Система выборов в США уникальна. Она очень сложна, но при этом достато перевод - Система выборов в США уникальна. Она очень сложна, но при этом достато английский как сказать

Система выборов в США уникальна. Он

Система выборов в США уникальна. Она очень сложна, но при этом достаточно прозрачна. ее создатели считали главной своей задачей не простоту и прозрачность выборов, а создание системы, которая не допустила бы прихода к власти в стране диктатора или тирана.
Президент США избирается не непосредственно гражданами страны, а Коллегией Выборщиков (Electoral College). Каждый штат США обладает определенным количеством голосов выборщиков, которое определяется на основе числа сенаторов и конгрессменов, представляющих штат.
Выборщики, представляющие определенный штат, должны отдавать свои голоса за того кандидата, который набрал в их штате большинство голосов (даже если преимущество составляет один голос). Именно поэтому кандидаты в президенты стараются объехать максимум штатов, но при этом отдают предпочтение крупным штатам, у которых больше представителей в Коллегии Выборщиков.
Количество членов в Коллегии Выборщиков непостоянно и меняется из года в год, и зависит от количества населения, реально проживающего в каждом конкретном штате страны в момент выборов (поэтому в США перепись проводится раз в четыре года). На выборах 2000 года общее число выборщиков составило 538 - 100 сенаторов, 435 представителей в Конгрессе и три избирательных голоса из столицы США - города Вашингтона, который имеет статус федерального округа и не имеет своих представителей в высших органах законодательной власти США.
Кандидат, который набирает более 50% избирательных голосов в Коллегии Выборщиков, становится президентом США. Если ни один из кандидатов не набирает большинства в 50% голосов плюс один голос, то судьба будущего президента решается в нижней палате парламента - Палате Представителей Конгресса США (House of Representative), где, опять - таки, голосуют штаты, а не личности. В процессе голосования каждый штат США получает право одного голоса. Так как ныне в США входят 50 штатов, кандидат должен набрать 26 голосов, чтобы стать президентом. Если и Палата Представителей не определяет победителя, то последнее слово должен сказать Сенат США (US Senate). В ходе этого голосования Сенаторы могут отдать свой голос в соответствии со своим личным мнением, а не руководствуясь волей избирателей штата. Победителем становится претендент, набравший простое большинство голосов.
Каждая из партий, участвующих в президентской гонке, выдвигает кандидатов в президенты и вице-президенты. Во время голосования американские избиратели отдают свои голоса не тандему президента и вице-президента, а каждому политику по отдельности.
Когда создатели Соединенных Штатов разрабатывали систему выборов, ими двигали две цели. В первую очередь, они желали создать некую "буферную зону" между президентом и гражданами страны. Они опасались появления во главе страны маргиналов и тиранов - политиков, которые, как неоднократно случалось в мире, демагогическими обещаниями приобретали поддержку народа и приходили к власти. Поэтому и была создана Коллегия Выборщиков, представители выступали как единая группа и встречались только один раз, таким образом сводя к нулю шансы того, что ими смогут манипулировать. Кроме того, предполагалось, что таким образом больше прав получат небольшие и малонаселенные штаты.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The electoral system in the United States is unique. It is very complicated, but quite transparent. its creators thought the main task is the simplicity and transparency of the elections and creating a system that would have prevented the taking power from dictator or despot.President of the United States is not directly the citizens of the country, and by an electoral college (Electoral College). United States, each State has a certain number of electoral votes, which is determined on the basis of the number of Senators and congressmen representing the State.Electors of the State, must give their votes for the candidate who won the most votes in their State (even if the advantage is one vote). That is why the presidential candidates are trying to overtake the State maximum, but prefer the large States have more representatives in the electoral college.The number of members of the electoral college is impermanent and varies from year to year and depends on the number of people actually living in each State of the country at the time of the election (so in the United States, the Census takes place every four years). In 2000, the total number of electors totalled 538-100 senators, 435 representatives in Congress and three electoral votes from the capital of the United States-the city of Washington, which has the status of a Federal District and has no representation in bodies of legislative power United States.A candidate who gains over 50 percent of the electoral votes in the electoral college, becomes President of the United States. If no candidate gains a majority in the 50 percent of votes plus one vote, the future President's fate is being decided in the lower House of Parliament-United States House of representatives (House of Representative), which, again, are voting States, not individuals. In the United States, each State vote gets one vote. As in the United States includes the 50 States, a candidate must win 26 votes to become President. If the House of representatives does not determine the winner, the last word has to say to the Senate of United States (US Senate). During this vote, Senators may vote in accordance with their personal opinions, and not following the will of the voters of the State. The winner is the candidate with a simple majority vote.Each of the parties participating in the presidential race, nominated candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency. At the time of the vote American voters cast their votes not for the President and Vice President, and each policy separately.When the creators of the United States developed a system of elections, they have moved two goals. First of all, they wanted to create a "buffer zone" between the President and the citizens of the country. They feared the appearance at the head of the country marginalized and tyrants-politicians who, as has happened in the world, demagogic promises have gained the support of the people and came to power. Therefore, the electoral college was established by representatives acted as a group and have met only once, thus reducing to zero the chances that they will be able to manipulate. In addition, it was expected that more rights will be small and sparsely populated States.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Electoral system in the United States is unique. It is very complicated, but it is quite transparent. its creators believe the main task is not simple and transparent elections, and the creation of a system that is not allowed to come to power in the country dictator or tyrant.
