11 марта 2011 года на северо-востоке Японии произошло землетрясение магнитудой 9,0, которое получило официальное название "Великое землетрясение Восточной Японии". Землетрясение подобной силы, по оценкам ученых, происходит в этой стране не чаще одного раза в 600 лет.
Стихийное бедствие произошло в 8:48 по московскому времени, эпицентр находился в 373 километрах северо-восточнее Токио.Землетрясение вызвало крупнейшее цунами, которое накрыло территорию общей площадью 561 квадратный километр, что соответствует 90% площади 23 специальных районов, составляющих ядро Токио. Больше половины затопленной водой территории — 327 квадратных километров — пришлось на префектуру Мияги. Высота цунами составляла около 40,5 метра. Высота волны, обрушившейся на деревню Нода в той же префектуре Ивате, составляла 37,8 метра.. В результате от гигантского цунами в шести префектурах пострадали 62 города и деревни.
Высота волны и площадь, оказавшаяся под водой, превзошли все научные расчеты , моделирующие развитие чрезвычайных ситуаций на основе заложенных данных. Стихийное бедствие привело к развитию тяжелой аварии на японской АЭС .В условиях землетрясения внешнее электропитание пропало. На АЭС не была предусмотрена защита от воздействия на станцию цунами. В результате пришедшая волна цунами затопила дизельные генераторы, которые были расположены на каждом из энергоблоков АЭС внизу, в заливаемой водой части. Дизельные генераторы предназначены для обеспечения работы системы охлаждения станции при отключении внешнего электропитания. Скопление водорода в помещениях, где были расположены реакторы, привело к серии взрывов, которые разрушили здания.Следствием этого стал выброс радиоактивности во внешнюю среду, после чего радиоактивные вещества были обнаружены в питьевой воде, овощах, чае, мясе и других продуктах.
Общий объем выбросов йода‑131 и цезия‑137 после аварии на АЭС составил 900 тысяч терабеккрелей, что не превышает 20% от выбросов после Чернобыльской аварии в 1986 году.
В результате землетрясения восточное побережье японского острова Хонсю сместилось на 2,5 метра на восток.
Число погибших и пропавших без вести превысило 20 тысяч человек. Около 93% погибших стали жертвами гигантской волны.
Ущерб, который нанесло гигантское цунами японской экономике, транспорту и инфраструктуре, не считая затрат, связанных с аварией на АЭС около 215 миллиардов долларов.
Полностью или наполовину были разрушены 126 тысяч строений.
Площадь подлежащих дезактивации земель составляет 3% территории Японии.
По приблизительным подсчетам министерства окружающей среды Японии, пострадавшие от цунами районы предстоит очистить от свыше 23 миллионов тонн мусора — обломков домов, перемешанных с предметами домашнего обихода, бытовой техникой, мебелью и т.д. в единую массу.29 января 2013 года правительство Японии приняло решение увеличить бюджет на восстановление страны и пострадавших от землетрясения и цунами 2011 года районов около 277 миллиардов долларов.Бюджет на восстановление, принятый в июле 2011 года, предполагал расходы в размере 211 миллиардов долларов
Результаты (
английский) 1:
March 11, 2011 year in northeastern Japan 9.0 magnitude quake, which received the official name of "the great earthquake in eastern Japan. An earthquake of similar strength, scientists estimate that happens in this country no more than once in 600 years.The disaster happened in 8:48 (Moscow time), the epicenter was located at 373 kilometers northeast of Tokyo largest earthquake caused a tsunami that the territory has a total area of 561 square km, which corresponds to 90% of the 23 special wards that make up the core of Tokyo. More than half of the flooded territory — 327 square kilometres — came from Miyagi Prefecture. The height of the tsunami was approximately 40.5 meters. The height of the wave that hit the village of Noda in Iwate Prefecture, the same was 37.8 m.. As a result of a giant tsunami in six prefectures affected 62 towns and villages.Wave height and the area was included under water, surpassed all the scientific calculations, modelling the development of emergencies on the basis laid down in the data. The disaster led to the development of a heavy accident at Japanese NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS. the conditions of the earthquake external power supply. The plant has not been protected from the effects of the tsunami at the station. As a result of the coming tsunami wave flooded the diesel generators, which were located at each NUCLEAR POWER PLANT units at the bottom in flooded water. Diesel generators designed for providing the operation of cooling systems of the station at external power supplies. The accumulation of hydrogen in premises where reactors were located, resulted in a series of explosions that destroyed the building. The consequence of this became release of radioactivity to the environment, followed by radioactive substances have been detected in drinking water, vegetables, tea, meat and other products.Total emissions of joda‑131 and ceziâ‑137 after the accident at the NUCLEAR POWER PLANT amounted to 900 thousand terabekkrelej that does not exceed 20% of the emissions after the Chernobyl accident in 1986 year.As a result of the earthquake of the East coast of the Japanese island of Honshu has shifted to 2.5 meters to the East.The number of dead and missing has exceeded 20 thousand people. About 93% of the dead were victims of the giant waves.Damage which caused a giant tsunami Japanese economy, transport and infrastructure, excluding costs associated with the accident at the NUCLEAR POWER PLANT of about 215 billion dollars.Fully or half 126 thousand buildings were destroyed.Area subject to deactivation of land makes up 3% of the territory of Japan.According to rough estimates by the Ministry of environment of Japan, tsunami-affected areas to be cleared of more than 23 million tons of garbage is the wreckage of homes, mixed with household goods, furniture, appliances, etc into a single mass. January 29, 2013, the Government of Japan has decided to increase the budget for the reconstruction of the country and affected by the earthquake and tsunami 2011 year areas about 277 billion dollars. the budget for recovery adopted in July 2011 onwards imply costs of 211 billion dollars
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
March 11, 2011 in northeastern Japan, earthquake of magnitude 9.0, which received the official name of the "Great East Japan earthquake." An earthquake of such force, according to scientists, there is in this country no more than once in 600 years.
