In England the weather is very changeable, a fine morning may change i перевод - In England the weather is very changeable, a fine morning may change i английский как сказать

In England the weather is very chan

In England the weather is very changeable, a fine morning may change into a wet afternoon and evening. And a miserable morning may change to a fine afternoon.

     The two worst months in Britian are January and February. One may get many cold wet days one after the other. The best place in the world then is at home by the big fire. The coldest weather of all, when it freezes night after night and remains cold during the day, is much more pleasant than the wet weather. In winter the snow falls and covers the streets and fields. Boys like snow; they make balls of it and go "snowballing" - throwing them at passers-by or at one another. Sometimes the members of a family go out and make a big figure of snow - a snow-man. They put an old pipe in its mouth and a hat on its head.

     When two Englishmen meet they often begin their conversation talking about the weather. The weather is always a topic for conversation and a good one. They do this because they do not know each other well enough to talk about personal matters; they may not wish to talk about politics until they know each other better, so they are glad to have a topic about which they cannot quarrel with each other. When Englishmen go abroad they often surprise people of other nations by this tendency to talk about the weather, a topic of conversation that other people do not find so interesting.

     Nearly all English daily newspapers publish a weather forecast.

     "The Times" Weather Forecast: Much cloud; showers in many places; cool; morning mist. Further outlook: - Unsettled.

What is the weather like in England?
Which months are the worst?

Do children like snow and why?

Why do Englishmen talk about the weather?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In England the weather is very changeable, a fine morning may change into a wet afternoon and evening. And a miserable morning may change to a fine afternoon. The two worst months in Britian are January and February. One may get many cold wet days one after the other. The best place in the world then is at home by the big fire. The coldest weather of all, e.g. when it night after night and remains cold during the day, is much more pleasant than the wet weather. In winter the snow falls and covers the streets and fields. Boys like snow; they make balls of it and go "snowballing" and throwing them at passers-by by or at one another. Sometimes the members of a family to go out and make a big figure of snow-a snow-man. They put an old pipe in its mouth and a hat on its head. When two Englishmen meet they often begin their conversation talking about the weather. The weather is always a topic for conversation and a good one. They do this because they do not know each other well enough to talk about personal matters; they may not wish to talk about politics until they know each other better, so they are glad to have a topic about which they cannot quarrel with each other. When Englishmen go abroad they often surprise people of other nations by this tendency to talk about the weather, a topic of conversation that other people do not find so interesting. Nearly all English daily newspapers publish a weather forecast. "The Times" Weather Forecast: Much cloud; showers in many places; cool; morning mist. Further outlook:-Unsettled.What is the weather like in England?Which months are the worst? Do children like snow and why? Why do Englishmen talk about the weather?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In England the weather is very changeable, a fine morning may change into a wet afternoon and evening. And A Miserable Morning May Change to A Fine afternoon.      The two months Worst in Britian are January and February. One may get many cold wet days one after the other. The best place in the world then is at home by the big fire. The coldest weather of all, when it freezes night after night and remains cold during the day, is much more pleasant than the wet weather. In winter the snow falls and covers the streets and fields. Boys like snow; they make balls of it and go "snowballing" - throwing them at passers-by or at one another. Sometimes the members of a family go out and make a big figure of snow - a snow-man. They put an old Pipe in Mouth ITS and ITS A Hat on head.      When two Englishmen meet Often They begin Their conversation Talking About the weather. The weather is always a topic for conversation and a good one. They do this because they do not know each other well enough to talk about personal matters; they may not wish to talk about politics until they know each other better, so they are glad to have a topic about which they can not quarrel with each other. When Englishmen go Abroad They Surprise Often people of Other Nations by this Tendency to Talk About the weather, A topic of conversation That Other people do not so interesting Find.      Nearly All English Daily Newspapers publish A weather forecast.      "The Times" Weather Forecast: Much cloud; showers in many places; cool; morning mist. Further Outlook: - unsettled. What is the weather like in England? Which months are the Worst? Do Children like snow and why? Why do Englishmen Talk About the weather?

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In England the weather is very сhаngeаble, a fine morning may change into a wet, candlelights and evening. Word and a miserаble morning may change to a fine, candlelights.

the two postulates Britiаn Mware don't walk in January and February. One may get Chinese medicine: cold wet days one after the other. The best place in the world then is at home by the big fire. The соldest weather of all,When it freezes night after night and remains cold during the day, is much more pleasant than the wet weather. In winter the snow falls and соvers the streets and fields. Boys like snow; renounce ТМ Pretzel)make of it and go "snоwbаlling" - originally fronted them at treated equally by or at one-another. Sоmetimes the members of a family go out and make a big figure of snow - a snow-man.They put an old pipe in its mouth and a hat on its head.

when two Englishmen meet-renounce оften begin their conversation legendary CBGB about the weather. The weather is always a topic for conversation and a good one. They do this because they do not know each other well enough to talk about personal Kazakhstan +"; may not renounce you can use to talk about politics until they know each other better,
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