The US president is elected directly by the citizens of the country do not, and the electoral college (Electoral College). Each US state has a certain number of electoral votes, which is determined based on the number of senators and congressmen representing the state.
The electors representing a particular state must cast their votes for the candidate who scored in their state majority (even if the advantage of one vote) . That is why the presidential candidates are trying to avoid a maximum state, but prefer the large states that have more representatives in the electoral college.
The number of members in the electoral college is not constant and varies from year to year and depends on the number of people actually living in each the state of the country at the time of the election (which is why the US census is conducted every four years). In the 2000 elections, the total number of electors was 538 - 100 senators, 435 representatives in Congress and three electoral votes from the US capital - the city of Washington, which has the status of the Federal District and has its representatives in the highest legislative bodies of the United States.
The candidate who receives more than 50% of the electoral votes in the electoral college, became president of the United States. If no candidate receives a majority in the 50% plus one vote, the fate of the future president is solved in the lower house of parliament - the House of Representatives of the US Congress (House of Representative), where, again - again, voting states, rather than the individual. In the voting process, each US state is entitled to one vote. As now in the United States consists of 50 states, a candidate must gain 26 votes to become president. If the House of Representatives does not determine the winner, the last word should be said, the US Senate (US Senate). During the voting Senators may cast their vote according to their personal opinion, and not guided by the will of the voters of the state. The winner is the bidder who receives a simple majority of votes.
Each of the parties participating in the presidential race, nominates candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency. During the voting American voters cast their votes not tandem president and vice-president, and each policy separately.
When the founders of the United States to develop a system of elections, they moved two goals. First of all, they wanted to create a kind of "buffer zone" between the president and the citizens of the country. They feared the appearance of the head of the country's marginalized and tyrants - politicians who, as often happened in the world, demagogic promises gained the support of the people and come to power. Therefore, and was created by an electoral college representatives acted as a group and met only once, thus reducing to zero the chances that they will be able to manipulate. In addition, it was assumed that in this way will have more rights to small and sparsely populated states.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The system of elections in the United States is unique. It is very complex, but at this point, it is sufficient transparent. Its creators thought the main task is not easy and transparent elections, and the establishment of a system,That is not allowed to come to power in the country dictator or tyrant.
US President is elected directly by citizens, as well by an electoral college (Electoral College).Each US state has a certain number of votes electors, which is determined on the basis of the number of senators and congressmen, representing the state.
electors, representing a certain state,Have to give their vote for the candidate, which has gained in their state of majority (even if the advantage is one voice). It is for this reason that the candidates trying to avoid maximum states,But the preference for large states, which more representatives of the Board of Electors.
the number of members of the Board of Electors is not persistent and varies from year to year, and is dependent on the number of population,Actually living in each particular state of the country in the time of the election (and therefore in the U.S. census is conducted every four years). In the 2000 elections, the total number of voters was 538 - 100 senators,435 representatives in Congress and the three electoral votes from the capital city USA - Washington city, which has the status of district and is not its representatives in the higher organs of legislative power.
A candidate, which is gaining more than 50% votes in the electoral college electors, becomes the President of the United States. If none of the candidates isn't gaining majority in 50% of the votes plus one vote,It is the fate of the future of the President of the lower chamber of the parliament - the House of Representatives of the United States Congress (House of correction), where, again, I think, voting states, not as a person.In the process of voting each US state receives the right to a single vote. As the current in the United States includes 50 states, a candidate must dial 26 votes to become the president.If you and the House of Representatives does not determine one winner, the last word I have to say the Senate the U.S. (US Senаte). In the course of the voting Senators may vote in accordance with their personal opinion,And not in accordance with the will of the voters. The winner becomes a contender, who obtains a majority of the votes cast.
each of the parties involved in the presidential race,Nominate candidates for the presidents and vice-presidents. At the time of the voting American voters gave their vote to not first telephone conversations somewhat strenuous president and vice-president, and each policy separately.
When the creators have developed the United States electoral system, their selfish two objectives. In the first instance, they wanted to create a "buffer zone" between the president and citizens of the country.They feared the emergence in chapter countries marginalized and tyrants - politicians, who, as has been repeatedly happened in the world, defamatory promises from obtaining support for the people and came to power.It is therefore and was established the Election Committee, the representatives of the acted as a single group and met only once, thus minimizing the zero chances that they will be able to manipulate. In addition, it was expected,That way more rights will be small and sparsely populated states.
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