День начался как обычно, шел не большой дождь, все спешили по своим де перевод - День начался как обычно, шел не большой дождь, все спешили по своим де английский как сказать

День начался как обычно, шел не бол

День начался как обычно, шел не большой дождь, все спешили по своим делам. Джонатан собрал свой чемодан и пошел на работу, он работает компьютерным программистом. Он шел через туннель над железнодорожным мостом. В это время двое гангстеров спускались по пожарному выходу, один из них нес чемодан. На светофоре все трое остановились, вдруг зазвонил телефон. Джонатан и один из незнакомцев поставили свои чемоданы на тротуар и начали искать свои телефоны, оказалось, что звонил телефон высокого мужчины в черных очках. Ему позвонил босс, в это время светофор загорелся зеленым цветом. Джонатан случайно перепутал чемоданы, и подняв чемодан гангстера, перешел дорогу. Двое гангстеров тоже перешли дорогу и направились к своей машине. Сев в машину и открыв чемодан гангстеры увидели, что перепутали чемоданы, вместо денег в этом чемодане оказались документы и сандвич.
----- Погода улучшилась, появилось солнце и дождь уменьшился. Гангстеры начали преследование Джонатана, который ничего не подозревает. Джонатан свернул в маленький переулок, незнакомцы побежали за ним. На их пути остановились два автобуса, в это время Джонатан зашел в магазин и прошел в отдел игрушек и канцтоваров. У прилавка стояла молодая девушка с похожим чемоданом, который стоял около ее ноги, Джонатан поставил свой чемодан рядом с ее чемоданом. Он купил фломастер и поблагодарив снова поднял чужой чемодан. Девушка, уточнив заказ на следующую поставку товара, спросила у продавца о новом продукте - игрушечных водных писталетах. Продавец сказал, что такая новинка его пока не интересует. Девушка уже начала уходить, но подняв чемодан поняла, что он слишком тяжелый.
----- В это же время гангстеры увидели Джонатана на эскалаторе и толкая людей побежали за ним. Спустившись по лестнице в переулок Джонатана остановили два незнакомца, тот, что в черных очках потребовал от Джонатана его чемодан. Джонатан решил, что незнакомцы ошибаются и открыл чемодан, однако там он обнаружил пистолет. Достав пистолет Джонатан случайно направил его на гангстеров, они испугались и убежали. Наш герой не понимал, что происходит. Услышав за спиной шаги, Джонатан опять обернулся, держа пистолет в руке. Это оказалась та самая девушка из магазина, она объяснила Джонатану, что они перепутали свои чемоданы, и теперь у нее находится сандвич Джонатана, а у него ее игрушечный водный пистолет. Изменившись за такую ошибку Джонатан и девушка поменялись чемоданами, и разошлись по своим делам.
----- Посмотрев на небо Джонатан увидел, что погода окончательно улучшилась, и что теперь он может спокойно пообедать на лавочке в парке. Сев на ближайшую свободную лавочку, Джонатан открыл чемодан и онемел от шока. Внутри находился не его сандвич, а очень много денег. Джонатан не верил своему счастью.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The day started as usual, was not a big rain, all hurried about their business. Jonathan assembled his suitcase and went to work, he is computer programmer. He walked through the tunnel on the railway bridge. At this time two of the gangsters went down the fire exit, one of them was carrying a suitcase. All three stopped at a traffic light, suddenly the phone rang. Jonathan and one of the strangers put their bags on the sidewalk and began to look for their phones, the ringing phone high men in dark glasses. He phoned the boss, at this time the traffic lights light up in green. Jonathan accidentally mixed up the suitcases, and lifting the suitcase gangster, crossed the road. Two gangsters, too, crossed the road and headed to his car. Sitting in the car and opening the suitcase mobsters saw that mixed up suitcases instead of money in this case were documents and sandwich. -----The weather improved, there was Sun and rain fell. Gangsters were pursued by Jonathan, who suspected nothing. Jonathan rolled into a small lane, strangers ran after him. On their way stopped two buses at that time Jonathan had gone to the store and went to toys and stationery. At the counter stood a young girl with a similar suitcase, who was standing near her feet, Jonathan put his suitcase next to her suitcase. He bought the pen and thanking again raised a suitcase. Girl, specifying the following delivery of the goods, asked the seller about a new product-toy water pistaletah. The seller said that the novelty of his not yet interested. The girl had already started to leave, but lifting the suitcase realized it too heavy. -----At the same time, the gangsters saw Jonathan on the escalator and pushing people ran after him. Descending the stairs into the lane Jonathan stopped two stranger, the black spectacles of Jonathan his suitcase. Jonathan decided that strangers are wrong and opened the suitcase, but there he discovered the gun. Machine gun Jonathan accidentally sent it to gang members, they were frightened and ran away. Our hero did not understand what was happening. When he heard steps behind him, Jonathan again turned around, holding a gun in his hand. It was the kind of girl from the store, she explained to Him that they mixed up our bags, and now she is Jonathan's sandwich, and it's a toy water gun. Changed the error Jonathan and the girl were suitcases and went on her way. -----After looking at the sky, Jonathan saw that the weather had improved and that he can now dine on a bench in the Park. Sitting at a nearby shop, free Jonathan opened the suitcase and speechless from shock. Inside was not his sandwich, and a lot of money. Jonathan could not believe their luck.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The day began as usual, was not much rain, all in a hurry about their business. Jonathan gathered his bag and went to work, he works a computer programmer. He walked through the tunnel over the railway bridge. At this time, the two gangsters down the fire escape, one of them was carrying a suitcase. At the traffic lights all three stopped, suddenly the phone rang. Jonathan and one of the strangers put their bags on the pavement and began to look for their phones, it turned out that the phone rang a tall man in black glasses. He called the boss, at that time the traffic light lights up in green. Jonathan accidentally mixed up the bags and lifting the suitcase gangster, crossed the road. Two gangsters too, crossed the road and headed to his car. Once in the car and opened the suitcase gangsters saw mixed bags, instead of the money in the suitcase were documents and sandwich.