The disaster occurred at 8:48 Moscow time, the epicenter was located 373 kilometers northeast of Tokio.Zemletryasenie caused a major tsunami that has covered a total area area of 561 square kilometers, which corresponds to 90% of the 23 special districts forming the core of Tokyo. More than half of the flooded water area - 327 square kilometers - were in Miyagi Prefecture. The height of the tsunami was about 40.5 meters. The height of the waves that hit the village of Noda in the same prefecture of Iwate, was 37.8 meters .. As a result, from a giant tsunami in the six prefectures affected 62 towns and villages.
The height of the waves and the area was under water surpassed all scientific calculations, modeling development emergencies on the basis of embedded data. The disaster led to the development of severe accident at Japanese nuclear power plant earthquake conditions .In the external power supply is lost. At nuclear power plants has been made to protect from the effects of the tsunami at the station. As a result, it came the tsunami flooded the diesel generators, which were located at each of the nuclear units at the bottom of the water poured in. Diesel generators are designed for the operation of the cooling station when disconnecting the external power supply. Accumulation of hydrogen in the premises where they were located reactors led to a series of explosions that destroyed zdaniya.Sledstviem this was the release of radioactivity into the environment, after which radioactive substances have been detected in drinking water, vegetables, tea, meat and other products.
Total emissions iodine-131 and cesium-137 after the accident at the nuclear power plant amounted to 900 thousand terabekkreley that does not exceed 20% of the emissions from the Chernobyl accident in 1986.
As a result of the earthquake east coast of the Japanese island of Honshu has shifted by 2.5 meters to the east.
The number of dead and Missing exceeded 20 thousand people. Approximately 93% of the dead were victims of the giant waves.
The damage that has caused a giant tsunami the Japanese economy, transport and infrastructure, excluding the costs associated with the accident at the nuclear power plant about 215 billion dollars.
Full or half destroyed 126,000 buildings.
The area subject to land remediation is 3% in Japan.
According to rough estimates of the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, tsunami-affected areas have to be cleaned from more than 23 million tons of waste - wreckage of houses mixed with household goods, electrical household appliances, furniture, etc. a single massu.29 January 2013 the Government of Japan has decided to increase the budget for the reconstruction of the country and affected by the earthquake and tsunami in 2011 about 277 billion areas dollarov.Byudzhet recovery, adopted in July 2011, the projected cost of $ 211 billion dollars
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
march 11, 2011, in the northeast of japan, an earthquake of magnitude 9.0, which was the official name of the "great east japan earthquake. an earthquake of such forces, according to the scientists.what's going on in the country more than once in 600 years.
the disaster happened at 8: 48 moscow time, the epicenter was in 373 kilometers northeast of токио.землетрясение caused the largest tsunamiwhich covered the territory with a total area of 56 square kilometer, with 90% of the 23 special areas, which constituted the core of tokyo.more than half of the flooded water territory - 327 square kilometers - had to miyagi prefecture. the height of the tsunami was about 105 meters. wave height being thrown at the village of noda in the iwate prefecture.was 37.8 meters. as a result of the giant tsunami in six prefectures were 62 cities and villages.
wave height and area situated under water, exceeded all scientific calculations.simulating the development of emergency based on the underlying data. the disaster led to the development of severe accident in nuclear power plant, the japanese earthquake, external power supply is lost.the plant was not protected from the effects of the tsunami. as a result of the tsunami has flooded the diesel generators, which were located on each of the units power plant downstairsin заливаемой water part. diesel generators are intended to support the work of the cooling station in case of external power supply. concentration of hydrogen in the premiseswhere were located reactors, led to a series of explosions that destroyed the здания.следствием has release of radioactivity in the external environment, after which the radioactive substances have been detected in drinking watervegetables, tea, meat and other products. "the total emissions of йода‑131 and цезия‑137 after the accident at the nuclear power plant of 900 thousand терабеккрелей that does not exceed 20% of the emissions after the chernobyl disaster in 1986.as a result of an earthquake, the eastern coast of the japanese island of honshu has shifted to 2.5 meters to the east. the number of dead and missing exceeds 20 thousand person.about 93% of deaths were the victims of a giant wave.
damage caused a huge tsunami, the japanese economy, transport and infrastructure, not to mention the cost of the accident at the nuclear power plant about 215 billion dollars. "full or half destroyed 126 thousand buildings.
the deactivation of land is subject to 3% of the territory of japan.
estimated the ministry of the environment, japan.the tsunami affected areas to be cleared of over 23 million tons of debris and wreckage of homes, перемешанных household items, appliances, furniture and so on. in a single mass.29 january 2013, the government of japan has decided to increase the budget for reconstruction, and the affected by the earthquake and tsunami 2011 areas approximately 277 billion долларов.бюджет recoveryadopted in july 2011, the expected cost of $211 billion
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