov was buried in his favourite Tiflis in St.David's Monastery.<br>
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