У Ньютона был загадочный характер, так как он был замкнутым человеком.Тепло относился к родственникам и многим коллегам, но близких друзей не имел, не искал общества других людей, держался отстранённо,почти не смеялся и не злился,считал,что всё время,которое потрачено на не на науку потрачено в пустую,он даже отдыхать не любил.В денежных расчётах был аккуратен и бережлив, но не скуп И только к концу жизни в характере Ньютона появились такие черты, как добродушие, снисходительность и общительность, ранее ему не свойственные.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Newton was a mysterious character, because it was a closed person. heat treated to relatives and many colleagues, but close friends had not looking for society other people kept; almost no laughing and not angry, believed that all time spent not on Science spent in an empty, he even disliked. rest in money calculations was careful and frugal, but not stingy and only towards the end of the life in the character of Newton appeared such traits as a kindness, forbearance and communicative, it had previously not peculiar.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Newton had a mysterious character, since it was closed chelovekom.Teplo belonged to relatives and many colleagues, close friends but had not sought the company of other people, kept detached, almost laughing and was not angry, believed that all the time, which is spent on science is not spent in the shuffle, he did not rest lyubil.V cash settlement was neat and thrifty but not stingy and only at the end of life in the character of Newton were traits such as kindness, forbearance and sociability, previously he was not peculiar.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
from newton was a mysterious character, as he was confined человеком.тепло treated relatives and many colleagues and friends had not looked for the society, other people, stay отстранённо,almost didn't laugh and angry, thought all the time spent on the science used in the empty, he even never rest любил.в of computing was careful and бережлив,but not tight and only towards the end of his life, newton appeared in such features as compassion, indulgence and communication, previously not found.
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