С. Мельпоменус (Melpomenus) сидел у своих друзей уже три часа, когда он поднялся и сказал, что должен идти. «Не может быть, чтобы Вам нужно было идти, - воскликнула хозяйка – Вы могли бы остаться на обед».
М. ничего не оставалось делать, как остаться на обед. Он отложил шляпу в сторону и сел. Он пообедал, а потом остался на чай. Нервы у него были напряжены. Он едва сдерживал слезы. Хозяйка была удивлена и сердита. «У него нет чувства меры», - думала она. Она видела, что у М. не было ни малейшего желания уходить, и она предложила ему остаться у них на две недели. «Но я не могу жить за Ваш счет», - пробормотал он. Комната поплыла у него перед глазами. «Они не должны мешать мне уйти. Если бы они не были так вежливы, я бы давно ушел», - думал он.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
S. Mel′pomenus (Melpomenus) was sitting with friends for three hours when he stood up and said he should go. "It cannot be that you had to go," exclaimed mistress-you could stay for lunch.M. had nothing else to do, how to stay for lunch. He postponed the hat aside and sat down. He had lunch and afterwards stayed for tea. Nerves were strained. He barely restrained tears. The hostess was surprised and angry. "He has no sense of proportion," thought she. She saw that m was the slightest desire to leave, and she invited him to stay with them for two weeks. "But I can't live at your expense," he murmured. The room swam before my eyes from him. "They should not let me go. If they weren't so polite, I would have gone, "he thought.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
S. Melpomenus (Melpomenus) sat at his friends for three hours, when he stood up and said he had to go. "It can not be that you had to go - cried the mistress - you could stay for dinner."
M. nothing to do but stay for dinner. He put his hat aside and sat down. He had dinner, and then stayed for tea. Nerves had been stretched. He could barely hold back tears. The hostess was surprised and angry. "He has no sense of proportion," - she thought. She saw that M. had no desire to leave, and she invited him to stay with them for two weeks. "But I can not live at your expense", - he muttered. The room swam before his eyes. "They should not interfere with me go. If they were not so polite, I would have gone, "- he thought.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
with the. мельпоменус (Melpomenus) sat at his friends for three hours when he got up, and said that i have to go. "it can't be that you had to go, she said she is you could stay on the butt.
m.had no choice but to stay for dinner. he put down his hat aside and sat down. he had lunch, and then stay to tea. the nerves had a tense. he could barely contain the tears. she was surprised and angry."no feelings", she thought. she saw that. there was no intention to leave, and she invited him to stay with them for two weeks. "but i can't live for your account, - he muttered.the room swam before his eyes. "they don't have to let me go. if they were not so polite, i had been this, he thought.
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