1. Этот мастер говорит, что всегда готов помочь молодым. 2. Ей хорошо знакомы все те соблазны, которые искушают знаменитостей. 3. Он считает, что чем старше он становится, тем меньше он в чем-либо уверен. 4. Мы так устали от всех этих крайностей в погоде! 5. Она старалась не выделять любимчиков среди своих детей. 6. Мысли Лизы были о прошлом. Возможно, это было потому, что она не хотела думать о настоящем и будущем. 7. Я нисколько (ни в малейшей мере) не возражаю, если ты называешь меня прагматиком. Да, я не романтик. 8. Если у вас однажды появится привычка, то потом становится все труднее и труднее избавиться от нее. 9. С самого детства они были полными противоположностями по характеру. 10. С богатыми людьми очень трудно иметь дело, особенно когда дело касается их денег. 11. Это последнее, что могло прийти мне в голову. 12. Его глаза были светлого серо-голубого цвета. 13. Почему вы передумали ни с того, ни с сего? 14. Испанцы говорят, что кофе должен быть черным как дьявол, горячим как ад и сладким как грех. 15. Чем большее я узнаю людей, тем больше мне нравятся собаки, (старая английская пословица) 16.Моя новая квартира будет в пастельных тонах: бледно-серых и бледно-зеленых. 17. В последнее время на экранах телевизоров мы видим много сериалов: «Дерзкие и красивые», «Богатые и знаменитые », « Неприкасаемые ».
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. The wizard says that it is always ready to help. 2. It is immediately familiar to all those temptations that luring celebrities. 3. He believed that the older he gets, the less it is something sure. 4. We are so tired of all these extremes in weather! 5. She tried to not allocate pets among their children. 6. Lisa's Thoughts were about the past. Perhaps it was because she didn't want to think about the present and the future. 7. I have (nor in the slightest) don't mind if you call me a pragmatist. Yes, I'm not romantic. 8. If you have habit appears once, then it becomes harder and harder to get rid of it. 9. Since childhood they were complete opposites in nature. 10. Rich people are very difficult to deal with, especially when it comes to their money. 11. This is the last thing might come to me. 12. His eyes were light gray-blue color. 13. Why did you change your mind or with neither rhyme or reason? 14. Spaniards say that coffee should be black as the devil, hot as hell and sweet as sin. 15. The more I know people, the more I like dogs, (an old English proverb) 16. My new apartment is painted in pastel colours: pale gray and pale green. 17. more recently, on television we see a lot of serials: "the bold and the beautiful," "rich and famous", "the untouchables."
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. The wizard says that it is always ready to help the young. 2. It is well known all those temptations that tempt celebrities. 3. He believes that the older he gets, the less he is anything certain. 4. We are so tired of all these extremes in the weather! 5. She tried not to allocate favorites among their children. 6. Thoughts Lisa were about the past. Perhaps it was because she did not want to think about the present and the future. 7. I did (not in the least) do not mind if you call me a pragmatist. Yeah, I'm not a romantic. 8. If you once had a habit, then it becomes harder and harder to get rid of it. 9. From childhood they were complete opposites in nature. 10. With rich people is very difficult to deal with, especially when it comes to their money. 11. This is the last thing that might come to mind. 12. His eyes were pale blue-gray. 13. Why did you change your mind for no reason, no reason at all? 14. The Spanish say that coffee should be black as the devil, hot as hell and sweet as sin. 15. The more I learn people, the more I like dogs (old English proverb) 16.Moya new apartment will be in pastel colors: pale gray and pale green. 17. Recently, on television we see a lot of TV series "The Bold and the Beautiful," "Rich and Famous," "The Untouchables."
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. the master said, always ready to help молодым. 2. she knew all the temptations that by celebrities. 3. he believes that the старше he becomes, the less it in anything i'm sure. 4.we were so tired from all these extremes in weather. 5. she tried not to play favorites among своих children. 6. lisa's thoughts were on the past. возможно, it was because she didn't want to think about настоящем and future. 7.i will (or at least) don't mind if you call me прагматиком. yeah, i'm not a romantic. 8. if you have one появится habit, then it becomes harder and harder to get rid of her. 9.since they were opposites in nature. 10. with rich people is very difficult to deal with, особенно when it comes to their money. 11. this is the last thing that might come to mind. 12.his eyes were bright grayish blue. 13. why do you передумали suddenly? 14. they say that coffee should be black as the devil, hot as hell, and sweet as sin. 15. the more i know peoplethe more i like dogs, (old английская proverb) 16.моя new apartment will be пастельных colors: pale grey and pale green. 17. recently on television, we see a lot of serials:"bold and nice", "rich and famous", "the untouchables".
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