В преступном мире, у тех, кто готов использовать оружие против граждан перевод - В преступном мире, у тех, кто готов использовать оружие против граждан английский как сказать

В преступном мире, у тех, кто готов

В преступном мире, у тех, кто готов использовать оружие против граждан, это оружие есть в полном и необходимом объёме. Оружия нет только у честных граждан, которые оказываются безоружными против бандитов, насильников, убийц.
Граждане получат дополнительные гарантии своей безопасности. В России, как и во всем мире, легальное оружие лишь в редчайших случаях используется при совершении преступлений и при этом вполне эффективно помогает отразить нападение на дом, повышает шансы человека остаться целым и невредимым. Оружие - орудие убийства, которое может спасти вам жизнь.
Будет покончено с криминальной торговлей оружием; те, кто сейчас тайно владеет оружием, выйдут из подполья, зарегистрируются, следовательно, станут подконтрольными.
Оружие не раздается кому попало, будут строгие критерии продажи, хранения и ношения.
Дебилов всегда и везде полно, да и убить вас могут кулаком или ножом. Это не повод не давать нормальным гражданам свободу на вариант защиты.
Продажа оружия подстегнет отечественные оружейные заводы, розничные и другие структуры.
Статистика показывает, что в странах со свободной продажей оружия преступность не выше, а зачастую и ниже, чем в России.
Родная милиция-полиция граждан защитить ни от чего не может. Уровень преступности в стране возрос в десятки раз по сравнению с тем, что было в СССР. В так называемом «свободном обществе» гражданин имеет право сам себя защищать. Сама возможность защитить себя с помощью оружия – это «естественное» право гражданина, а не привилегия супермена. Любой преступник теперь будет опасаться отпора от гражданина с оружием.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the criminal world, those who are prepared to use weapons against citizens, this weapon has the full and necessary. Weapons not only from honest citizens who find themselves unarmed against thugs, rapists, murderers.Citizens will receive additional guarantees of its security. In Russia, as elsewhere in the world, the legal weapons only in the rarest cases, used in the Commission of crimes and in doing so quite effectively helps repel at home increases the chances of a person remain unharmed. Guns-murder weapon that can save your life.Will put an end to the criminal trade in arms; those who now secretly owns arms, come out of hiding, register, therefore, will be regulated.Weapons are not dealt to whom horrible would be stricter criteria for sale, storage and carrying.Morons everywhere and always full, Yes and kill you can fist or knife. This is not a reason not to give normal citizens freedom to protect.Arms sales will spur domestic arms manufacturing plants, retail and other structures.Statistics show that in countries with a free sale of arms crime not higher and sometimes lower than in Russia.Native police-police protect citizens of anything. The crime rate in the country has increased tenfold compared with what it was in the USSR. In the so-called "free society" the citizen has the right to defend himself. Itself to defend itself by force of arms is a "natural" citizen right, not a privilege of Superman. Any offender will now fear a rebuff from the citizen.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the underworld, to those who are willing to use weapons against civilians, these weapons have in full and the necessary volume. Weapons is not only honest citizens who are defenseless against the bandits, rapists, murderers.
Citizens will receive an additional guarantee of their security. In Russia, as well as throughout the world, legal weapon only in the rarest of cases used in the commission of crimes and at the same time quite effectively helps to repel an attack on the house, increases a person's chances to remain unharmed. . Weapons - the murder weapon, which can save your life
will be finished with the criminal trade in arms; those who are now secretly owns a weapon, will come out of hiding, to register, therefore, will be controlled.
Weapons are not distributed to anybody, will be stringent criteria for the sale, storage and carrying.
Morons always and everywhere is full, and can kill you with his fist or knife. This is not a reason not to give citizens freedom to normal protection option.
Arms sale will spur domestic arms factories, retailers and other structures.
Statistics show that in countries with a free sale of weapons crime is not higher, and often lower than in Russia.
Native militsiya- the police protect citizens from nothing can not. The level of crime in the country has increased ten times in comparison to what it was in the USSR. The so-called "free society," citizens have the right to defend himself. The possibility to protect themselves by force of arms - it is a "natural" right of citizenship, not a privilege Superman. Any offender will now fear resistance from a citizen with a gun.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the criminal world, those who are ready to use weapons against citizens, this weapon is in full and necessary volume. no weapons, only honest citizens who are unarmed against robbers, rapists, murderers.citizens will have the additional guarantees of its security. in russia and in the world as a whole, the legal weapons only in the rarest cases used in the commission of crimes and quite effectively helped repulse an attack on a house, increases the chances of people to stay in one piece. the weapon is a weapon that could save your life.no criminal trafficking in weapons; those who are privately owned weapons, emerge from the underground, check, therefore, will be controlled.the gun wasn"t on anyone, be strict criteria for sale, storage and carrying.retards always and everywhere, and you can kill fist or a knife. that"s no reason not to give normal citizens the freedom to choice of protection.arms sales would embolden domestic weapons factories, retail and other structures.statistics show that in countries with free arms sales crime not above, and often lower than in russia.dear police - police citizens to protect and what cannot. the crime rate in the country increased by tens of times compared to what it was in the soviet union. in a so-called free society, every citizen has the right to defend himself. the opportunity to defend themselves with weapons is "естественное» citizen"s right, not a privilege of superman. any offender will now fear response to a weapon.
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