На первом этаже был небольшой магазин со свякой вкуснятиной, типо чипсов, колы, шоколадок и она там иногда подрабатывала. Этот магазин открывался вечером всего на 1 час
On the first floor was a small shop with svâkoj yummy, Tipo chips, Cola, chocolate and it's there sometimes moonlighted. This store opened in the evening only at 1:00
On the ground floor there was a small store with a case by yummy Tipo chips, cola, chocolate, and she was there sometimes moonlighted. This store was opened in the evening just 1 hour
on the first floor of a store with свякой like an appetizer, like chips, coke, chocolate, and she is sometimes used to work. this store was a night just for 1 hour