----- The weather improved, the sun came out and the rain fell. Gangsters were pursued Jonathan, who does not suspect anything. Jonathan turned into a small alley, strangers ran after him. On their way, stopped two buses at this time Jonathan went to the store and went to the toy department and stationery. At the counter stood a young girl with the same bag, which stood near her feet, Jonathan put his bag next to her suitcase. He bought a pen and thanking again raised the opponent's suitcase. Girl, specifying the order for the next delivery of the goods, the seller asked about a new product - toy water pistaletah. The seller said that such a novelty it is not yet interested. The girl has already started to leave, but lifting a suitcase realized that he was too heavy.
----- At the same time gangsters saw Jonathan on the escalator and pushing people ran after him. Going down the stairs into the alley Jonathan stopped two strangers, one in black glasses demanded Jonathan his suitcase. Jonathan decided that strangers mistake and opened the bag, but there he found the gun. Jonathan pulls out a gun accidentally sent it to the gangsters, they got scared and ran away. Our hero did not understand what was happening. Hearing footsteps behind him, Jonathan turned again, holding a gun in his hand. It was the same girl from the store, she told Jonathan that they had mixed up my bags, and now she is a sandwich of Jonathan, and he has her toy water pistol. Unchanged for this error Jonathan and woman exchanged bags, and went about his business.
----- Looking at the sky, Jonathan saw that the weather finally improved, and that he could easily have lunch on a bench in the park. He sat down on the nearest free shop, Jonathan opened the suitcase and numb with shock. Inside was not his sandwich, and a lot of money. Jonathan did not believe his luck.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Planting in the machine and opening suitcase soon saw that mix up your bags, instead of money in the briefcase were documents and two performances.
----- The weather has improved, there is sun and rain fell.Soon began to prosecute Jonathan, who has no idea. Jonathan prefers in a small alley, who heard him screaming raced for them. On their way they stopped two buses,Day began as usual, he was not a large rain, all strived for their cases. Jonathan had collected their suitcase and went to work, he works computer programr. He was walking through a tunnel over the railway bridge.At this time, two gangsters have descended on fire out, and one of them bears suitcase. At the traffic lights all three stopped, suddenly telephone rang.Jonathan, one of the strangers put their bags on the pavement and began to > their phones, it was found that phone was ringing high men in black glasses. He told him he was boss,At this time, lamp lights up in green. Jonathan accidentally confused suitcases, and lifting suitcase throat, moved the road. Two gangsters also crossed the road and headed to his car.Planting in the machine and opening suitcase soon saw that mix up your bags, instead of money in the briefcase were documents and two performances.
----- The weather has improved, there is sun and rain fell.Soon began to prosecute Jonathan, who has no idea. Jonathan prefers in a small alley, who heard him screaming raced for them. On their way they stopped two buses,At this time, Jonathan went to the store and was held in the division toys and blanket. The carve faced young girl with similar suitcase per person, which was about her feet, Jonathan put your suitcase next to her suitcase per person.He bought a paint pen and thanking again raised someone else's suitcase. The girl, without specifying an order for the following delivery of the goods, asked the seller of a new product - toy water писталетах. The seller said,That such a new as long as it is not interested in. The girl had already started to leave, but by lifting suitcase had realized that it is too heavy.
----- At the same time, inspectors saw Jonathan the escalator and pushing people raced for them.Ascend the ladder in the alley Jonathan stopped two strangers, and that in the black glasses demanded from Jonathan his suitcase. Jonathan decided that who heard him screaming are wrong and opened suitcase,However, there he found the gun. Straight out the gun Jonathan accidentally sent a letter to the gangsters, they are afraid and run away. Our hero did not understand everything that is happening. When you hear the back steps, Jonathan again resulted,While holding the gun in his hand. This was the same girl from the magazine, she explained Jonathan that they mix up their bags, and now it is two performances Jonathan, and he its toy water gun.Basically unchanged for such an error Jonathan and handing over her opponents, and differed in their affairs.
----- By looking at the sky Jonathan saw that the weather finally improved,Jonathan is not believed his happiness.And that he could now safely for lunch at the juleps in the park. Sitting on the nearest free ready, Jonathan opened suitcase and wailed from shock. Inside was not his two performances, and too much money.
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